NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-10-2014, 02:49 AM
Alright Cowgirl fans, what's up with your owner getting a (civil) lawsuit filed against him for sexual assault that (allegedly) took place in 2009 by a stripper ?

Looks like Nike has terminated Ray Rice's endorsement contract. Even "Madden 15" has gotten rid of Ray. He's screwed.

Meanwhile, Philly RB LeSean McCoy is getting off light because of all this drama, but he made some headlines of his own: he went into a hamburger joint and racked up a $61 tab and left the waiter a whopping .20 tip. Come one Shady, man you're better than that!!!
Solemate62's Avatar
The MFucker is our team at this point. And they going to fuck him up if they don't fix that field. Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
BB, you may have a point about the field and obviously, I was being facetious with my remark but to say this rookie is 'our team' is really a stretch and a half. JC may someday.....someday be as valuable to the franchise as is JJ Watt but that will be a long work in progress. In any event, no player on the D side of the line will either throw, catch, run or kick a single point to post on the scoreboard!
Solemate62's Avatar
Alright Cowgirl fans, what's up with your owner getting a (civil) lawsuit filed against him for sexual assault that (allegedly) took place in 2009 by a stripper ?
Originally Posted by Satin
He must have been at a gay nightclub is my guess!
jstone420's Avatar
There are pictures floating around about jerry jones
Those ho's are assaulting Jerry!!! Jerry looks like he has been partying with Irsay and is fucked up!! Money grab, plan and simple by the ho's. Jerry should sue there asses off and pile up an enormous lawyer bill on those bitches and show them how lawyering really works!! From 2009??? And they just now say he assaulted them, child please!!!

I like Jerry but I am glad he is not the Texams owner, I would trade our owner(McNuttless)for a dirty strippers thong however!! Don't like him much, he don't care about winning, Jerry cares about winning but also cares about $$$$.
TheDon's Avatar
I would trade our owner(McNuttless)for a dirty strippers thong however!! Originally Posted by Daddio
:ro flmao:
TheDon's Avatar
Meanwhile, Philly RB LeSean McCoy is getting off light because of all this drama, but he made some headlines of his own: he went into a hamburger joint and racked up a $61 tab and left the waiter a whopping .20 tip. Come one Shady, man you're better than that!!! Originally Posted by Satin
Looks like someone has come to save the day!
Maybe he thought $.20 was 20%. LOL!!

I've had some shitty waiters in my time too. I usually tip 20% but tipped about 5% one time for very shitty service at Egg and I on Eldridge and 1960. Sometimes you need to send a message that they suck as a server!!!
TheDon's Avatar
In a few days, josh gordon will have a job, and the commish wont! LOL
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-10-2014, 05:38 PM
Man, they posted the bill and 'tip' amount for everyone to see. Shady is doing the right thing by not commenting on it. Hell, there are times if I get bad service, I don't tip a dime. But if I get really good service, I might tip 30-40% depending on my mood and if the chick is hot. The difference is with me, nobody gives a damn. With him, they couldn't wait to post it.

I hope the commish gets canned. He's an arrogant dude and think he can do whatever he wants. Serves him well.

Free Josh! (So I can draft him)!!!

So Jerry is a freak huh?
kerwil62's Avatar
So Jerry is a freak huh? Originally Posted by Satin
Bruh you should've already figured that out! I'm sure he was buying pussy left and right! LOL!!

One of them hoes that's trying to sue him used to be a provider here on the board(wasn't a good one though. Can you say "BP Hoe") Guess the manager of the strip club she worked at fired her ass for sucking dick in the VIP....again........or her pimp kicked her ass to the curb.

This is some funny shit!
BigLouie's Avatar
Leave it to Jerry Jones to bang some 'ho and a couple of strippers and not even write a review.
He overpays A LOT! Glad he's not on the board.
Solemate62's Avatar
Daddio, what's the chance of Kubes doing innovative stuff like putting JJ in as a receiver and then having him catch a TD pass? (IF he still was the coach, of course).
BigLouie's Avatar
Looking good so far but it seems the game plan is to have Fritz as little as possible