OPs original post:
A very interesting question was raised late last night and early this morning about Prepaid Sessions. If your a hobbyist, would you consider Prepaying for the session? Ladies, if you did accept the Prepaid amount, would you refund his money before the session took place, if asked?
Originally Posted by shorty
Sorry to disagree, that came up later in the thread.
As for your response. I had a provider call me from Houston, where she was stuck with no way home - 200 miles from her kids. I sent her the money to get home and to take care of things a few days. When I saw her 2 months later she repaid me 10 fold.
What goes around comes around. I may be a fool but I've sent money on numerous occasions to single moms in a bind (not expecting anything in return) What they do with it is their business. If they lied to me so be it - if I can, I will.