New poll says that Hillary will beat Trump by 8...

still 95 times higher than yours Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
still 90 times higher than yours Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
LMFAO Can't make up your mind hillbilly? Or just fucking up as usual? Maybe woomby is smarter than you are.........
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What do you suggest if the two national parties don't produce a candidate worth voting for , judy? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If you're having trouble with the reading...

I said that the time to stake your ground is during the primaries but if you read COG's posts he is not doing that. He has let others put forward candidates and then he complains about his choices. He is claiming some sort of nobility for his stand to not take a real stand. He refuses to get involved where it counts and then complains he didn't get what he wanted. It's real easy for him or anyone else to complain but to get put some skin in the game....that's just a little less than brave if you ask me. I'm just stripping away his fake moral high ground to expose him for what he is, a no show.
If you're having trouble with the reading...

I said that the time to stake your ground is during the primaries but if you read COG's posts he is not doing that. He has let others put forward candidates and then he complains about his choices. He is claiming some sort of nobility for his stand to not take a real stand. He refuses to get involved where it counts and then complains he didn't get what he wanted. It's real easy for him or anyone else to complain but to get put some skin in the game....that's just a little less than brave if you ask me. I'm just stripping away his fake moral high ground to expose him for what he is, a no show. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You should know you can't enter Kansas primaries unless you belong to the party. Even the new caucuses. Or did you want him to join the republican party?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
LMFAO Can't make up your mind hillbilly? Or just fucking up as usual? Maybe woomby is smarter than you are......... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
system crashed

go post some more cat pic's, I guess that is why you are such a PUSSY
system crashed

go post some more cat pic's, I guess that is why you are such a PUSSY Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
How about another of your dumb ass hillbilly?

And your brother woomby.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now, which candidate was worth caucusing for in Kansas? Trump, the con man? No. Cruz, the insider wolf in sheep's clothing? No. Rubio, the Eddie Haskell of the Establishment? Kasich? No, really?

I did caucus for the Republicans last election, for Ron Paul. But the Republicans chose a Big Government Establishment insider, like they will this time. So will the Democrats.

LittleLiberalEva, do you ever pay attention? I have already said what I plan to do if neither party puts forward a non-Establishment, small government candidate. I will do what I have done since 1972, when I voted for George MCGovern. Now, he wasn't small government, but he was anti-Establishment and honest. I intend to not squander my vote on a candidate certain to grow government, lie to us, and continue to roll back freedom. I will likely vote for the Libertarian candidate, for two reasons. I believe in most, not all, of their platform, and I want the Establishment to know that they do not have my permission to continue destroying my country. If you vote for a Democrat or Republican, you are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the Constitution and Freedom. I refuse to do that.

Does that FINALLY answer your question, LittleLiberalEva, and JDEstablishmentcorn?
bambino's Avatar
Now, which candidate was worth caucusing for in Kansas? Trump, the con man? No. Cruz, the insider wolf in sheep's clothing? No. Rubio, the Eddie Haskell of the Establishment? Kasich? No, really?

I did caucus for the Republicans last election, for Ron Paul. But the Republicans chose a Big Government Establishment insider, like they will this time. So will the Democrats.

LittleLiberalEva, do you ever pay attention? I have already said what I plan to do if neither party puts forward a non-Establishment, small government candidate. I will do what I have done since 1972, when I voted for George MCGovern. Now, he wasn't small government, but he was anti-Establishment and honest. I intend to not squander my vote on a candidate certain to grow government, lie to us, and continue to roll back freedom. I will likely vote for the Libertarian candidate, for two reasons. I believe in most, not all, of their platform, and I want the Establishment to know that they do not have my permission to continue destroying my country. If you vote for a Democrat or Republican, you are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the Constitution and Freedom. I refuse to do that.

Does that FINALLY answer your question, LittleLiberalEva, and JDEstablishmentcorn? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Who is the Libertarian candidate?
Now, which candidate was worth caucusing for in Kansas? Trump, the con man? No. Cruz, the insider wolf in sheep's clothing? No. Rubio, the Eddie Haskell of the Establishment? Kasich? No, really?

I did caucus for the Republicans last election, for Ron Paul. But the Republicans chose a Big Government Establishment insider, like they will this time. So will the Democrats.

LittleLiberalEva, do you ever pay attention? I have already said what I plan to do if neither party puts forward a non-Establishment, small government candidate. I will do what I have done since 1972, when I voted for George MCGovern. Now, he wasn't small government, but he was anti-Establishment and honest. I intend to not squander my vote on a candidate certain to grow government, lie to us, and continue to roll back freedom. I will likely vote for the Libertarian candidate, for two reasons. I believe in most, not all, of their platform, and I want the Establishment to know that they do not have my permission to continue destroying my country. If you vote for a Democrat or Republican, you are giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the Constitution and Freedom. I refuse to do that.

Does that FINALLY answer your question, LittleLiberalEva, and JDEstablishmentcorn? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What do you suggest if the two national parties don't produce a candidate worth voting for , judy? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who is the Libertarian candidate? Originally Posted by bambino
I'm expecting it to be Gary Johnson, but John McAfee is making a strong run for it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You should know you can't enter Kansas primaries unless you belong to the party. Even the new caucuses. Or did you want him to join the republican party? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Maybe you didn't notice where he wrote about McGovern.....that was what? 44 years ago? Plenty of time for him to really think about things. What I said still stands, he has put himself on a pedestal for not taking sides but standing on the sidelines complaining. Not a very noble undertaking.

I guess I should read ALL of the posts before I start commenting. Anyway, I'll leav up what I wrote so COG can take comfort in our mutual attack on EVA. I'm wondering though, why would COG attack me by calling me an establishment supporter? My record hardly supports that claim. My first presidential vote was for John Anderson in 1980. I voted for Pat Danner, a democrat for congress until she refused to vote for impeachment of Bill Clinton. Why? She publicly came out and said that what Bill did was "reprehensible, immoral, and illegal" but she would not support impeachment. I thought James Webb would have been a good choice for the democrats but he was forced out. My support has been, from the beginning, for Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina. So we know where I stand now. If it comes down to Trump versus Clinton (or Sanders) then I vote for Trump. Clinton the worst kind of politician (and person). Sanders has deluded himself with his 60s radicalism. He still thinks socialism works despite all contrary evidence from around the world. It's all well and good for a smaller country but unless there is a bigger adult (the U.S.) around to pick up the slack, that country goes the way of the Soviet Union. The one thing that Trump will do is to shake up the establishment (which I thought you were against) but no one knows what will come out of the chaos.
  • DSK
  • 03-14-2016, 06:28 PM
The mobilization of the white race, perhaps? Originally Posted by andymarksman
Not hardly - whites are taught to hate other whites and the only good thing a white person can do is cover their skin with tattoos to be less white.

Other races are taught to be proud of their race. Of course, since Assup is white, maybe we should be ashamed.

Never mind
Maybe you didn't notice where he wrote about McGovern.....that was what? 44 years ago? Plenty of time for him to really think about things. What I said still stands, he has put himself on a pedestal for not taking sides but standing on the sidelines complaining. Not a very noble undertaking.

I guess I should read ALL of the posts before I start commenting. Anyway, I'll leav up what I wrote so COG can take comfort in our mutual attack on EVA. I'm wondering though, why would COG attack me by calling me an establishment supporter? My record hardly supports that claim. My first presidential vote was for John Anderson in 1980. I voted for Pat Danner, a democrat for congress until she refused to vote for impeachment of Bill Clinton. Why? She publicly came out and said that what Bill did was "reprehensible, immoral, and illegal" but she would not support impeachment. I thought James Webb would have been a good choice for the democrats but he was forced out. My support has been, from the beginning, for Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina. So we know where I stand now. If it comes down to Trump versus Clinton (or Sanders) then I vote for Trump. Clinton the worst kind of politician (and person). Sanders has deluded himself with his 60s radicalism. He still thinks socialism works despite all contrary evidence from around the world. It's all well and good for a smaller country but unless there is a bigger adult (the U.S.) around to pick up the slack, that country goes the way of the Soviet Union. The one thing that Trump will do is to shake up the establishment (which I thought you were against) but no one knows what will come out of the chaos. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'll admit that Trump does piss off all the people I enjoy seeing pissed off. That is a plus. We'll have to see how things play out. I still think he's a con man, and I'm not convinced that he is not a plant to make sure Hillary is elected.

Nah. Gary Johnson or John McAfee for me. I'm not wasting my vote on a Republican.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'll admit that Trump does piss off all the people I enjoy seeing pissed off. That is a plus. We'll have to see how things play out. I still think he's a con man, and I'm not convinced that he is not a plant to make sure Hillary is elected.

Nah. Gary Johnson or John McAfee for me. I'm not wasting my vote on a Republican. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Of course in the reality of a two person race (Trump and Hillary), you're voting for Hillary. Sad but true. Let me put it this way; you see a crime committed, you have a responsibility to say something to someone but you hate the criminal and the prosecutor equally for whatever reason. So you go tell the local priest and believe that you've done your duty and your conscience is absolved from any responsibility. I don't buy into that argument. I know right from wrong. If I see wrong I have to do something about it even if that means going to someone I don't like or respect because it is their job to deal with it. Did that in the Navy many times. You can't always choice who you want to deal with. Same thing for candidates. I go into the primary looking at all the choices. I don't for one minute believe that everyone is corrupt. That is what the truly corrupt (like Bill and Hillary) want you to believe. Remember the defense of Bill; everyone does it, Bill just got caught. So I look at all the choices and make my picks (yes, more than one sometimes). I promote around my friends and co-workers, I send them money, and I support the cause on the ground. If my first picks don't make it then I look at who did....and I look at the other choice. Someone has to be better than the other. I could vote for the guy who rides in on a white unicorn but he won't win. He'll never win but I do hope to stop that very bad someone who is trying for the job by voting for the lesser of two evils as you see it. Or as the better candidate as I see it.