Where Will Barack and Michelle Go?

waverunner234's Avatar

BTW, is there any way the mods can disable Marshall's H and A keys on his keyboard? That would be good.... Originally Posted by timpage
And repeated emoticons too.
I throughly enjoy reading the Obama zombie political analysis and prognostications; it proves how far out of touch with America you guys are.....


I'm not as confident about Obama's chances....the economy will dictate, as it always does. If the economic situation remains stagnant or gets worse, Obama could be in trouble.....but only if Romney is the GOP nominee. If it's one of the outer space wingnuts (Cain, Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann), Obama will coast to an easy win, no matter the economic outlook. Luckily, the majority of Americans are not right-wing fringe lunatics like Whirly and Marshall.

BTW, is there any way the mods can disable Marshall's H and A keys on his keyboard? That would be good.... Originally Posted by timpage
Wonder how they defined "conservative"? Do you think they included the following parameters?

1. You're conservative if you're in favor of social security, medicaid and medicare being abolished.

2. You're conservative if you believe that the best way to cure America's current economic crisis is to pass a tax plan that will result in the middle class paying more taxes and the millionaires paying less taxes.

3. You're conservative if you believe that the best alternative methodology to cure America's current economic crisis is to get together in a big stadium with a bunch of fanatically religious lunatics and pray about the problem....while also praying for rain in Texas.

4. You're conservative if you think that women who are impregnated by rapists, including members of their own family, shouldn't have the option to terminate the pregnancy.

5. And so on....

Stay in the shallow end of the pool Whirly....My guess would be that a significant majority of those poll respondents had Ronald Reagan in mind when they answered that question, not the current crop of crazies who define conservatism.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nice job of setting a straw argument and knocking it down, then congratulating yourself, Tim. I'm not a conservative, but none that I know believe any of that crap. Except #3, and I don't like them.
Nice job of setting a straw argument and knocking it down, then congratulating yourself, Tim. I'm not a conservative, but none that I know believe any of that crap. Except #3, and I don't like them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
1. Herman Cain, on Fox News, last week:

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Sunday that he didn't agree with abortion "under any circumstance."
The candidate, who has promised to work to overturn Roe v. Wade, told NBC's David Gregory that he believes in "life from conception."
"I do not agree with abortion under any circumstance," he insisted.
"Exceptions for rape and incest?" Gregory asked.
"Not for rape and incest," Cain replied. "Because if you look at rape and incest, the percentage of those instances is so miniscule that there are other options."
But when it came to cases where the life of the mother was at stake, the former Godfather's Pizza CEO left a little wiggle room.
"If it's the life of the mother, that family is going to have to make that decision."

2. Herman Cain's 9 9 9 plan. You remember that, right? The thing everybody was talking about before we found out that Herman is a serial sexual harrasser and bully? I'd find you a link but you seem smart enough to locate one of the 5,000 stories out there concluding that middle-class folks would pay more under the plan and rich folks would pay less.

3. Michelle Bachman, February 10, while speaking in front of the fruit loops at the Constitutional Coalition regarding Medicare:

Bachmann spoke this past weekend at the right-wing Constitutional Coalition in St. Louis, Missouri, and put forth her plan. "So, what you have to do, is keep faith with the people that are already in the system, that don't have any other options, we have to keep faith with them. But basically what we have to do is wean everybody else off," said Bachmann. "And wean everybody off because we have to take those unfunded net liabilities off our bank sheet, we can't do it. So we just have to be straight with people. So basically, whoever our nominee is, is going to have to have a Glenn Beck chalkboard and explain to everybody this is the way it is."
It certainly is interesting to see a Republican not talk in any euphemistic terms about personal accounts, or about saving the system, etc., but to openly admit that the goal is to no longer provide the social benefits themselves, and to transition away from them.

There. Now, you know some conservatives who believe those things.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, Tim. #1. I'm not going to defend his statement. It is wrong. #2. Why not read the plan, instead of stories about the plan. It's not a great plan, but it is far better than the status quo. #3. SS and Medicare are not sustainable at current levels. That is simply a fact. I don't think anyone wants to get rid of the programs, (except me) but they can't continue as is.

Hey, you gave a rational response to my post. How odd, yet refreshing. Thanks.
Could care less what you think about his statement or what you condescendingly label as my "rational response"...as if you would recognize one if it landed on top of your pointy-ass head. Love the way you point out how he is wrong (we "rational" people know that), when the point is...you were.

And again, you read the 9 9 9 plan, I'm sure you can come up with whatever suits you. The point is that almost everybody else who has read it agrees with the original point that I made, while you indicated that no conservatives you know take that position.

Whether the programs are sustainable or not depends on a variety of factors.....which isn't the topic of discussion. It was whether or not conservatives (and the idiotic candidates they support) are in favor of abolishing the programs. I can find more quotes from more of your idiotic candidates that prove they do support that position if you like.

Oh, wait, you don't support anybody, you're not a Republican or a Democrat, you can't be blamed for anything, you can only take credit as a critic from the cheap seats. Grow a set.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Arrogant Asshat? LOL. Well, at least you didn't call me a neocon.

So I should become a Republican or Democrat so I could take some of the blame. No thanks, I will stand for what is right instead. But thanks for asking.
RedMerc's Avatar
I judge all of my opinions and political persuasions on how many reviews someone has. Whirly has a lot, Obama has none, oddly enough, Michelle has one, Rick Perry has 19, wow, and Tim, you have zero (but there is still time!).

So, my suggestion, is that in 2013, Obama and Michelle take their happy asses to the Happy Ending Massage parlour on 3rd and Montgomery. We elect Whirly as president with Fast Gunn as VP for stability in the Executive and get Rick Perry as the first Entertainment Czar and this whole issue should be resolved.

Then again, I could be off on some of this and perhaps I have made some of this up.