What ladies see AA Gents?

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Does everyone agree that just because #2 is true, it doesn't change the value of #1.

Conclusion. It doesn't matter what you want. If you are fat, you are more likely to get sick. Doesn't matter if you like the results. #1 is still true.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence

yes, being fat is bad
I find it funny that if someone doesnt shave, or shower for a few days or wear clean clothes, they are "slobs"/etc
but all of those things are fixed with an hour
however if someone is a fatty, which means months/years of overeating(gluttony) yet you can't call them a fat slob cause that's mean?
you can't fix being fat within an hour, and its taken a long time to get fat, unlike my unshaven face which takes a few days and can be fixed within an hour.

that's sorta the point I was trying to make with my above post
people have all kinds of"walk for a cure" walks, but is it ever your fault for what you did to your body?
lady at my HR dept got a knee replacement, she's still 300lbs...guess whats coming next?
personal responsilibty isnt taken, its "fate" or blame someone else.
yes, no one looks at numbers, statistics or probabty
and I'm ok with peolpe doing whatever they do, just don't make me pay for it
that's why I have progressive car insurance, right flow?
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Let's try to stay on topic here please ...if you want to discuss something else then start another thread about it.
  • 01-01-2016, 08:36 PM
Well I don't discriminate as long as he's a gentleman , follows the Rules , and sticks to the guidelines on the board with screening and stuff!! I don't like thugs ( which can be in any race ) !! Also Don't like drama that's a big NO !!
I do not discriminate against recovering alcoholics. Originally Posted by Gemma34


so, from me........... I'll see any gent once....

why do I choose not to see black men on the regular? Same reason as I do not see Hispanics, Saudi's, Hindu's or Russians.

They will almost always want to negotiate donation and not leave my space when their time is over.

Or, they flat out short me....

Also, it would seem as though the aforementioned "cultures" are kind of like a 30 yr old on Viagra... they just go and go and go and go and go.... no hi how are you, just more like " your my bitch so get to it and i'll not stop (and you won't know when to leave cuz I hid the clocks)"

All gents have needs and yes cultural and genetic background plays into that.. HAVING STATED THAT... I've met men from all the aforementioned who I have seen again because they did not try to degrade me with the attitude of "I'm in charge of you cuz you charge"...

Also, when a girl is at a lower price point, IN MY OPINION, when seeing a man of "color" (I'm digging my hole deeper at this point, I know LOL) .... actually, I won't even get into that side of the conversation.. I'll just state that women who advertise on certain sites at a certain price point, who sees gents in a "certain" part of town, they ATTRACT the "pimps"

When an individual looks at the history of prostitution in America, in the last 50 years it's been the black man who'se been the pimp... So now, that's the general idea and honestly... just because the black man knows the pimp hustle better than most other cultures NOW doesn't make them all bad.

Initially I did not see black men because I was raised that way.. END OF THE INITIAL STORY..... (which means we, as providers, should not meet with Italians or irish men cuz they ran the industry back when America was a wee country)

After being in the industry and having many positive experiences with black men, as well as the above mentioned, my childish attitude TOWARDS BLACK MEN have changed.. My attitudes against Saudi's will never change...

UGH... I've gone way off base, but this has been a HUGE line of thought for me as I have been posed this question forever..

by BOTH sides of the fence...

no doubt i'll reread this in a few hours and edit, yall just got my first thoughts...

this is an entire thesis and i'll have to just post on my blog..

my thoughts are too discombobulated and well... there's more to my thoughts than just the initial question...

AA men are unique in the states as far as discrimination by providers, but ugh.....

I'm grateful that I am now open enough to attempt to honestly answer this question...
JRLawrence's Avatar
All gents have needs and yes cultural and genetic background plays into that.. HAVING STATED THAT... I've met men from all the aforementioned who I have seen again because they did not try to degrade me with the attitude of "I'm in charge of you cuz you charge"...

Also, when a girl is at a lower price point, IN MY OPINION, when seeing a man of "color" (I'm digging my hole deeper at this point, I know LOL) .... actually, I won't even get into that side of the conversation.. I'll just state that women who advertise on certain sites at a certain price point, who sees gents in a "certain" part of town, they ATTRACT the "pimps"

When an individual looks at the history of prostitution in America, in the last 50 years it's been the black man who'se been the pimp... So now, that's the general idea and honestly... just because the black man knows the pimp hustle better than most other cultures NOW doesn't make them all bad.

Initially I did not see black men because I was raised that way.. END OF THE INITIAL STORY..... (which means we, as providers, should not meet with Italians or irish men cuz they ran the industry back when America was a wee country)

After being in the industry and having many positive experiences with black men, as well as the above mentioned, my childish attitude TOWARDS BLACK MEN have changed.. My attitudes against Saudi's will never change...

UGH... I've gone way off base, but this has been a HUGE line of thought for me as I have been posed this question forever..

by BOTH sides of the fence...

no doubt i'll reread this in a few hours and edit, yall just got my first thoughts...

Jazz Originally Posted by SpanishJewel

A very well thought out and well written response.

It's only been in the last three years or so that that the NO AA qualifier began to raise its ugly head on ads. Before that, most providers had no problem with the race of their clients. I'll go out on a limb and state that racist was not invented in the last three years. So what prompted the change?
I don't think the providers or most are being racist babe. For the most part its there pimps telling them not to see AA gents. If you look on backpage you see black providers saying that they don't see AA gents. I hope that the black providers are not racist towards their race babe. That's just what I think anyway.
It's only been in the last three years or so that that the NO AA qualifier began to raise its ugly head on ads. Before that, most providers had no problem with the race of their clients. I'll go out on a limb and state that racist was not invented in the last three years. So what prompted the change? Originally Posted by equation
So pimps were invented just a few years ago? I'll repeat - its only been in the last few years that these types of ad caveats started to appear. I'm sure that behind every provider is some gentlemen of leisure. What's curious is that in the past, this wasn't even a subject on this forum or any other for that matter because it wasn't an issue.
No pimps been around and im sure every pimp is different.. I for one DO NOT have a pimp of any kind. BTW no need to repeat I can read. I was just trying to help and that just what I hear and been told by other providers that their pimp makes them put that in there ADs.. Have a good day..
So pimps were invented just a few years ago? I'll repeat - its only been in the last few years that these types of ad caveats started to appear. I'm sure that behind every provider is some gentlemen of leisure. What's curious is that in the past, this wasn't even a subject on this forum or any other for that matter because it wasn't an issue. Originally Posted by equation