Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

LexusLover's Avatar
name call? like Your Rong?

And how about those reviews? I think we had this discussion years ago on ASPD, but please refresh everybody's memory about you unwillingness to participate in heterosexual activity.

You are moving into the DZ, LLIdiot.

Nice meltdown. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I see you are judging others by your own standards and condition.

Being "Rong" is being called a name ... it's simply a fact of life.

You even make up shit from ASPD days.

Fabricating shit in your life may lead to a "slit personality" .. the fake one and the real one.

Haven't you learned that already?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your point?

Just dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

I am still waiting for your Tax Returns for the past 60 years.

Nice meltdown. LLIdiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
What's your point? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Other than you are a lying sack of shit. Not much else.

Oh, BTW, there are a number of folks posting on here who would take offense to your suggestion that "no review" means "no heterosexual" relations!

Lying sacks of shit like you are a number one reason for not posting reviews on here.

As for my tax returns .. they are none of your fucking business,

..... even if I do help support you and your "above-subpar" insurance coverage.
LexusLover's Avatar
In spite of all the hassles with the site, seems like they've finally gotten their shit together.

We had applied, been accepted and enrolled after a long and frustrating episode. Picked our BCBS PPO plan, pulled the trigger and ...

This afternoon, we got the call from BCBS to go over the policy and answer the questions we might have.

New policy saves us a lot of money, but mostly drastically lowers our deductible and drug costs and covers a bunch of new stuff that we had been denied for 20+ years.

October 14.


No SWAT team lurking in the front yard. No wiretaps. No computer hacks.

Just affordable health insurance.

Anybody else have any luck? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Remember, when you posted this bullshit?

The media, the citizens of the U.S., Congress, and even your hero, Obaminable, have admitted and proven you are full of shit.

How much is your premium supposed to be and how much is subsidized by the rest of us, who pay taxes, contribute to FICA, AND don't get any "subsidy"?

And you call people leeches. You are not even weaned off the taxpayers' support with your "new" reduced premium Obamacare policy!!!

This is your thread. You opened it.

It's about you! All about your failure and lies.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Speak up drama queen! We can't hear you! Can you make those frantic big red letters flash? Failures and lies? LMAO! I don't know whether to feel honored that you think so much about me, or uncomfortable that you think so much about me.

Everything I posted was true. We have since received correspondence from BCBS welcoming us to the "family," and telling us to expect our first bill around the first of December.

I didn't say how much subsidy we qualified for, nor what we intended to do with it, if anything.

I did say that the price of the policy we bought was around 800 a month less than the Texas Risk Pool policy we have had for 20 years or so. So I guess 1200/month would be 800 a month less than 2000/month, wouldn't it? Not a penny out of your greedy little pocket either.

BTW -- I pay self-employment tax, bubba. Puts me in a much higher tax bracket than you. Self-employed people don't pay FICA, as you also know. But I do report and pay quarterly.

Again, you're a lying, deceitful sack of shit.

Additionally, it's pretty easy to tell which posters with no reviews are heterosexual or even bisexual. I think they know who I'm addressing with my previous comment, LLIdiot.

Chit, are we going to have to start an LLIdiot meltdown calendar?
LexusLover's Avatar
I didn't say how much subsidy we qualified for, nor what we intended to do with it, if anything. So we are paying for your insurance.

BTW -- I pay self-employment tax, bubba. Puts me in a much higher tax bracket than you. Self-employed people don't pay FICA, as you also know.

What are My Self-Employed Tax Obligations?

As a self-employed individual, generally you are required to file an annual return and pay estimated tax quarterly.
Self-employed individuals generally must pay self-employment tax (SE tax) as well as income tax. SE tax is a Social Security and Medicare tax primarily for individuals who work for themselves. It is similar to the Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from the pay of most wage earners. In general, anytime the wording "self-employment tax" is used, it only refers to Social Security and Medicare taxes and not any other tax (like income tax). Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
#1: Just paying SE Tax doesn't mean you are in a higher bracket .. #2 FYI when I said "FICA" I pay Social Security and Medicare taxes .... there have been times in my work history when I paid both!
I am still paying Social Security and Medicare taxes .... !!!! Did end of 3rd 1/4!

Did you pay yours BEFORE you got a subsidy?

#4 .. Strike Four for Your Rong...

"FICA is the acronym for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. This act mandates that an employer withhold a set percentage of an employee’s salary each pay period. FICA also requires that the employer match the employee’s amount and contribute the money to a government account known as the Social Security Trust Fund. This fund provides retirement income, as well as disability insurance, Medicare, and benefits for survivors."
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1054587481]Speak up ... We can't hear you! QUOTE]

Let's see if hearing impairment is covered along with reading comprehension, next year!

A problem with you making shit up .... it turns to shit for you. Same as your hero, Obie.

When will you throw in the towel?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are seriously frantic aren't you LLIdiot?

I pay quarterly based on my expected income... Like every other self-employed person should. that means I pay my FICA a equivalent. I am self employed and unincorporated. So is my wife. We both collect and pay sales tax on the goods and services we sell, as prescribed by law. What's your fucking point? I pay my taxes quarterly and settle up with the IRS, if necessary on April 15.. Unfortunately MY taxes go to pay for your welfare, you government leech!

And regarding the tax bracket, I'm in the 41% bracket, asswipe. Are you? I pay a higher income tax rate than Mitt Romney, AT&T and you! What's your point, taker?

Again, you're hysterical. You only bluster and now you're screaming like a pig-stuck gay banshee!

I've got a whole new calendar waiting for you, LLIdiot! Hope You don't bankrupt Medicare before I get mine!

As an aside and in response to another of your asinine little charged, my new BCBS PPO account covers two new hearing aids every three years, so YES, my hearing impairment is covered to the tits! And, considering the awesome new technology that I currently use (Bluetooth stage monitors, mixer outs, production headsets, etc.) the prospects of getting the upgrades when they come out was one of the reasons we picked the plan we did. Suck it, closet queen! You stay inside. I'm gonna keep on rocking in the free world!


Remember, when you posted this bullshit?

The media, the citizens of the U.S., Congress, and even your hero, Obaminable, have admitted and proven you are full of shit.

How much is your premium supposed to be and how much is subsidized by the rest of us, who pay taxes, contribute to FICA, AND don't get any "subsidy"?

And you call people leeches. You are not even weaned off the taxpayers' support with your "new" reduced premium Obamacare policy!!!

This is your thread. You opened it.

It's about you! All about your failure and lies. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dealt with that already, Whirlyturd. Post 560.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-22-2013, 04:50 PM
thanks rob, now go back and play in the county road.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We received our new BCBS health plan ID cards today.

As of Jan. 1, we are fully covered. At enormous savings. With complete benefits.


Just thought you caterwauling bitches might want to lose your minds a little bit more...
LexusLover's Avatar
We received our new BCBS health plan ID cards today.

As of Jan. 1, we are fully covered. At enormous savings. With complete benefits.


Just thought you caterwauling bitches might want to lose your minds a little bit more... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And I just won a 2014 Buick .. got my notice in the mail ... the keys are waiting.