Jackie our girl Condalisa

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Is this held at the HEB? Originally Posted by R.M.
Say HEEWOOO too my WEEETLE PEE PEE! Do you want to dropey the poopey on my mouthey and facey while you make fun of PEE PEE? [Ear to ear shit eating grin] Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Fixed, MT Pockets must be proud of these short posts I've been generating.
herfacechair's Avatar
Turd Nugget Eater: Thats a good boy!

That's right, anybody that destroys you in argument is doing good.

Turd Nugget Eater: Obey the Zen of Ostentation

Actually, he's going by his desire to hammer you as it is fun. I'm not the only one on this message board that is having a blast destroying your arguments.

Turd Nugget Eater: Well I agree he is a carpet bomber. Just about as good as his hero Trump.

That's your intellect telling you that you are getting destroyed in debate, your narcissism is having a harder time not seeing how you are being defeated repeatedly. This is an indicator that even you see that you are getting thoroughly destroyed. However, your arrogance keeps you "in the fight", showing the rest of us how you persistently exercise poor judgment here... Indicating a good possibility that you exercise poor judgment outside of this message board.

Turd Nugget Eater: Since you guys like to play Army.

I don't play Army, I've actually done Army.

Turd Nugget Eater: How's about I lay down

No need to lay down, we knocked you on your ass repeatedly in this thread, destroying your debate constantly. You got your pee pee dick-slammed into the ground over and over again, because you're too stupid to realize that you've been conquered and defeated. Consequently, you are constantly getting rolled over.

Turd Nugget Eater: and you blow the hell out of me!

First, we are not in any way, shape, or form, any of your clients that visit you at your mobile glory hole operation at the HEB parking lot. So no, we are not going to do you what you do to your clients.

Second, we will, on the other hand, blow your argument out of the water, like what we have been doing throughout this thread.

Turd Nugget Eater: I guess the same can be said about me. Seems like a few have to comment on every post I make. I guess I have a fan club!

You're the one that keeps insisting that nobody cares about anything that I say. If that were the case, you would not reply. But, the fact that you are replying proves wrong your statement that "nobody cares" about what I say.

What I've done, on the other hand, was insist, factually, that I am having a blast doing this. In fact, there are certain things that I say, that I know would cause you to keep coming back. It is like getting a puppy to chase after its tail. This is an implication that I aim for the opposite of what you stated.

So no, there's no comparison between us. We are not consistently telling you that nobody cared about what he said. However, yes, we will consistently comment on your posts. No, you do not have a fan club, you simply have people who are going to continue to deny you the opportunity to "type last."

Turd Nugget Eater: More like licking my ass. You know that is what he likes to do. Dont you?

Lustylad was correct, I enjoy KICKING your ass repeatedly in this thread. Don't assume that because you like to lick male ass in your mobile gloryhole, picking dingle berries with your tongue, that others here would be into it as well. Your glory hole station has a hole for pee pees, and another hole for your clients' to stick their asses through. I guess having your SCAT mistress poop into your mouth isn't enough for you.

Your assumptions, that I would "also" be into this regarding males, proves my statement, that you have problems with reading comprehension, correct. What part of "her" from "herfacechair" do you not understand? I only do the activity with women, women within a specific type range.

Don't mistake me as having your interests, I don't.

Turd Nugget Eater: So now you are gonna try your hand at the psychobabble? You have a good mentor.

That maturity, that lustylad is seeing in your posts, goes hand in hand with the piss poor judgments that I see you exercising here. I also see someone, acting like a juvenile, whenever I read your posts on this thread. This is yet another trait that connects you to your alter ego Luke_Wyatt. I wouldn't be surprised if some, or all, of what we are telling you here has been told to you in face-to-face conversations in the real world.

Turd Nugget Eater: I think you meant to address your lover HFC with that question. (PROJECTING YOUR TRAITS TO THE OPPOSITION)

First, don't mistake two people here, working towards the same objective, as being "lovers". Again, we don't share your gayness, nor your hobbies that involves working a station at Luke_Wyatt's gloryhole operations at the HEB parking lot.

Second, that comment was intended for you. Remember, you were the 18-year-old fifth grader that busted up the only workable toilet bowl in your home, causing your mother to use you as her toilet slave, causing you to be smothered with all of her poop.

Third, when someone says "auto", they are telling you that you are doing something to yourself. Lustylad make it even easier for you, by repeating "self" when he said "self-asphyxiation". This is an indication that you are suffocating yourself.

Again, you either have poor reading comprehension, or you are replying to this with extreme emotion. This is an indication that we are hammering you good, so good that your blood is boiling when you reply to us.

Fourth, there is a way to live up to my username that allows for breathing, which is what I do. I've stated that repeatedly in this thread. If you had any integrity, you would thank me for that information instead of continuing with making assumptions that you shouldn't even be making given that the facts were provided to you.

But again, you appear to demonstrate that even if the facts were to hit you in the face like a big fucking rock, you would still miss them.

Turd Nugget Eater: Unless all his fabrications are lies

You're so full of it that you are slipping and fumbling on all the shit that you are spewing here. Which is it? Fabrications, or lies? "Fabrications" imply that things are made up. "Lies" imply a deliberate move to argue something that is clearly not true. Neither is applicable to my replies. It's easier, on your ego, to dismiss a fact-based, logical, reasoned argument as "fabrications" or "lies", as it relieves you from the responsibility of either arguing against my position or admitting that you have no argument and that you lost. This shows that you are shady, and that you shouldn't be trusted with regards to business dealings in the unlikely event that you are in a position other than a dead-end job.

Turd Nugget Eater: as you mention below.

wrong, nowhere, in any of his replies, does he argue the assumptions that you are making here. You are just continuing to demonstrate your inability to understand English generated so that a fifth grader would understand what is being said. You are seeing what you want to see as that is what your ego wants things. Your narcissism interprets the world a certain way, to include the circumstances surrounding you getting your ass kicked in debate here.

Turd Nugget Eater: I just skim through some.

A big reasons why you are just "skimming" is that you are consumed with anger and other forms of emotion. These are emotion driven by control, anger, and stress issues. It's hard for you to focus, on what is actually being said, when you have these emotions stirring in you. A lot of this is driven by the fact that I refuse to let you "type lass". Be honest with us, that is what you want, and whenever you are denied that, your blood boils. If you would simply read my replies, as well as that by others arguing against you, without emotion, without anger, without stress, etc., you would actually know what you are talking about when you reply.

Turd Nugget Eater: They just go on and on about how great he is.

False. What you dismiss as my "bragging about myself", is my countering your ignorant assumptions about me with the facts. Don't dismiss the facts, that I provide about myself, in response to your ignorance about me, about what I do, or about how I respond to you, as my "talking about how great I am".

What's really happening in this situation?

Despite all the anger, stress, and control issue that are driving the emotional reactions from your reading my posts, a part of you is seeing how better qualified I am, in this argument, regarding the topics that we are arguing. You're seeing how thoroughly I'm destroying you, in a way that your narcissism can't completely hide from you.

It's easier for you to accuse me to be narcissistic like you than it is for you to either argue your position, or to concede. If you had any integrity, you'd concede this thread and give up your desire to "type last". But, you won't. You're too arrogant, and your arrogance will keep you in a losing fight.

Turd Nugget Eater: You may be right. I was being polite when I said fabrications . But honestly I agree, those fables he tells are just that, Lies. Thanks for supporting my view.

You weren't getting your BS straight, you dismissed my fact based, logical, reasoned arguments as lies, fabrications, fables, etc. He was forcing you to take a stance as to which of those three you actually meant.

Again, to hammer your piss poor reading comprehension abilities. He wouldn't be telling you that I'm carpet bombing you if he thought that I was either lying, fabricating, or telling you fables. You carpet bomb with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument.

Quit putting words into his mouth. This is just you showing your desperation in this debate, where your narcissism is having a harder time blinding you to the fact that you're getting thoroughly destroyed. He's not supporting your views.

Also, do you know what fables are? Hint, these are stories, usually involving non-human characters, that have a moral based lesson to them. Now, I won't be surprised if lustylad asks you for which you meant, fables or lies.

No matter how you try to label it, the fact remains that my arguments against you are fact based, reasoned, logical arguments, mixed with insults thrown back against your feeble insult attempts.

Turd Nugget Eater: So let me get this straight.

You didn't get anything straight, you either got yourself more confused, or you willingly spewed more BS just so that you could have something to say to stay in an argument you're getting destroyed in.

Turd Nugget Eater: HFC say's that I do it

Wrong, I keep telling you that you're into SCAT, which is different from facesitting. SCAT involves a woman shitting on you... In this case, shitting in your mouth and all over your face. It'd be real hard for her to do that from a SOMF position. This isn't facesitting, this is more proof of your inability to understand English generated so that a fifth grader could understand what's being said.

Turd Nugget Eater: and then you say he is right,

When he says that I'm right, he's telling it like it is. He's telling you something that your intellect is telling you, but which your narcissism is trying to prevent you from seeing.

Turd Nugget Eater: then you say he is lying

He didn't say that I was lying, he was forcing you to get your terminology straight, as it appears that you don't know what you're talking about.

Turd Nugget Eater: and now you say that I am envious?

You would have to be envious, given the fact that you described a woman, that you posted, as "being attractive" and indicated that you didn't see her as being obese. Your attitude about the type range of women that I'd have, making me live up to my username, hinted at you being envious.

Turd Nugget Eater: Are you envious?

Who'd want to be envious of you here? I'm not envious of you, and neither are the others destroying you in debate. You've demonstrated the characteristics of someone that exercises piss poor judgement based on being driven by control, anger, stress, and other types of emotions. This is a good indication that you're a loser in real life, nobody wants to envy a loser like you.

Turd Nugget Eater: LOL!

That's what the SCAT mistress does, when looking at your pee pee, when she's giving you your daily dose of arguments

Turd Nugget Eater: How was the honeymoon? I assume not that good if you are hooking up with HFC already.

You're so full of shit that you can't get your BS straight. Go back to your reply and read the statement that you originally made regarding honeymoon. Who was with whom? Again, don't confuse us with you, and those that you work with, at the gloryhole operation at the HEB parking lot.

None of us, on my side of the argument, are looking to hobby with each other. We only hobby with women. Give up your hopes that we'd hang out with you guys as your clients at your glory hole operation.

Turd Nugget Eater: No I am just trying to keep all you fags apprised at who is cheating on who.

You have us real hobby-with-women-only types confused with your clients at the glory hole operations. I realize that you like to suck and tell, but don't let your excitement of sucking dick, then telling others whose dick you suck, get into the way of you being rational, and get into the way of letting you see who is cheating on who regarding fag activities.

What? Is your suck and tell an antic you're using to pressure your clients to pay you more, or to squirt more seed into your mouth?

Turd Nugget Eater: I am sort of a straight male fag hag.

No, you're just a man lover, and lover of tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo.

Turd Nugget Eater: That is why I wave the rainbow flag, so you guys know who is safe.

Wrong. You have the rainbow flag to let the other fags know that you'll orally service them, and have sex with them. You're letting them know that your gloryhole operation is ongoing. When you fly it at the trailer, your indicating that your moonlighting operation is going on with regards to your gloryhole joys.

You're not really communicating with us with that flag, as you know that we're only interested in women and don't share your tube steak fetish.

Turd Nugget Eater: Remember "I will go with you" if you get scared I will protect you from the gay bashers.

So that's what you tell your clients, no need to tell us that, as we're not interested in your gay activities, and will never engage in it. You'll never have us as your clients, so you don't need to give us the same assurances that you give your gay lovers and clients. Heck, you can't even protect yourself on this thread, what makes you think that you could protect others?

Turd Nugget Eater: Sorry you got me confused with DSK.

No, he was spot on regarding your showing the rainbow flag in the trailer park. It's hard to confuse the two of you when you're the one that services gay people all the time where the rest of us are just interested in women.

Turd Nugget Eater: I am not the one who knows where the slum is in Mckinney.

You don't know your asshole from a hole in the ground, what makes you think that we'll see you as knowing where the slums are at or not despite you being in one, or in a trailer park? Or, perhaps, you live in your mother's basement and she doesn't realize that her maid is using you as her toilet slave.

Turd Nugget Eater: Look we all know you and rey have a thing going.

They have a thing for not wanting you to "type last", so you're onto something here. They know how much they get under your skin, so they keep doing so just to sit back and laugh at your reactions. I wouldn't be surprised if your classmates got under your skin a lot, and caused you to react in a way that was entertaining to them. You probably complained about friends and classmates picking on you a lot.

Turd Nugget Eater: I suggest you drop HSK ans stick to rey.

The only thing that he should drop is you, as he drop kicks you into the ground in this thread as he likes to do.

Turd Nugget Eater: I know he is a candy ass

So that's what you think of all the poop that lands into your mouth, and all over your face, as your mom's maid, your SCAT mistress, feeds you your daily dose of arguments first thing when you get up in your mom's basement.

Turd Nugget Eater: but do you really want to spend the rest of your life hearing HFC talk about himself? (REPEAT POINT)

First, don't dismiss my proving you wrong about me as "my talking about myself" in a sense of "bragging". This is another hint of why there's a good chance that you're a loser in real life... You consistently ignore your contributions to the things that you complain about. You have no problems pulling shit out of your mouth about my style here, or about me, but you all of a sudden have problems with the factual comments I present proving you wrong about me.

Second, you should be asking yourself the question on whether you want to spend the rest of your life watching me destroy your arguments.
You better hope to outlive me, as I have every intention of arguing against you for as long as you argue against me here. Let that sink in.

If you don't want to spend the rest of your life having me dismantle you, you know what to do. Go back to the X/Y analogy that I gave earlier in this thread.

Turd Nugget Eater: We tried but Gey rey can only stay for 5 minutes we had to move it to his house. From what I can tell he lives next door to DSK or at least Lusty thinks so.

You have your clients confused for Rey Lengua and lustylad. They hammered you so hard on this thread, and elsewhere, that they occupy your mind everywhere you go. I wouldn't be surprised if Luke_Wyatt tried to get you to focus on your job more, and to quit thinking of them.

The gloryhole operation was moved to your buddy's trailer, as you didn't want your mom to know what you were doing. If it weren't for you bringing money home to her, earned during your gloryhole operations during the day, you would've had her fooled into thinking that you're spending the day looking for a job.
herfacechair's Avatar
This just in, this just in... Luke_Wyatt is STILL a phony retired sergeant major, STILL a phony career Soldier, and potentially a complete phony veteran. In other news, we're STILL here, and MT Pockets is STILL getting his ass handed to him.
lustylad's Avatar
That is why I wave the rainbow flag... Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Keep waving it, turd eater! It makes an excellent bombing target.

You were just thoroughly annihilated by HFC... or as you swishy walkers put it, you've been "anal-lated"!

MT Pockets's Avatar
Toilet Slave: Why is it some of you become others mouth pieces?

Hmmm, because you took swipes at me in the posts that you made in response to them? You do realize that I'm treating these debates like a combat operation, do you? Fire in my direction, I'm going to fire back, regardless of which direction you're firing at. It's that simple.

If you don't want me "responding for others", then you need to think about the consequences of your actions. Not taking swipes at me, in your responses towards others, would help in that end.

Simple? No simply would be you reply to any comment pertaining to you. And maybe give an opinion on something substantial posted. You instead just look for anywhere you can run your pie hole about what a Superior person you are. Or should I say think you are.
Toilet Slave: Can he not answer for himself?

Yes, he's able to answer for himself. It just happened that I came here before he did, saw you taking swipes at me, and I responded in kind. As you can see, he is quite capable of replying for himself and for others as well. It's a strategy that we use the military as well, where the primary target of one is a secondary target of another, and vice versa, to ensure thorough destruction. In this case to ensure your arguments destruction.
You are beginning to repeat yourself, again! And I find it funny how you say you are in sync with him and he said you have to different styles.
Toilet Slave: Just send him a PM and he can copy and paste it.

No point in doing that if his reply is going to take a different path in destroying you. I'm simply destroying you in one way, based on your attempts to take a swipe at me with the false assumption that I wasn't going to reply to your response to someone else.
So now you say he is gonna take a different path? What happened to co-joined forces? And why does it take you both to handle little old me?
Toilet Slave: Seems like that is how he gets most of his replies anyway.

Wrong. He gets his information from his information sources, then does with them what you fail to do with the propaganda that you get... He analyzes and synthesizes his information. Then, he presents his arguments. Unlike you, who is force feed propaganda, who accepts propaganda hook, line, and sinker, and who also gets his arguments by being a toilet slave, he doesn't need to be assigned his responses.
I love how you build him up like he is some kind of scholar. All he does is repeat what someone else has said.
Toilet Slave: Nobody gives a shit what you have to say.

You proved yourself wrong. If nobody gave a shit about what I have to say, nobody would reply to me. As lustylad pointed out, you most certainly would not have replied to me.
I reply just to see what new if any bullshit you can concoct. I think you have hit a Plateau, you are repeating yourself pretty much. Adding Lusty to your lair does give you a few more ways to pat yourself on the back though.
If you didn't care about what I had to say, you wouldn't have quickly logged back on as soon as I started destroying your replies, and you most definitely wouldn't be reading my replies, or responding to them. THAT'S how much you care about what I have to say.
See above reply. No use repeating myself, you have the market cornered on that.
Toilet Slave: It is just the same garbage with a few words changed over and over again. (REPEAT POINT)

Again, notice how I keep replying to you point by point. If you feel like I'm "giving you the same thing", it's because you're saying the same thing over and over again. If you feel like I've "reworded" the same message, it's because you reworded your replies. If you feel like I'm "repeating myself", in these replies, it's because YOU'RE repeating yourself in your replies.

Again, if X, then Y. If you don't want me to repeat something that I said before, then you need to quit repeating what you said before, so as to prevent a repeat of the rebuttal I previously gave you.

I would say you are right. I keep saying you are repeating yourself because you are.
Toilet Slave: Shut up and let the adults handle it.

It doesn't work that way. Again, let "X" be your response. Let "Y" be my response. You can't advance "X", then demand that "Y" not be provided to balance out "X". In other words, if you want me to "shut up", you'll need to shut up first. Refrain from advancing "X", your reply, and I won't have a need to respond with "Y". It's THAT simple.

But no, I'm not going to shut up, I'm going to keep preventing you from "typing last". I'm having too much fun doing this.
There is no advancing your replies. They are all about what a amazing human you are and how you are such a bad ass. What do you want me to say? No HFC you are not the most interesting man in world you are the most interesting in the galaxy! I like how you say you are gonna make sure you post last LOL! What a fucking narcissist. LOL!
If you want the adults to handle this situation, then you'll bow out of this argument and do just that. Your replies here don't reflect well on the adult community, especially the latest posts showing that you're disintegrating worse. You're acting like you have a terrible two tantrum person inside of you. You're not acting like an adult on this thread, so you're the one that needs to do as you preach.

So after telling me you intend on responding with fodder and make sure you have the last post? I guess that is your strategy, just as I pointed out in one of our first conversations. Typical of your kind.And you think that is how an adult wins? LOL!
Toilet Slave: Be good or your mommy is gonna smother you again.

You should be more focused about balancing out the volume of the poo poo gathered on your face every morning, as your scat mistress provides you with your daily dose or argument, than you are at making false assumptions about reality on my end.

As we both know, only one of us likes women to sit on their face. Besides your fabrication there is nothing I have said or done to imply I would enjoy that. Also if it is such a disgusting habit why are you so obsesses with it?
Just because your mom used you as her toilet slave as your gift on your 18th birthday, after you broke the only working toilet bowl in your home, doesn't mean that other people here were treated in obscene ways by their mothers. Perhaps if you weren't that 18-year-old fifth grader struggling to understand fifth grade level English, you would have read and understood the directions on how to use that specific toilet bowl.

Like I just stated , only one of us is into that shit. LOL!
Toilet Slave: Reading through all the BS you posted is saddening.

You're so consumed with narcissism driven emotion, in response to my replies, that I highly doubt that you're "reading through" the fact based, logical, reasoned argument destroying your arguments. What you consider as "saddening" is my refusal to let you "type last". I keep hammering you as I have fun destroying your arguments, and watching your reactions.
Are you talking to me or the mirror. There are no facts. just your bullshit about me doing what you have reviews listed about.
Toilet Slave: I think you believe all the fabrications you come up with. (Projecting your traits onto opposition)

The only fabrications that exists, between the two of us on this thread, are your replies. I've consistently proved you wrong with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument. You, on the other hand, have consistently failed to defend your position, or to attack my position.

The fact that you've abandoned your original argument, as well as your inductive fallacy arguments, speaks volumes to the fact that we both know that my arguments aren't "fabrications". This is just you projecting your own traits onto me.

Again, I'm giving you a fact based, logical, reasoned argument. Not fabrications. Yes, facts, reason, and logic are easy to believe, your BS, on the other hand, not so much.

I haven't abandoned my original argument I started off by saying you are full of shit and have pretty much stayed on point.
Toilet Slave: Wouldn't it be great if everyone was like you and did all those sick things you talk about?

You do you realize that what you see in my username, the rest of society see regarding this hobby, do you? The rest of society consider what we do here, to include your reviews as well as that of ours, as obscene and "sick". This is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle "black".

We both know the reason why you are attacking the things associated with my username is because you have long ago ran out of argument, and are left with just spewing nonsense as the major portion of your replies.

So if all sins are equal why are you coming up with all the toilet head bullshit? Is it because its the only thing that you can think of worse than what you do?
Toilet Slave: It would make you feel less obscene I bet.

I don't feel obscene for either my fetish or for my actions in this hobby. By your definition, "everybody else" here is also obscene. One thing for sure, there is a good chance that you feel like an idiot when you read the responses to your replies.
Personally I do not care or judge anyone, just as long as they are not hurting anyone. So you why are you the one who can judge whats right in the world? I like how you make up big stories and then argue like they are real.
Toilet Slave: When you and lusty get back from your honeymoon

Lustylad and I are hammering you from two different areas, during different times of the day. What you label as a "honeymoon" is actually impromptu alliance with those on my side of the argument on one side, and those on your side of the argument on the other side. Our side is destroying your side of the argument.
Again why does it take two of you? I thought you were some kind of badass? The two areas you are talking about are one on the shaft and the other on my balls.
Toilet Slave: tell him to reply if he likes.

As you can see, that's precisely what he did. Replying to you, and watching you continue to disintegrate, and become more insignificant, is extremely fun. This goes beyond liking to respond to you. Responding to you is great enjoyment.

Toilet Slave: You better hang on to him I know Gey Rey has a thing for him too!

Don't mistake our impromptu coalition, against the dimwits on this board, as the same thing that you, and those on your side of the argument, are doing. That deal with you guys running mobile glory holes in the HEB parking lot? That's just you guys. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Impromptu coalition? Is that what guys are calling it now days?
So I guess you and lusty are coalescing each other. How romantic. I guess old Gey Rey is out in the cold again.
MT Pockets's Avatar
SCAT Boy: I just noticed this reply.

Because you get pissed at the fact that we refuse to let up on you, that we insist on continuing to hammer you. So, when you see our replies, you get so emotional, that your narcissism driven emotions drive both your actions and responses. This has a tendency to cause you to miss detail, including what else was said on this thread.

SCAT Boy: Funny you seem to hang on every word I say.

This coming from the same guy that "just noticed a reply". This is an indication that you have to hang onto our replies, responding to them instead of doing the wise thing that you should be doing... Bowing out of an argument you've thoroughly been defeated in.

No, none of us are hanging on to every word that you say. What we are doing is calling you out for every point that you make. As much as you want us to "let you type last", we hammer you each time you spew your BS.

SCAT Boy: And pretty much every time you run your mouth someone has to take up for you.

Correction, every time he says something to you, in the form of hammering you for substantive errors in your argument. This could involve errors in your argument or errors in your tactics. The only person here, that is running his mouth, is you. As you can see, every time you run your mouth, we jump in and stomp your little pee pee into the ground.

SCAT Boy: I would imagine anyone that thinks HFC has any eminence, (the king of queening) has a pretty low self esteem.

Actually, they are pointing things out to you that your narcissism is blinding you to. Your intellect is acknowledging that I have superiority over you in this argument, evident by your use of "eminence", and your attempt to argue against that. Anybody that points that out to you, that I have an upper hand relative to you in this argument, is simply presenting the obvious.

This has nothing to do with esteem on our part. In fact, your continuing to argue in an argument, where you are getting destroyed consistently by multiple people, speaks volumes to your low self-esteem. In fact, your actions here indicate that you are attempting to keep arguing, despite getting destroyed consistently, in order to "type last" as a substitute for winning.

This goes back to what I indicated earlier in this thread, you are attempting to give yourself this false sense of victory and accomplishment via your attempts to remain in a fight that you are losing. Your remaining, despite your continued defeat, is your way to make up for your low self-esteem.

SCAT Boy: So yes I would imagine him and a few such as yourself would feel inferior to me.

WRONG! Again, this is your narcissism speaking. Only someone with narcissism issues would feel that others would feel "inferior" to you. No, I don't feel that at all. Neither do those who are also hammering you here or elsewhere. It's virtually impossible to feel that way when we're destroying you in this debate, and with your demonstrating that you have been a loser in real life via the piss poor judgment that you are demonstrating here.

The same piss poor judgment that you're displaying on this thread, by continuously arguing a position that you have thoroughly been destroyed and, is what you demonstrate outside of this message board. This is why I strongly believe that you have a work history that you are not proud of, one that involves a wake of short stints and failed career attempts.

SCAT Boy: I bet it pisses you off when you see us guys that have the ability to make our own opinions, while you are tied to the spin of the day with all the other trumpanzees.

WRONG! Again, I argued against your side of the argument for 13, going up to 14 years. Your side of the argument, including you, has advanced the same talking points, many of the same arguments, that I have repeatedly dismantled. These are the same talking points that are spewed by the mainstream media talking heads as well as the mainstream media.

It's like you guys are simply parroting what you hear from the criminally liberal biased media instead of thinking about what it is that you are taking a position on. I will give you an example, climate change and the so-called 97% agreement:

The media perpetrates this myth, that there is a 97% agreement among climate scientists that the planet is "warming up" and that people are "behind it". Your side of the argument eats that up and argues that on these threads.

What does my side of the argument do?

Well, I'm glad you asked. I downloaded the paper, the study, that came to the conclusion that there was a "97% agreement" among climate scientists. This is the same "study" that the medi references when they push the "consensus" BS.

What did I discover? It was based on a keyword search designed to stack the deck/results with papers favoring anthropomorphic global warming.

Despite using these keywords, designed to skew the results toward man-made global warming, approximately 67% of the papers that they pulled up did not take a position one way or another. This is based on over 11,000 papers. Out of the remaining 33%, approximately 32% expressed a position, and approximately 1% was inconclusive.

I discovered that the 97% figure was based on that 32%. I also saw, in that same paper, the acknowledgment that these papers that they downloaded represented a fraction of the total literature. So, I use this thing called the brain, something that your side of the argument refused to use to come to the following conclusion:

This 97% of the 32% of the total abstracts reviewed didn't constitute a consensus. Common sense also dictated that had they used a more neutral keyword search such as "climate change", the percentage of papers not expressing a position for or against man-made global warming would have even been larger.

THAT is how you come up with your own position, not like what your side of the argument does, blindly follows what you are told. The fact that I would argue this position, while your side would argue that 97% canard, speaks volumes as to which side of the argument uses their own brain, and which side of the argument blindly follows propaganda.

SCAT Boy: Just pray that when the Trump wagon rolls out of DC on fire,

This statement is further proof that you people don't get it. You people made assumptions, and blew hot air out of the pie holes on your faces, then acted like children when what you didn't expect to happen ended up happening. Trump winning the White House. Like the liberal talking heads that force-feed you your talking points, if you keep underestimating him, and keep spewing BS about him, you guys risk waking up in the aftermath of the next presidential elections agitated that Trump got another term.

SCAT Boy: that we do not seek exile for you lemmings.

The only lemmings that I see, on this message board and elsewhere, are those that argue the false canard of the "97% agreement among scientists" regarding global warming, as well as argue the other BS regressive arguments. That is not the only thing that you lemmings argue. Nearly every position that you guys have taken, that I have hammered you will, involve you guys arguing the same talking points spewed by liberal talking heads.

When it comes to the people that I argue with, it is like you guys pass the same script book, with the same talking points, to each other. It's as if this happens in the background when I find a new regressive to hammer: "Hey, I argued against herfacechair before, here is my 'cheat sheet', argue these points." But, unfortunately for your side of the argument, you guys' arguments meet a similar fate to the lemmings in the story involving them jumping to their fate.

SCAT Boy: I do understand at this point you are all in so keep on running your pie hole. (PROJECTING OWN TRAIT ONTO THE OPPOSITION)

What I told you before:

"You've been reduced to being a liberal windbag, blowing empty air out as if you were a vehicle with wheels rapidly spinning, but with the vehicle going nowhere." -- herfacechair

This trend still stands. Again, you've abandoned not only your original argument, but the series of sidetracking arguments, that you engaged in on this thread. I destroyed you in every attempt, and defeated every tactic that you used on this thread. You've been transitioning from a meltdown to simply fading away.

Your latest replies are becoming more unorganized, and show a thought process that is going in multiple directions, with no specific unified goal. You are simply in disarray. That is a sign that someone, in this case, you, have more than thoroughly been defeated. Your actions show that you are too slow to see this, thus you are taking actions that are embarrassing you... Actions that are actually damaging your credibility beyond what I have done to your arguments.

SCAT Boy: I am amused that you see HFC as a wordsmith.

No you aren't, your narcissism is agitated over the fact that others are pointing out to you what your intellect is also trying to point out to you. If you look beyond your attempts to downplay my responses, one can discover that subconsciously, you are in agreement.

SCAT Boy: I bet your hero is Jubal Sackett. LOL!

Jubal Sackett is a representation of one of the concepts that makes America great. The story involving him has him going on an adventurer that pushes out west instead of remaining in the comforts of the familiar. In his adventures, he prevails over challenges that both nature and humans can throw his way.

This is like how I prevail over your attempts to baffle me with BS, and your attempts to utilize other antics designed to get me to stop hammering you. This is pissing you off, as we can see with your replies. But, the fact that you'd mention Jubal Sackett is an indication that subconsciously, you know that what you thought was just a lizard turned out to be an unstoppable Godzilla that refuses to let you "type last".
Originally Posted by herfacechair
SCAT Boy: Dam! you responded to me

This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, given that I've consistently responded to you. Remember the speech that I gave you regarding the "X" causing "Y" thing. Remember, if "X", then "Y", you provide X, I provide Y. So you should know by now that if you respond (X), I'll respond (Y).

SCAT Boy: talking about how you go on and on and not really saying anything

False. I "go on" regarding dismantling your posts, yes, but I go on with sentences, and paragraphs, that are jam packed with information that your ego shields are preventing you from seeing. The only person there, that's not really saying anything, is you. Look at your posts, they've increasingly shown that you can't keep your thoughts organized, and you can't even argue with an argument aimed at accomplishing an objective.

In fact, within the same sentence, you went in multiple directions, failed to show a common thought or objective, and showed us that you were "taking a stab" and pulling random thoughts out just to have something to say in response. This is a strategy that someone, getting his/her ass handed to him, would use in response to continuously getting proven wrong.

SCAT Boy: with a record breaking rant

First, that wasn't a rant, but a fact based, reasoned argument that destroyed your drivel and tripe. Second, that wasn't a record breaking post, I generated a longer post in a previous series of replies to you here. What I do see, regarding "breaking" is you, as you are demonstrating to us that you're reaching another one of your breaking points as you march towards total disintegration on this thread.

SCAT Boy: that was not even to a post addressed to you.

You may not have directed that post AT me, but you took swipes at me just the same. This required me to hammer that post, addressed to someone else, just as I would've done had you addressed me. You advanced "X" in the form of taking swipes at me. Guess what had to happen next? You guessed it, "Y", my holding you accountable for your stupidity.

You see, I saw what you were doing. You attempted to get me to stop hammering you, in that one aspect, by responding to someone else. You figured, erroneously, that I'd ignore that post thus "letting you type last". Instead, I saw it for what it was, you taking swipes at me while attempting to escape a response.

SCAT Boy: And all the while confirming what I said about you.

Wrong, I didn't confirm anything that you said about me, unless you said something related to my kicking your ass in this debate, or related to what makes it possible for me to kick your ass in debate. Now, if you were to say that I have every intention to deny you the opportunity to "type last", then I'd confirm that each time you try to "type last".

SCAT Boy: That you filibuster everything in your path.

If you paid attention to what's going on in this thread, you'd notice that my replies to those, that I'm not arguing with, are shorter, a lot shorter, than my replies to you. This alone proves you wrong. Also, what you describe as "filibuster" is my thoroughly dismantling your arguments each time you jump on here.

SCAT Boy: You once you said you did use speech to text.

I said this to you multiple times, yet you insist that I've been writing these posts. But yes, I do use speech to text in order to quickly dismantle your BS.

SCAT Boy: I may have to concede that you are a good little butt licker.

First, for you, that should be "ass kicker", as in I'm very good at kicking your ass in debate. You can't even call this a "squaring off", as this is a one-sided event involving my carpet bombing you and you retreating constantly.

Second, DATO has nothing to do with our debate, but the fact that you'd randomly throw this in proves my point that your thoughts are all over the place while you respond to me. This is understandable given the fact that you're getting more emotional. This increase in emotion is driving your actions, and clouding your ability to generate an organized post.

SCAT Boy: Do you have the girls sit on your face while you concoct these masterpieces of Narcissistic fodder?

First, the narcissistic fodder, that you're seeing in my replies, are YOUR statements that I'm dismantling. Yup, I fucked you up so hard in this debate that you're starting to fail to recognize your own narcissistic comments.

Second, no, I don't need to "concoct" anything, as the information that I use to dismantle your arguments is always with me, and is expandable with further studying/research. You're the one that has to "concoct" things to say, as you don't have the facts on your side. Your replies here indicate that you're concocting things just to pull crap out of your butt.

Third, don't mistake your strategy, to obtain further arguments, as something similar to what the rest of us do. We don't. You may get turned on by the idea of being a toilet slave to get your arguments, the rest of us would rather come to our own conclusions based on the analysis of the information that we get.

SCAT Boy: Your post proved every point I made.

Wrong. My post dismantled every point that you made, proving your arguments wrong. You, on the other hand, prove my points about your profile correct. You've disintegrated to copycatting me as an increasing part of your strategy. I didn't prove every point that you made about me, instead, my actions proved every point that you made about me wrong. I've thoroughly proven you wrong, but your narcissism drives you on.

SCAT Boy: You basically ordain yourself at every turn.

Don't mistake my accurately pointing out my experience and fact advantage over you as "self-ordaining". That's simply my spelling something out for you that you're too arrogant to see on your own... the fact that when it comes to this argument, I have an advantage over you in the logic and reason argument. I also destroy your arguments at every turn.

SCAT Boy: I am amused.

No you're not. The only person, in this exchange between us, that's amused is me. I take sadistic pleasure with destroying you guys in debate. You're reacting the way I expect you to react given the words, sentences, and paragraphs that I use to destroy your arguments.

In reality, you're getting more agitated when I continue to keep coming back to destroy you in debate. With each reply, I deny you your false sense of victory, sense of control, and your desire to have your BS left unchallenged.

I get a kick out of your reaction, your responses make me laugh. Causing you to respond the way you do here is like causing a dog to chase after its own tail.

SCAT Boy: I have met some pretty arrogant folks in my day

You need to be honest with the readers and acknowledge which person, between the two of us, is arrogant. It's not me, it's you, this is given my constantly describing you as narcissistic. The fact that I've destroyed you thoroughly in this debate is pretty clear to others. So is the fact that you insist in arguing a losing argument.

You're showing that you acknowledge this on a subconscious level, but your narcissism is driving you to keep coming back to get destroyed again. Your narcissism prevents you from seriously acknowledging your defeat, so you keep coming back to keep arguing an argument that you've lost, an argument where you're getting thoroughly dismantled in.

Your actions prove that you're the arrogant person between the two of us, not me.

SCAT Boy: but you are by far the most delusional.

Said without an ounce of proof. But again, you won't find that proof because my arguments are fact based, logical, and reasoned arguments. You, on the other hand, demonstrate delusion in your own replies. One of the many reasons to why I'm dismantling your arguments, and proving you wrong point by point, is because you're delusional.

You're also delusional if you think that any of your antics could prevent me from dismantling your replies. You'd also be delusional if you think that I'm just going to let your BS stand unchallenged. Meaning, if you think that I'm going to let you "type last", you're delusional. But again, a look at your posts is all that's needed to tell the audience that you're delusional, without my having to spell that out.

SCAT Boy: You remember in the movie K-pax when the guy said he could time travel. It makes me think of you.

That's a red herring comparison, there's no relationship between that character's actions, and my actions on this thread. I've thoroughly proven you wrong on this thread. You've consistently failed to prove me wrong, or to prove that my fact based, reasoned, logical arguments are something other than fact based, reasoned, logical arguments.

It's YOU that's comparable to the K-pax character that claims to be able to time travel. You do realize that this is one of the reasons to why I brought up the fixed post of you swinging your upper body back and forth in the day room, do you? I mean, my mention of that one brain celled activity in your head, that toy monkey in your head playing cymbals, or any other similar commentary, is to point out how retarded your arguments are.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
SCAT Boy: Your response sounds like something out of HFS's bunk.

When two different people are looking at the same set of facts, they're going to come to the very same, or similar, conclusions. What he pointed out, he witnessed, observed, and analyzed, on his own. You're getting your ass handed to you, you're getting thoroughly debunked in a way that leaves you unable to effectively defend your position. Yet, you come back because you're driven by narcissism to do so.

That's a far cry from you liberals following the cues that your liberal talking head opinion masters provide you. You people argue using the same talking points I've seen in the liberal media, it's like you guys are zombies, with no brains, relaying arguments. But again, your MT cranial cavity has nothing but a toy monkey banging its cymbals inside.

I see that your SCAT mistress is using you more frequently now than before, for a part of this week, you came here infrequently... You need to show up and be in position on time for her to poop in your mouth and all over your face so that you could have arguments to present.

SCAT Boy: Typical lemming!

Not applicable to the conservatives on this forum. We independently came to our own conclusions based on the obvious facts, facts that you people keep ignoring. I've argued against your talking points when others like you advanced them over the past few years. These are the same talking points spewed by liberal talking heads and the criminally liberal media. They spew propaganda, you people mindlessly repeat that propaganda like brainless drones... Then meet a blistering fact checking scrutiny repeatedly. You, and those on your side of the argument, are the lemmings.

SCAT Boy: Funny you called Hodgkins a liberal. I though the "Bern" was a Socialist.

Both are liberals, yes, socialism is one of the objectives of today's liberals/regressives. So this shouldn't come as a surprise to you, and no, he's not contradicting himself.

SCAT Boy: then again deep down you know Hilary would have been a better choice so you are still slinging mud her way.

Wrong. Hilary was the worst choice, by a longshot. No, neither he, nor any other person capable of critical thought, would think that Hilary would've been a better choice. She proved, through her actions as Secretary of State, that she wasn't qualified for the office of the presidency.

Like Hussein O'Shitstain, she had no clue about how the economy worked, let alone how to get it going. She'd definitely be incompetent as a commander in chief. I'm sorry, but you don't leave people behind. She did that by failing the diplomatic team in Libya when she had the opportunity to mitigate the danger they actually experienced.

I could go on, and on, about why Spillage Shrillery, or Bolshevik Bernie, were poor choices for president.

SCAT Boy: Worry not,

No, there's nothing to worry about. You don't have a clue about what you're talking about, and your liberal opinion task masters don't have a clue about what they're talking about. You're just spitting poo out of your mouth as if you were a poo machine gun, spraying all that poo that your scat mistress fed you today.

SCAT Boy: when trump steps down like Nixon she will not be the POTUS.

Like the liberal media did during the run up to the election, like what the liberal media did during the run up to the Sessions testimony, you underestimate Trump and ignore the variables in play that'll prove you wrong. Trump is playing you guys like a fiddle, knowing full well that the media would eat up any BS story that puts Trump in a bad light.

Considering that you have your MT cranial cavity up your butt, you're not going to see how Trump is deliberately eroding the media's credibility in a way that the media is doing all the work.

SCAT Boy: We will then have to deal with pence. How come I know you will be in full support of his agenda.

For the same reason we'd know you would've supported Bolshevik Bernie or Spillage Shrillery's agendas... Conservatives generally support conservative policies, Regressives generally support regressive policies.

SCAT Boy: As many have mentioned.

Many have mentioned the flaws in your argument on this message board, but you disregard them. Why should we seriously take what many on your side has mentioned? Beyond the fact that your side of the argument doesn't know what it's talking about?

SCAT Boy: The conservatives were the one's who suggested we use the 2nd amendment if the election did not come out the way we wanted it.

We? Are you admitting to being a conservative?

Yes, there were those on the extreme who were talking about using the 2nd Amendment... Provided that nonlegal activity was involved to support election theft. If you paid attention to history, you'll learn of an instance where citizens had to take up arms, literally, in the face of election theft. I read about this incident in the VFW magazine, but you'd be able to access this information online.

The rest of us conservatives weren't advocating armed violence if the election didn't go our way. Had there been evidence of fraud, we would've taken a legal approach to dealing with it.

The real violence perpetrators are those who weren't satisfied with the results of the 2016 Presidential election. Many Regressives showed their true colors, and proved that the parties didn't switch. The Democratic Party has always been the party of thugs that wants to silence opposition. Today's Regresives don't need to put hoods and robes on to do their deeds.

SCAT Boy: Weird that after all the people killed it took just one wounded congressman for you pussies to think we should be more civil. (STRAWMAN)

We've demanded that you people demonstrate civility back when Bush was president. When a bunch of Regressives decided to re-enact Planet of the Apes, we demanded that you people act civil.

Yes, we've been accurately pointing out the fact that when it comes to freedom of speech, you guys don't include those that disagree with you. When it comes to compromise, you guys want us to abandon our side in favor of fully embracing yours. Compromise to you guys means that we completely concede to you guys and do things your way.

This call to be civil has been consistent. You people want to pull tantrums when things don't go your way. So now, when a Regressive decides to shoot an elected representative, we're going to continue to call for civility, and start hinting at options in case that madness doesn't stop.

SCAT Boy: As for me I have always thought we should be civil.

Part of civility involves bowing out of an argument you've been crushed in. What you're doing, remaining engaged in a debate you've thoroughly been destroyed in, is uncivil. When you add insults and attacks, like what you did to me when I previously didn't address you, it becomes an act of incivility.

What you're doing, on this thread, is equivalent to someone engaging in a terrible tantrum. Just read your reactions to my replying to your latest posts. That's not "civil".

SCAT Boy: But as I have said before, Dems have plenty of guns.

Yes, that was proven with the recent shooting that sent a Republican to the hospital, shooting done by a deranged Regressive. That was proven with other shootings that took place across the country.

SCAT Boy: They just have more decorum.

False. Look at the Regressives on this thread, including you. I don't see decorum coming from any of you guys. No, you guys don't show more decorum, you guys show little to no decorum. You guys are a bunch of crybabies that pull terrible two tantrums when you people don't get your way.

SCAT Boy: You poke the bear enough,it is gonna eat you.

What? Is there an echo here? That's what lustylad told you, you dimwit! Originally Posted by herfacechair
Toilet Slave: Why is it some of you become others mouth pieces?

Hmmm, because you took swipes at me in the posts that you made in response to them? You do realize that I'm treating these debates like a combat operation, do you? Fire in my direction, I'm going to fire back, regardless of which direction you're firing at. It's that simple.

If you don't want me "responding for others", then you need to think about the consequences of your actions. Not taking swipes at me, in your responses towards others, would help in that end.

Toilet Slave: Can he not answer for himself?

Yes, he's able to answer for himself. It just happened that I came here before he did, saw you taking swipes at me, and I responded in kind. As you can see, he is quite capable of replying for himself and for others as well. It's a strategy that we use the military as well, where the primary target of one is a secondary target of another, and vice versa, to ensure thorough destruction. In this case to ensure your arguments destruction.

Toilet Slave: Just send him a PM and he can copy and paste it.

No point in doing that if his reply is going to take a different path in destroying you. I'm simply destroying you in one way, based on your attempts to take a swipe at me with the false assumption that I wasn't going to reply to your response to someone else.

Toilet Slave: Seems like that is how he gets most of his replies anyway.

Wrong. He gets his information from his information sources, then does with them what you fail to do with the propaganda that you get... He analyzes and synthesizes his information. Then, he presents his arguments. Unlike you, who is force feed propaganda, who accepts propaganda hook, line, and sinker, and who also gets his arguments by being a toilet slave, he doesn't need to be assigned his responses.

Toilet Slave: Nobody gives a shit what you have to say.

You proved yourself wrong. If nobody gave a shit about what I have to say, nobody would reply to me. As lustylad pointed out, you most certainly would not have replied to me.

If you didn't care about what I had to say, you wouldn't have quickly logged back on as soon as I started destroying your replies, and you most definitely wouldn't be reading my replies, or responding to them. THAT'S how much you care about what I have to say.

Toilet Slave: It is just the same garbage with a few words changed over and over again. (REPEAT POINT)

Again, notice how I keep replying to you point by point. If you feel like I'm "giving you the same thing", it's because you're saying the same thing over and over again. If you feel like I've "reworded" the same message, it's because you reworded your replies. If you feel like I'm "repeating myself", in these replies, it's because YOU'RE repeating yourself in your replies.

Again, if X, then Y. If you don't want me to repeat something that I said before, then you need to quit repeating what you said before, so as to prevent a repeat of the rebuttal I previously gave you.

Toilet Slave: Shut up and let the adults handle it.

It doesn't work that way. Again, let "X" be your response. Let "Y" be my response. You can't advance "X", then demand that "Y" not be provided to balance out "X". In other words, if you want me to "shut up", you'll need to shut up first. Refrain from advancing "X", your reply, and I won't have a need to respond with "Y". It's THAT simple.

But no, I'm not going to shut up, I'm going to keep preventing you from "typing last". I'm having too much fun doing this.

If you want the adults to handle this situation, then you'll bow out of this argument and do just that. Your replies here don't reflect well on the adult community, especially the latest posts showing that you're disintegrating worse. You're acting like you have a terrible two tantrum person inside of you. You're not acting like an adult on this thread, so you're the one that needs to do as you preach.

Toilet Slave: Be good or your mommy is gonna smother you again.

You should be more focused about balancing out the volume of the poo poo gathered on your face every morning, as your scat mistress provides you with your daily dose or argument, than you are at making false assumptions about reality on my end.

Just because your mom used you as her toilet slave as your gift on your 18th birthday, after you broke the only working toilet bowl in your home, doesn't mean that other people here were treated in obscene ways by their mothers. Perhaps if you weren't that 18-year-old fifth grader struggling to understand fifth grade level English, you would have read and understood the directions on how to use that specific toilet bowl.

Toilet Slave: Reading through all the BS you posted is saddening.

You're so consumed with narcissism driven emotion, in response to my replies, that I highly doubt that you're "reading through" the fact based, logical, reasoned argument destroying your arguments. What you consider as "saddening" is my refusal to let you "type last". I keep hammering you as I have fun destroying your arguments, and watching your reactions.

Toilet Slave: I think you believe all the fabrications you come up with. (Projecting your traits onto opposition)

The only fabrications that exists, between the two of us on this thread, are your replies. I've consistently proved you wrong with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument. You, on the other hand, have consistently failed to defend your position, or to attack my position.

The fact that you've abandoned your original argument, as well as your inductive fallacy arguments, speaks volumes to the fact that we both know that my arguments aren't "fabrications". This is just you projecting your own traits onto me.

Again, I'm giving you a fact based, logical, reasoned argument. Not fabrications. Yes, facts, reason, and logic are easy to believe, your BS, on the other hand, not so much.

Toilet Slave: Wouldn't it be great if everyone was like you and did all those sick things you talk about?

You do you realize that what you see in my username, the rest of society see regarding this hobby, do you? The rest of society consider what we do here, to include your reviews as well as that of ours, as obscene and "sick". This is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle "black".

We both know the reason why you are attacking the things associated with my username is because you have long ago ran out of argument, and are left with just spewing nonsense as the major portion of your replies.

Toilet Slave: It would make you feel less obscene I bet.

I don't feel obscene for either my fetish or for my actions in this hobby. By your definition, "everybody else" here is also obscene. One thing for sure, there is a good chance that you feel like an idiot when you read the responses to your replies.

Toilet Slave: When you and lusty get back from your honeymoon

Lustylad and I are hammering you from two different areas, during different times of the day. What you label as a "honeymoon" is actually impromptu alliance with those on my side of the argument on one side, and those on your side of the argument on the other side. Our side is destroying your side of the argument.

Toilet Slave: tell him to reply if he likes.

As you can see, that's precisely what he did. Replying to you, and watching you continue to disintegrate, and become more insignificant, is extremely fun. This goes beyond liking to respond to you. Responding to you is great enjoyment.

Toilet Slave: You better hang on to him I know Gey Rey has a thing for him too!

Don't mistake our impromptu coalition, against the dimwits on this board, as the same thing that you, and those on your side of the argument, are doing. That deal with you guys running mobile glory holes in the HEB parking lot? That's just you guys. Originally Posted by herfacechair
He needs to clean up the excess argument on his face that his SCAT mistress left on him as she was feeding him his new batches of arguments. He doesn't realize that the garbage he left, in his area of operations, would draw attention from him walking around shitfaced, with pieces of his argument dripping down his face. Originally Posted by herfacechair
That's not the only flag that he hoisted in his yard. Right next to it is a flag with a picture of a toilet slave toilet bowl, and a homemade sign underneath it. It reads, "Will work for poo to keep arguing, God bless!" Originally Posted by herfacechair
HEB is where his main gig is at, operating this mobile glory hole where he enjoys tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo, and dingle berries. His boss Luke_Wyatt runs this operation. The stuff going on in the trailer park? That's his side job, he has to earn enough money to pay for rent for living in his mom's basement. Originally Posted by herfacechair
He fluffs the meat tube flute when that toy monkey bangs its cymbals in his MT cranial cavity, making him feel that he is a part of a duo band. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Fixed, MT Pockets must be proud of these short posts I've been generating. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Turd Nugget Eater: Thats a good boy!

That's right, anybody that destroys you in argument is doing good.

Turd Nugget Eater: Obey the Zen of Ostentation

Actually, he's going by his desire to hammer you as it is fun. I'm not the only one on this message board that is having a blast destroying your arguments.

Turd Nugget Eater: Well I agree he is a carpet bomber. Just about as good as his hero Trump.

That's your intellect telling you that you are getting destroyed in debate, your narcissism is having a harder time not seeing how you are being defeated repeatedly. This is an indicator that even you see that you are getting thoroughly destroyed. However, your arrogance keeps you "in the fight", showing the rest of us how you persistently exercise poor judgment here... Indicating a good possibility that you exercise poor judgment outside of this message board.

Turd Nugget Eater: Since you guys like to play Army.

I don't play Army, I've actually done Army.

Turd Nugget Eater: How's about I lay down

No need to lay down, we knocked you on your ass repeatedly in this thread, destroying your debate constantly. You got your pee pee dick-slammed into the ground over and over again, because you're too stupid to realize that you've been conquered and defeated. Consequently, you are constantly getting rolled over.

Turd Nugget Eater: and you blow the hell out of me!

First, we are not in any way, shape, or form, any of your clients that visit you at your mobile glory hole operation at the HEB parking lot. So no, we are not going to do you what you do to your clients.

Second, we will, on the other hand, blow your argument out of the water, like what we have been doing throughout this thread.

Turd Nugget Eater: I guess the same can be said about me. Seems like a few have to comment on every post I make. I guess I have a fan club!

You're the one that keeps insisting that nobody cares about anything that I say. If that were the case, you would not reply. But, the fact that you are replying proves wrong your statement that "nobody cares" about what I say.

What I've done, on the other hand, was insist, factually, that I am having a blast doing this. In fact, there are certain things that I say, that I know would cause you to keep coming back. It is like getting a puppy to chase after its tail. This is an implication that I aim for the opposite of what you stated.

So no, there's no comparison between us. We are not consistently telling you that nobody cared about what he said. However, yes, we will consistently comment on your posts. No, you do not have a fan club, you simply have people who are going to continue to deny you the opportunity to "type last."

Turd Nugget Eater: More like licking my ass. You know that is what he likes to do. Dont you?

Lustylad was correct, I enjoy KICKING your ass repeatedly in this thread. Don't assume that because you like to lick male ass in your mobile gloryhole, picking dingle berries with your tongue, that others here would be into it as well. Your glory hole station has a hole for pee pees, and another hole for your clients' to stick their asses through. I guess having your SCAT mistress poop into your mouth isn't enough for you.

Your assumptions, that I would "also" be into this regarding males, proves my statement, that you have problems with reading comprehension, correct. What part of "her" from "herfacechair" do you not understand? I only do the activity with women, women within a specific type range.

Don't mistake me as having your interests, I don't.

Turd Nugget Eater: So now you are gonna try your hand at the psychobabble? You have a good mentor.

That maturity, that lustylad is seeing in your posts, goes hand in hand with the piss poor judgments that I see you exercising here. I also see someone, acting like a juvenile, whenever I read your posts on this thread. This is yet another trait that connects you to your alter ego Luke_Wyatt. I wouldn't be surprised if some, or all, of what we are telling you here has been told to you in face-to-face conversations in the real world.

Turd Nugget Eater: I think you meant to address your lover HFC with that question. (PROJECTING YOUR TRAITS TO THE OPPOSITION)

First, don't mistake two people here, working towards the same objective, as being "lovers". Again, we don't share your gayness, nor your hobbies that involves working a station at Luke_Wyatt's gloryhole operations at the HEB parking lot.

Second, that comment was intended for you. Remember, you were the 18-year-old fifth grader that busted up the only workable toilet bowl in your home, causing your mother to use you as her toilet slave, causing you to be smothered with all of her poop.

Third, when someone says "auto", they are telling you that you are doing something to yourself. Lustylad make it even easier for you, by repeating "self" when he said "self-asphyxiation". This is an indication that you are suffocating yourself.

Again, you either have poor reading comprehension, or you are replying to this with extreme emotion. This is an indication that we are hammering you good, so good that your blood is boiling when you reply to us.

Fourth, there is a way to live up to my username that allows for breathing, which is what I do. I've stated that repeatedly in this thread. If you had any integrity, you would thank me for that information instead of continuing with making assumptions that you shouldn't even be making given that the facts were provided to you.

But again, you appear to demonstrate that even if the facts were to hit you in the face like a big fucking rock, you would still miss them.

Turd Nugget Eater: Unless all his fabrications are lies

You're so full of it that you are slipping and fumbling on all the shit that you are spewing here. Which is it? Fabrications, or lies? "Fabrications" imply that things are made up. "Lies" imply a deliberate move to argue something that is clearly not true. Neither is applicable to my replies. It's easier, on your ego, to dismiss a fact-based, logical, reasoned argument as "fabrications" or "lies", as it relieves you from the responsibility of either arguing against my position or admitting that you have no argument and that you lost. This shows that you are shady, and that you shouldn't be trusted with regards to business dealings in the unlikely event that you are in a position other than a dead-end job.

Turd Nugget Eater: as you mention below.

wrong, nowhere, in any of his replies, does he argue the assumptions that you are making here. You are just continuing to demonstrate your inability to understand English generated so that a fifth grader would understand what is being said. You are seeing what you want to see as that is what your ego wants things. Your narcissism interprets the world a certain way, to include the circumstances surrounding you getting your ass kicked in debate here.

Turd Nugget Eater: I just skim through some.

A big reasons why you are just "skimming" is that you are consumed with anger and other forms of emotion. These are emotion driven by control, anger, and stress issues. It's hard for you to focus, on what is actually being said, when you have these emotions stirring in you. A lot of this is driven by the fact that I refuse to let you "type lass". Be honest with us, that is what you want, and whenever you are denied that, your blood boils. If you would simply read my replies, as well as that by others arguing against you, without emotion, without anger, without stress, etc., you would actually know what you are talking about when you reply.

Turd Nugget Eater: They just go on and on about how great he is.

False. What you dismiss as my "bragging about myself", is my countering your ignorant assumptions about me with the facts. Don't dismiss the facts, that I provide about myself, in response to your ignorance about me, about what I do, or about how I respond to you, as my "talking about how great I am".

What's really happening in this situation?

Despite all the anger, stress, and control issue that are driving the emotional reactions from your reading my posts, a part of you is seeing how better qualified I am, in this argument, regarding the topics that we are arguing. You're seeing how thoroughly I'm destroying you, in a way that your narcissism can't completely hide from you.

It's easier for you to accuse me to be narcissistic like you than it is for you to either argue your position, or to concede. If you had any integrity, you'd concede this thread and give up your desire to "type last". But, you won't. You're too arrogant, and your arrogance will keep you in a losing fight.

Turd Nugget Eater: You may be right. I was being polite when I said fabrications . But honestly I agree, those fables he tells are just that, Lies. Thanks for supporting my view.

You weren't getting your BS straight, you dismissed my fact based, logical, reasoned arguments as lies, fabrications, fables, etc. He was forcing you to take a stance as to which of those three you actually meant.

Again, to hammer your piss poor reading comprehension abilities. He wouldn't be telling you that I'm carpet bombing you if he thought that I was either lying, fabricating, or telling you fables. You carpet bomb with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument.

Quit putting words into his mouth. This is just you showing your desperation in this debate, where your narcissism is having a harder time blinding you to the fact that you're getting thoroughly destroyed. He's not supporting your views.

Also, do you know what fables are? Hint, these are stories, usually involving non-human characters, that have a moral based lesson to them. Now, I won't be surprised if lustylad asks you for which you meant, fables or lies.

No matter how you try to label it, the fact remains that my arguments against you are fact based, reasoned, logical arguments, mixed with insults thrown back against your feeble insult attempts.

Turd Nugget Eater: So let me get this straight.

You didn't get anything straight, you either got yourself more confused, or you willingly spewed more BS just so that you could have something to say to stay in an argument you're getting destroyed in.

Turd Nugget Eater: HFC say's that I do it

Wrong, I keep telling you that you're into SCAT, which is different from facesitting. SCAT involves a woman shitting on you... In this case, shitting in your mouth and all over your face. It'd be real hard for her to do that from a SOMF position. This isn't facesitting, this is more proof of your inability to understand English generated so that a fifth grader could understand what's being said.

Turd Nugget Eater: and then you say he is right,

When he says that I'm right, he's telling it like it is. He's telling you something that your intellect is telling you, but which your narcissism is trying to prevent you from seeing.

Turd Nugget Eater: then you say he is lying

He didn't say that I was lying, he was forcing you to get your terminology straight, as it appears that you don't know what you're talking about.

Turd Nugget Eater: and now you say that I am envious?

You would have to be envious, given the fact that you described a woman, that you posted, as "being attractive" and indicated that you didn't see her as being obese. Your attitude about the type range of women that I'd have, making me live up to my username, hinted at you being envious.

Turd Nugget Eater: Are you envious?

Who'd want to be envious of you here? I'm not envious of you, and neither are the others destroying you in debate. You've demonstrated the characteristics of someone that exercises piss poor judgement based on being driven by control, anger, stress, and other types of emotions. This is a good indication that you're a loser in real life, nobody wants to envy a loser like you.

Turd Nugget Eater: LOL!

That's what the SCAT mistress does, when looking at your pee pee, when she's giving you your daily dose of arguments

Turd Nugget Eater: How was the honeymoon? I assume not that good if you are hooking up with HFC already.

You're so full of shit that you can't get your BS straight. Go back to your reply and read the statement that you originally made regarding honeymoon. Who was with whom? Again, don't confuse us with you, and those that you work with, at the gloryhole operation at the HEB parking lot.

None of us, on my side of the argument, are looking to hobby with each other. We only hobby with women. Give up your hopes that we'd hang out with you guys as your clients at your glory hole operation.

Turd Nugget Eater: No I am just trying to keep all you fags apprised at who is cheating on who.

You have us real hobby-with-women-only types confused with your clients at the glory hole operations. I realize that you like to suck and tell, but don't let your excitement of sucking dick, then telling others whose dick you suck, get into the way of you being rational, and get into the way of letting you see who is cheating on who regarding fag activities.

What? Is your suck and tell an antic you're using to pressure your clients to pay you more, or to squirt more seed into your mouth?

Turd Nugget Eater: I am sort of a straight male fag hag.

No, you're just a man lover, and lover of tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo.

Turd Nugget Eater: That is why I wave the rainbow flag, so you guys know who is safe.

Wrong. You have the rainbow flag to let the other fags know that you'll orally service them, and have sex with them. You're letting them know that your gloryhole operation is ongoing. When you fly it at the trailer, your indicating that your moonlighting operation is going on with regards to your gloryhole joys.

You're not really communicating with us with that flag, as you know that we're only interested in women and don't share your tube steak fetish.

Turd Nugget Eater: Remember "I will go with you" if you get scared I will protect you from the gay bashers.

So that's what you tell your clients, no need to tell us that, as we're not interested in your gay activities, and will never engage in it. You'll never have us as your clients, so you don't need to give us the same assurances that you give your gay lovers and clients. Heck, you can't even protect yourself on this thread, what makes you think that you could protect others?

Turd Nugget Eater: Sorry you got me confused with DSK.

No, he was spot on regarding your showing the rainbow flag in the trailer park. It's hard to confuse the two of you when you're the one that services gay people all the time where the rest of us are just interested in women.

Turd Nugget Eater: I am not the one who knows where the slum is in Mckinney.

You don't know your asshole from a hole in the ground, what makes you think that we'll see you as knowing where the slums are at or not despite you being in one, or in a trailer park? Or, perhaps, you live in your mother's basement and she doesn't realize that her maid is using you as her toilet slave.

Turd Nugget Eater: Look we all know you and rey have a thing going.

They have a thing for not wanting you to "type last", so you're onto something here. They know how much they get under your skin, so they keep doing so just to sit back and laugh at your reactions. I wouldn't be surprised if your classmates got under your skin a lot, and caused you to react in a way that was entertaining to them. You probably complained about friends and classmates picking on you a lot.

Turd Nugget Eater: I suggest you drop HSK ans stick to rey.

The only thing that he should drop is you, as he drop kicks you into the ground in this thread as he likes to do.

Turd Nugget Eater: I know he is a candy ass

So that's what you think of all the poop that lands into your mouth, and all over your face, as your mom's maid, your SCAT mistress, feeds you your daily dose of arguments first thing when you get up in your mom's basement.

Turd Nugget Eater: but do you really want to spend the rest of your life hearing HFC talk about himself? (REPEAT POINT)

First, don't dismiss my proving you wrong about me as "my talking about myself" in a sense of "bragging". This is another hint of why there's a good chance that you're a loser in real life... You consistently ignore your contributions to the things that you complain about. You have no problems pulling shit out of your mouth about my style here, or about me, but you all of a sudden have problems with the factual comments I present proving you wrong about me.

Second, you should be asking yourself the question on whether you want to spend the rest of your life watching me destroy your arguments.
You better hope to outlive me, as I have every intention of arguing against you for as long as you argue against me here. Let that sink in.

If you don't want to spend the rest of your life having me dismantle you, you know what to do. Go back to the X/Y analogy that I gave earlier in this thread.

Turd Nugget Eater: We tried but Gey rey can only stay for 5 minutes we had to move it to his house. From what I can tell he lives next door to DSK or at least Lusty thinks so.

You have your clients confused for Rey Lengua and lustylad. They hammered you so hard on this thread, and elsewhere, that they occupy your mind everywhere you go. I wouldn't be surprised if Luke_Wyatt tried to get you to focus on your job more, and to quit thinking of them.

The gloryhole operation was moved to your buddy's trailer, as you didn't want your mom to know what you were doing. If it weren't for you bringing money home to her, earned during your gloryhole operations during the day, you would've had her fooled into thinking that you're spending the day looking for a job.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
This just in, this just in... Luke_Wyatt is STILL a phony retired sergeant major, STILL a phony career Soldier, and potentially a complete phony veteran. In other news, we're STILL here, and MT Pockets is STILL getting his ass handed to him. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Wow! That has to be a record! I think you have carpet bombing and rug burns mixed up LOL!

You have being a Megalomaniac down to an art form.

What a fucking joke. It takes more than rambling words to win. Like I said early on, your MO is to babble till the cows come home. If that is your go to strategy then you admit you have no real game.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Keep waving it, turd eater! It makes an excellent bombing target.

You were just thoroughly annihilated by HFC... or as you swishy walkers put it, you've been "anal-lated"!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Burn that bitch! Just as you have the right to burn an American flag. I personally would never burn any flag but I wont stand in your way. So make up your mind am I gay or do I like facesitting like your hero HFC. Seems like you are the only one that is undecided about what you like to do. But like I said "I will go with you".
How many different names does MT Brain Bucket have now ? Oh well carry on
MT Pockets's Avatar
How many different names does MT Brain Bucket have now ? Oh well carry on Originally Posted by gary5912
HFC talks so much shit he gets his names mixed up. Lusty just parrots what ever he has heard.
herfacechair's Avatar
Turd Chugger: Simple? No simply would be you reply to any comment pertaining to you.

What? Is there an echo in here? You just reiterated what I just told you. I describe these debates as being like a combat operation. If you fire in my direction, regardless who you are engaging, I will fire back. Again, it's that simple. I'm giving you an insight on how I see these debates, I'll expand on this later in this reply.

Turd Chugger: And maybe give an opinion on something substantial posted.

Correction, I'm consistently providing you a fact-based, logical, reasoned argument destroying your BS here, mixing in insult for insult. You? All you are doing is viewing BS and tripping all over in it. There is no "maybe" about what I am doing. I'm thoroughly destroying you in debate, and strategically using specific words to get you to react a certain way. So far, that strategy is working wonderfully.

Turd Chugger: You instead just look for anywhere you can run your pie hole about what a Superior person you are. Or should I say think you are. (REPEAT POINT)

Again there is a clear relationship that describes our interaction. You advance "X", I advance "Y". The interaction between us is best described as, If X then Y. Which means that if you repeat yourself, my response will be a repeat of what I said to you when you made your repeat point the last time. You need to use common sense. If you didn't convince me to believe your BS the first time, what makes you think that you would convince me to believe your BS a second time?

You are simply proving the statement about repeating the same thing and expecting different results. Not happening in your situation, refer to the X/Y interaction that I describe.

No, I'm not telling you about my superiority, or about how great I am. Nothing, in any of my posts, supports your contention that I am bragging about being a great person. However, if you look at the X/Y interaction that I describe here, the closest thing that could come to what you are talking about is my proving you wrong about the BS that you say about me. That is called defending myself against the BS that you say about me.

This started when you attacked me on this thread, I responded, and this interaction continued. This isn't a case where I'm looking for an opportunity to say just about anything.

Again, there is a purpose behind every word, sentence, and paragraph that I use. There is also a purpose behind every concept that those words, sentences, and paragraphs convey.

Anybody with reading comprehension abilities, reading my post, would not get out of my posts the impression that I'm talking about how great I am. What's really going on? The fact that you are farting out of the pie hole on your face about this points to the psychological workings in your head.

Your intellect is telling you that I have a delicious advantage over you in this argument. It is also telling you that I'm destroying you. Your narcissism, on the other hand, is refusing to believe that, the result is your description of what I am doing here. When you complain about my actions, you are actually describing your cognitive process.

Turd Chugger: You are beginning to repeat yourself, again! (REPEAT POINT)

False. The statement that you addressed, with that sentence, was not a repeat of anything I said before given the context that I provided it. I was describing, using a military analogy, what lustylad and I were doing to you on this thread. There were a lot of new concepts in there, like the part about the primary target of one shooter being the secondary target of a second shooter and vice versa.

The fact that you would interpret this, as my "repeating myself again", speaks volumes to the narcissism driven anger emotions flowing through you as you read my replies and react. You are so consumed with emotion that you are having a harder time understanding what I'm actually arguing.

Turd Chugger: And I find it funny how you say you are in sync with him and he said you have to different styles.

You "find it funny" because you are interpreting things through lens of anger, and not calmness. Lustylad and I came up with two different descriptions of what is going on. Either way, the objective is the same. Using a squad designated marksman, or a sniper, in the same battle space that carpet bombing is taking place in, describes the parts of an entire operation working towards the same theater objective. Carpet bombing destroys in mass and bulk, snipers take out the survivors that insist in remaining in the fight, identified leaders first followed by the rest. My analogy also describes a process that works towards the same objective. THAT is the comparison that I was making. Not what you misinterpret.

Turd Chugger: So now you say he is gonna take a different path? What happened to co-joined forces?

If you bothered reading what I said, with the intention of understanding what I said, in context of my entire statement, you would not have walked away assuming that I was contradicting myself or him. Nowhere, in any of my posts, do I contradict myself or the others here with regards to destroying you.

Again, when two different shooters/firers have two different primary targets, where the primary target of one is a secondary target of another, they are taking different paths toward the same objectives. They both have different primary targets, they both had different secondary targets, all working toward the same objective, the destruction of those targets.

You shouldn't be asking about what happened to the co-joined forces, you should be asking about your deteriorating reading comprehension ability. Perhaps if you stepped away from the computer after reading my reply for the first time, they come back and read my reply again, you would respond without being driven by excessive anger based motion.

You're pulling straws in desperation.

Turd Chugger: And why does it take you both to handle little old me?

Nowhere, in any my replies, do I argue that it takes more than one of us to hand your ass to you. However, the more firepower that we can bring to bear, to destroy your arguments, the more we could erode what is left of your credibility and have fun at your expense.

This is no different from a kid, with a thin skin, getting picked on by other kids. Again, I suspect that you were picked on by multiple people when you were growing up. Your thin-skin, as demonstrated on this thread, makes you sensitive and gives you the propensity to react when we get under your skin a certain way. We enjoy watching your reactions, so we both hammer you.

Turd Chugger: I love how you build him up like he is some kind of scholar. All he does is repeat what someone else has said. (REPEAT POINT)

I accurately described how the majority of us conservatives do things. You guys keep insisting that we are parroting things from each other's and so-called "right wing" sources. This is you guys way of processing the fact that not everybody shares your misguided world views.

No, we do not copy from others. We gather our own information, and come to our own conclusion. If you read his replies, without narcissism and anger driven emotion, you would realize that your statement about him, and what he does, are erroneous like your statements about me and about what I do. A lot of what he is saying is coming from him.

Now, for your thin skin. You do realize that when those, on my side of the argument, repeat a comment to you, whether it is a common that we made, or a comment that we got from someone else, it is to continue to get under your skin. You show us that it is easy to get under your skin, when you react to statements they get under your skin, others will "smell blood", and do the same thing that the other person did to get under your skin.

I wouldn't be surprised if this explanation is not surprising to you. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised that the process that I described here is not too different from the process that you actually experienced in the real world, especially when growing up.

Turd Chugger: I reply just to see what new if any bullshit you can concoct.

WRONG. You replied because you are driven by narcissism and anger based emotions. This goes back to the "thin skin" explanation that I gave you. So far, you've made statements on this thread that were intended to discourage me from continuing to hammer you. Let me remind you of what you said:

"...but come on enough is enough." -- MT Pockets

You were BEGGING me to stop. When you complained about my wanting to "type last", you revealed why you kept replying. You're doing the very things that you accuse me of doing. Your reactions, to my telling you that I will continue to reply to you, speaks volumes to the fact that you want me to stop hammering you, so that you could "type last".

Turd Chugger: I think you have hit a Plateau, you are repeating yourself pretty much. (REPEAT POINT)

False, there are two main things that are going on that you are missing on the account that you're driven by narcissism and anger emotions.

First, no, I'm nowhere near hitting a plateau. I'm still going strong, and do not feel like I have "ran out" of argument, or have "plateaued". Again, if you feel like I am "repeating myself", it's because you are repeating yourself. If anything, you are voicing your subconscious realization that you have "plateaued" in this argument... plateaued at the bottom.

That's me being generous. Based on your replies, I see you continuously disintegrating and getting weaker with each of your replies. I, on the other hand, am still going strong. The advantage is increasingly on my side as this argument continues on.

Turd Chugger: Adding Lusty to your lair does give you a few more ways to pat yourself on the back though.

Wrong. It just adds to getting you even more unhinged in this thread, leading to your emotional responses becoming more hysterical. Lustylad is telling you something that you're too stubborn to realize... That you're getting your ass handed to you in this argument.

Turd Chugger: See above reply.

See above response.

Turd Chugger: No use repeating myself,

If you were serious about that, you wouldn't have said a large percent of what you said in your last post. You are; however, repeating yourself just so that you could pull shit out of your ass to stay in an argument you've lost multiple ways already.

Turd Chugger: you have the market cornered on that. (REPEAT POINT/PROJECTING OWN TRAIT TO OPPOSITION)

Wrong. You've repeated yourself multiple times, and you continue to repeat yourself, and your arguments.

Turd Chugger: I would say you are right.

I agree, I'm right as opposed to you being wrong.

Turd Chugger: I keep saying you are repeating yourself because you are. (REPEAT POINT)

You refuse to see your contributions to the situations that you're complaining about, just like you do in real life. The more you do this, the more you substantiate the profile that I have on you as someone that isn't able to hold down a decent career, who has multiple dead end job stints in his wake.

Again, if you feel like I'm repeating myself, it's because you keep repeating yourself. If you don't want me to repeat my rebuttal, don't repeat a response that I rebutted before. It's THAT simple. Point the finger at yourself.

Turd Chugger: There is no advancing your replies.


First, if you look at my X/Y relationship, you'll see that both of us advance a response, with your response resulting in my response. The point that you keep missing is that if you want me to stop hammering you, you're going to have to quit saying something that'll cause me to keep hammering you.

Second, I'm constantly advancing in this argument, where you're constantly retreating. Anybody with critical thinking abilities would be able to look at our exchange here and see that you're constantly getting your ass handed to you in this debate.

Turd Chugger: They are all about what a amazing human you are and how you are such a bad ass. (REPEAT POINT)

Again, you're ignoring your contribution to what you're complaining about here. You conveniently forget the fact that you're spewing BS and lies about me, but belly aching over the fact that I prove you wrong with what I actually said, or intended, with my replies.

You're like that person that keeps touching the "red" stove burner, then keeps complaining about the fact that the red stove burner keeps burning their fingers while ignoring the fact that they're too stupid to not touch the red stove burner in the first place.

Turd Chugger: What do you want me to say? No HFC you are not the most interesting man in world you are the most interesting in the galaxy!

Something related to what I actually said, instead of your misinterpretation of English generated so that a fifth grader could understand what's being said.

Turd Chugger: I like how you say you are gonna make sure you post last LOL!

What I'm saying is that I'm going to keep replying to you. You're interpreting this from a linear standpoint, I'm saying this from a cyclical standpoint. You, by seeing this argument in linear terms, are going to assume that both of us are arguing to get the last word in.

However, the fact that I've been debating against you liberals for 13, going onto 14, years, should've clued you in to the fact that I see this in cyclical terms. As I've argued earlier in this thread:

"There is no endgame to these debates as far as I am concerned. Get used to me consistently replying to you and destroying your arguments...
Ad infinitum. -- herfacechair

Where you see an "end game" (linear) where someone stops replying, I see a repeated cycle were the opposition, in this case you, provides me a reply, and I take them apart like this and respond... ad infinitum (cyclical).

I engage in these debates as if these debates will take forever, in a repeat of my dismantling of the opposition. Got it, "Brain"?

I've lived in the far east for a few years, I have a far eastern concept patience, as you're seeing on this thread.

Turd Chugger: What a fucking narcissist. LOL! (PROJECTING YOUR OWN TRAIT TO THE OPPOSITION)

Wrong, you're the narcissist. You're clearly getting destroyed in this debate, by multiple people. Yet, instead of acknowledging the fact that you've been defeated, or that you're wrong, you keep arguing a disproven position. You're like that guy breathing in his own exhaust.

Turd Chugger: So after telling me you intend on responding with fodder and make sure you have the last post? (REPEAT POINT)

First, in order to dismiss my statements as "fodder", you have to prove it. You've failed to prove that anything that I have said is "fodder". In fact, you have not even attempted to defend your original argument, or your red herring/strawman arguments. You have been in constant retreat in this debate.

As I indicated in my previous post, your actions continuing to argue this way points to you as being a juvenile. You demanded that I "let the adults handle this discussion". That was a clear-cut indication of you wanting to have the last post. Wouldn't that be the result of my "letting you guys have this discussion"? That is what you were implying. You wanted me to leave this argument. Why would you want that if it wasn't to get you to "type last"?

Second, I was giving you reality. I was pointing out to you the fact that what you are projecting on me, and on others that hammer you, is what we are seeing in you. If you want to get a good description of how we are seeing you, of how others also see you, simply read your posts with the view of seeing how you describe us. You are, in reality, describing yourself.

Turd Chugger: I guess that is your strategy, just as I pointed out in one of our first conversations.

Wrong. My strategy is to continue to dismantle your arguments on this thread. Included in the strategy is strategically utilizing specific words to get you to react a certain way. You have reacted accordingly, just as I intended, with each post that I made.

Turd Chugger: Typical of your kind.

It's typical, of "my kind" to continue to dismantle your BS, and to continue to refuse to let it stand.

Turd Chugger: And you think that is how an adult wins? LOL!

What I have repeatedly stated as a strategy to win an argument:

"I present a
fact based, reasoned, logical arguments against your drivel, as well as that of your liberal allies." -- herfacechair

YOU'RE the one that thinks that "typing last" gives you victory:

"Instead of accepting the fact that you have been destroyed in debate, and that you have been defeated, your narcissism drives you to keep arguing so that you get a false sense of victory, and a false sense of regaining control." -- herfacechair

Turd Chugger: As we both know, only one of us likes women to sit on their face. Besides your fabrication there is nothing I have said or done to imply I would enjoy that. Also if it is such a disgusting habit why are you so obsesses with it?

That's not what's being argued, Stupid. Nowhere, in the statement that you replied to, do I argue that you also wanted to have your face sat on. What I actually said:

"You should be more focused about balancing out the volume of the poo poo gathered on your face every morning, as your scat mistress provides you with your daily dose or argument, than you are at making false assumptions about reality on my end." -- herfacechair

Again, there's a world of difference between face sitting, and face shitting. In face sitting, the woman parks her ass on a face and literally sits on it. In face shitting, the woman shits on the toilet slave, in this case, your, face.

Simple reading comprehension.

Also, you need to give me the courtesy of understanding what I said, and of addressing what I actually said in the context that I said it, before you lecture me about what you said or didn't say that could lead to a specific conclusion.

Turd Chugger: Like I just stated , only one of us is into that shit. LOL! (REPEAT POINT)

Like I just stated, there's a big difference between face sitting, and face shitting. I'm into having women sit on my face. You're into having women poop on yours.

Turd Chugger: Are you talking to me or the mirror.

Anybody with basic reading comprehension abilities would know that I was talking to you. I provided a good psychoanalysis of your psychological profile. My knowledge of your psychological profile allows me to say things that'll get you to react a specific way each time you reply.

Turd Chugger: There are no facts.

False. Again, I've hammered you with a fact based, reasoned, logical argument, mixed with a flame response to dismantle your arguments, and to counter your flames. In order for you to dismiss the facts in my posts as something, LOL, other than facts, LOL, you have to actually advance an argument proving otherwise. You've failed to do that. The facts that I present stand, and the flames that I've hammered you with got you good.

Turd Chugger: just your bullshit about me doing what you have reviews listed about. (REPEAT POINT)

Again, there's a difference between facesitting and SCAT. Facesitting involves a woman sitting on a face. SCAT? That involves a woman taking a dump on someone... In your case, a woman taking a dump in your mouth, and all over your face.

None of the reviews I've done involves SCAT, which I'm describing of you. My reviews do mention SOMF, which is different from SCAT. If you have problems understanding the differences, google "SCAT" and see for yourself what's being talked about.

Both of us know that the only person, between the two of us, that's bullshitting here is you.

Turd Chugger: I haven't abandoned my original argument I started off by saying you are full of shit and have pretty much stayed on point.

False. I've saved my replies to MS Word before posting them here. A look at our arguments, from the beginning, shows that you've abandoned your original arguments, and your "escape to" arguments, in the face of getting destroyed in any debate that you attempted.

Your strategy, of dismissing a fact based, reasoned, logical argument as "BS", or something other than a fact based, reasoned, logical argument has been a consistent strategy. What you've been doing, on this thread, is "shoot and retreat, shoot and retreat".

You keep dismissing a legitimate argument as BS as a substitute for actually arguing your position. You've failed to effectively argue against my position, or to effectively defend your position.

I've stayed on point regarding proving you wrong. You've constantly retreated, and yes, you've abandoned your original arguments and your escape to arguments.

Turd Chugger: So if all sins are equal why are you coming up with all the toilet head bullshit?

Wrong. Go back and re-read the statement that you replied to. Nowhere, in that statement does it suggest that I'm creating equality among our fetishes. If you were capable of understanding English, generated so that a fifth grader could understand what's being said, you'd see that I was comparing what's accepted in society with what isn't... indicating a relative standpoint.

It's clear, in the statement that you replied to, that I was creating a comparison... what you see regarding facesitting, the rest of society sees regarding this hobby. You look down on facesitting, the rest of society looks down on this hobby. That's not arguing an equality between facesitting, and the hobby, that's forcing you to see the concept about not throwing stones if you live in a glass house.

By extension, I was identifying you as a hypocrite, but that went over your head given your being blinded by your narcissism driven anger/emotion.

You do realize that by finally acknowledging the toilet head idea, you're seeing a difference between facesitting, and toilet boy, fetishes, thus contradicting yourself, do you.

Turd Chugger: Is it because its the only thing that you can think of worse than what you do?

Wrong on two main counts.

First, I take pride in the SOMF fetish, no shame in it at all. Women love experiencing it as well. The fact that most people aren't into this benefits me when I'm with a woman in the hobby, or outside of it. This is a reason to why I picked the username that I picked.

Second, I repeatedly informed you of why I tied you to the toilet slave fetish... The fact that you consistently spew shit all over these threads. You spew so much shit here, that it's like you're receiving that poo elsewhere, toilet slave style.

I noticed your reaction to my alluding to your mouth and face getting shit on, the first time I mentioned it, suggests that I got under your skin real good, so I keep referencing this. It keeps working, Poop Muncher.

Turd Chugger: Personally I do not care or judge anyone, just as long as they are not hurting anyone.

You're lying, or you're full of shit as usual. What you said, proving this statement wrong:

"Wouldn't it be great if everyone was like you and did all those sick things you talk about? It would make you feel less obscene I bet." -- MT Pockets

That's you judging my fetish, and judging me, not caring about the fact that nobody got hurt during my experience with my fetish.

Again, I love to prove you wrong with your own words. It's like beating a man up with his own prosthetic limb.

Turd Chugger: So you why are you the one who can judge whats right in the world?

I'm not judging what's wrong and what's right in the world. I'm accurately pointing out where you're wrong. When it comes to flames, I'm showing you that you don't have game. My pointing out where you're wrong, which is in most instances, is my arguing from the facts, not my making a determination as to what's right and what's wrong. The facts do that, not me.

Turd Chugger: I like how you make up big stories and then argue like they are real.

Wrong. My replies come in two main and a few supporting forms. The two main forms are my use of a fact based, logical, reasoned argument and my countering you flame by flame.

When it comes to areas of debate, I'm destroying you with facts, logic, and reason. I don't invent the facts that I present, I use them to destroy what you think is a factual argument, but is actually a BS position. When it comes to flames, I'm showing you that you're an amateur.

Turd Chugger: Again why does it take two of you?

Because your arguments and comments are so wrong that multiple people could prove you wrong in multiple ways.

Turd Chugger: I thought you were some kind of badass?

Your subconscious is telling you that compared to you, I'm some kind of a "badass" in this debate. Your arrogance/narcissism is preventing you from seeing that reality.

Turd Chugger: The two areas you are talking about are one on the shaft and the other on my balls.

If you're talking about how one kicks you in the shaft, and another kicks you on the balls, then yes, you're feeling our boots in those areas with regards to this debate. You also forgot that we're kicking you in the ass as in this debate as well. You're feeling so much boot on your body that you might as well be a doormat, or kicking bag.

Turd Chugger: Impromptu coalition? Is that what guys are calling it now days?

You've been on this message board long enough, not just as MT Pockets, to know that when it comes to common causes on these threads, people with common agreement are going to band together. In this situation, rubbing your face into your BS, and spinning you like a top, is a common cause among us. So yes, impromptu coalition is a proper way to describe this and previous multi poster cooperation. I've described a concept that has consistently existed.

Turd Chugger: So I guess you and lusty are coalescing each other. How romantic. I guess old Gey Rey is out in the cold again.

What we're doing here, against you, is not that much different than you "coalescing" with other regressives on other threads. Nothing romantic about this, and no, Rey Lengua isn't "out in the cold" when it comes to handing you your ass, and spinning you like a top.
herfacechair's Avatar
Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: Wow! That has to be a record!

Nope, not by a long shot. That collectively was approximately 12 MS Word pages long. Not the longest of my replies for this thread, message board, or elsewhere. My longest, single post reply was over 75 MS Word pages long on another message board. So no, what you quoted was only chump change compared to what I've done in the past.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: I think you have carpet bombing and rug burns mixed up LOL!

So you're suggesting that I wiped you all over the floor in this thread, that you have carpet burns? You do realize that the meaning behind that is not that different from you getting carpet bombed on this thread, do you? Either way, you're described as getting destroyed in this debate.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: You have being a Megalomaniac down to an art form. (PROJECTING YOUR TRAIT ONTO THE OPPOSITION)

Wrong. You're the one that thoroughly got crushed on this thread, yet you're coming back for more, insisting that the facts that I used was "bullshit". Whenever you dismiss the facts as "bullshit", you're letting your narcissism speak for you. I'm not the only one that sees you as having issues with narcissism.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: What a fucking joke.

The only joke, between the two of us, is you. You're the one that consistently fails to effectively argue against my argument, or in defense of your own. Others are seeing that as well.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: It takes more than rambling words to win. Like I said early on, your MO is to babble till the cows come home. If that is your go to strategy then you admit you have no real game. (REPEAT POINT)

Are you really this stupid, or are you putting in extra effort to be stupid? Or, is this as I suspect, the more emotional you get when seeing my replies, and when seeing that you're getting destroyed, the less ability you have in the reading comprehension area?


You win an argument by advancing a fact based, reasoned, logical argument against the opposition. I've successfully done this against you, against your failure to mount an effective argument or counter argument. All you've done was "shoot and retreat".


The length of my replies depend on the length of your replies, your willingness to argue your BS, and the degree that you're wrong.


I will dismantle your arguments ad infinitum.

I told you what the criteria was for winning, and I provided you with my winning strategy... people win with facts, reason and logic, which you've been consistently deficient in. I'm the only one, between the two of us, that has delivered on the facts, reason, and logic. You've done nothing but spew the crap that has been fed to you by your SCAT mistress.

Since all you could do is barf shit from the pie hole on your face, and pull shit out of your ass, you're the one that doesn't have any game in this thread.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: Burn that bitch!

That's one of the things that he's trying to tell you, that flag is a representation of you, and I'm burning you in this debate. This is just your subconscious telling you that you're losing in this argument.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: Just as you have the right to burn an American flag.

Which he won't do, he'd rather burn you in debate as it's fun.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: I personally would never burn any flag but I wont stand in your way.

This is an indication that we got you good, and that you're purely pissed while giving these responses. If you read what he posted, you'd notice that he was building on his flame, regarding you flying the gay flag in your yard, then he told you to keep waving it as it made for a good target for your getting carpet bombed. You, acting in pure rage, only saw the burning flag and assumed that he was trying to tease you by showing you a gay flag getting burned for the sake of burning the gay flag.

I would've LOVED to see the reaction on your face when you saw our replies. I laugh my ass off, after logging off this message board, anticipating your blowing a gasket when you see our replies.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: So make up your mind am I gay or do I like facesitting like your hero HFC.

Unlike you, I'm reading his posts without anger. He's identifying you as someone that services gay and bi men at your gloryhole. He's not identifying you as being into facesitting; again, facesitting is NOT SCAT. We're identifying you with SCAT, not with facesitting.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: Seems like you are the only one that is undecided about what you like to do.

Nope, he's clear in what he's communicating. He's hammering you good, and your reactions show that he got under your skin real good. It's like how Rey Lengua keeps talking about you and your gloryholes, and keeps hammering you with the same insults... He knows that it's getting under your skin, and he gets a kick out of your reactions. I'm not the only on that's spinning you like a top, lustylad, Rey Lengua, Gary, and others are also spinning you like a top... Just like what happened when you were younger, with the other kids spinning you like a top.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: But like I said "I will go with you".

Yes, you'll go with him as he walks by your gloryhole and straight into HEB. You're going to harass him as he tries to shop, trying to get him to put his schlong into your mouth instead of his focusing on getting what he needs from the store.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: HFC talks so much shit he gets his names mixed up.

False. The names that I use for you are designed to get under your skin. Your attitude on this thread indicates that I'm getting under your skin real good. The only person, between the two of us, that's talking shit is you.

Turd Chugger, gulp gulp gulp: Lusty just parrots what ever he has heard.

No. Lustylad repeats what he knows is going to get you spun up, in addition to him proving you wrong on this and on other threads.
herfacechair's Avatar

Keep waving it, turd eater! It makes an excellent bombing target.

You were just thoroughly annihilated by HFC... or as you swishy walkers put it, you've been "anal-lated"!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Prrrrrpprrprprprprprprpprprpr fraaaaap pirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr frpfrpfrpfrpfrpfrp BRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAPPPPPP! [Air converts to liquid then solid]

Ah shit, I just shit my pants like I shit all over this message board.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Fixed. Yes, indeed, you're full of shit.
herfacechair's Avatar

How many different names does MT Brain Bucket have now ? Oh well carry on Originally Posted by gary5912
I don't know, it's hard to count anything when my mother's maid takes a dump into my mouth, and all over my face, first thing when I wake up in my mother's basement. I enjoy the privacy that the toilet slave toilet bowl offers me, the sound of her farts tend to have an echoing, amplified, effect in that enclosed space. One thing for sure, when I drive to my glory hole operation in the HEB parking lot, I could honest to God say that I'm driving legally shit faced! [Ear to ear shit eating grin.] Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Fixed. He's going to make up his eroding credibility with additional names.
herfacechair's Avatar
Keep waving it, turd eater! It makes an excellent bombing target.

You were just thoroughly annihilated by HFC... or as you swishy walkers put it, you've been "anal-lated"!

Originally Posted by lustylad
BWAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAA! Did you see his follow on replies? He's livid over your response, check his reply to Gary out.
herfacechair's Avatar
This is fun. Coming here, first thing in the day is like Christmas morning when I was a kid... Looking forward to seeing the aftermath with regards to reactions to my posts, as well as reactions to other posts here. I could picture MT Cranial Cavity yelling and screaming at his computer, spittle flying all over the keyboard and monitor, veins getting thicker on his head, face getting beat red, over reading my replies.