
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Your list is very short at best.
And of course you won't admit trump has lied thousands of times. Lies documented by witnesses, tape, and video.
But that means nothing?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Evidence? You want evidence? Here. Here's the evidence. See it?

You see it! Oh, you want to SEE it? Like, see it see it. Read it "see it".

Uuummm . . .

Such a fuckin' moron.

How can ANYone take him serious?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Evidence? You want evidence? Here. Here's the evidence. See it?

You see it! Oh, you want to SEE it? Like, see it see it. Read it "see it".

Uuummm . . .

Such a fuckin' moron.

How can ANYone take him serious? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

speaking of morons .. how seriously do yous take this one?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
speaking of morons .. how seriously do yous take this one?

BAHHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Not very.

First step is the hardest.

Thanks for admitting the prez is a moron.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not very.

First step is the hardest.

Thanks for admitting the prez is a moron. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

are yous speaking of "12 steps" are the hardest?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Better yet: Why don't the peaceful protests nab the dirt-bags and turn them over to the police since there must far more peaceful protesters than dirt-bags? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Are you ready for the answer they will give, "because that is the job of the police"! But they don't want any fucking police! And they know what will happen to them if they try and stop these animals.

Did you see the video of Elenore Holmes Norton the non voting member of Congress from DC? Seems she was out on the street doing an interview when this guy dressed in women's underwear, comes running towards her and brushes up against her I'm sure scaring the crap out of her and somebody says "where are the police when you need them"!

LexusLover's Avatar
Better yet: Why don't the peaceful protests nab the dirt-bags and turn them over to the police since there must far more peaceful protesters than dirt-bags? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Money! Their respecting funding comes from the same sources.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Money! Their respecting funding comes from the same sources. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Form and substance, sir.

The peaceful protesters are objecting to police "qualified immunity". Why would they turn over anyone to the very same people whose actions they see as being objectionable? It's like (insert John Oliver, Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert etc. joke).

LexusLover's Avatar
The peaceful protesters are objecting to police "qualified immunity". Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The "protesters" don't even know what "qualified immunity" is!

Do you? Or are you as stupid as they are? Quit making up shit to justify NOTHING!

Let me give you a hint: "Black Lives Matter"!

Doesn't have a fucking thing to do with "qualified immunity"!

It has to do with the allegation that an officer shot a Black man while his hands were raised in the air! His name is Michael Brown!

Your President's attorney general (the weapons exporter) confirmed that it DIDN'T HAPPEN!

So quit being stupid. You're challenging Munchie for first place!
everyone knows what blm, and related organizations, are about

its not about "fixing" America

its about destroying America using any method or lie it can

a borderless, non democratic and certainly non republican government,, destruction of free enterprise and capitalism, scorched earth start over, with the "right" people in charge

i aint buying it

the dim party's dog is being wagged by that tail

simple enough
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The "protesters" don't even know what "qualified immunity" is!

Doesn't have a fucking thing to do with "qualified immunity"!

It has to do with the allegation that an officer shot a Black man while his hands were raised in the air! His name is Michael Brown! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And the list goes on.

Quit being obtuse. I've already uploaded the case file as per your kind request. This revolution has EVERYthing to do with qualified immunity. The police don't even know what it is. But they sure as fuck exploit it to their disgusting ends. Fear is no excuse. You're challenging Wacky for your lack of acuity.

You have a short memory.

Keep kissing it, sir.
  • oeb11
  • 06-25-2020, 08:12 AM
9500 has clearly placed himself on the side of "Disarm, Defund, Disband" the police.

If 9500 had a clue as to what "qualified immunity"actually exists to do - - well - One cannot educate those who refuse to listen.

No qualified immunity means - No cops. No police protection. Be my guest - 9500- U are welcome to lived in a police free state . have the anarchists run wild and no constitution to protect honest citizens.

All for the actions of an officer (Chauvin) who appears to hav committed an inexcusable act outside of police procedure. He is in the justice system - and a trial by jury of peers will decide.

Qualified immunity :In the United States, the doctrine of qualified immunity grants government officials performing discretionary functions immunity from civil suits unless the plaintiff shows that the official violated "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known".

It is not just about cops - nor immunity from the criminal justice system for criminal acts. It protects officials from frivolous lawsuits - which would quickly deprive every cop of home, pension. and all assets - per the wishes of the CHOP type radicals.

Try to hire cops without protection of qualified immunity - or mayors, city councils, and other officials of government employ - good luck with that.

add to that Defunding - when the problem seems to be "Police actions" such as Chauvin - while it is very difficult to fire cops who have repeated inappropriate/illegal actions due to required arbirtration - Defunding takes away the money for better training, better quality officer hiring, and better policing in the community.

The Radicals are clever - accuse all cops of abuse on the basis of a few incidents - and go for destroying policing in America on the backs of OBLM - and succeeding, to a degree. They want an anarchy socialist type society - "Burn down the old" to build a new America based on CHOP.

I note that CHOP area businesses have filed a lawsuit against the mayor and city for failure to protect their Constitutional rights from the radical anarchists - after mayor jenny provided the rioters and terrorists with barriers to protect them from the City.

Another loss for City of Seattle.

And 9500 shows a total lack of grasp of the real underlying issues, Typical superficial viewpoint of Leftist radicals on issues.
Find someone else to kiss your ring - up on Your socialist throne - 9500
LexusLover's Avatar
If 9500 had a clue as to what "qualified immunity" actually exists to do - - well - One cannot educate those who refuse to listen. Originally Posted by oeb11
That is merely one element that is wrong with the SocialistLeft.

Another is they share their ignorance with the general public and that infects the thought processes of the general public. Then big screen TVs become the subject matter of whine bottle throwing contests. Or the torching of a Wendy's.

When is a "noose" not a "noose"?
lustylad's Avatar
This revolution has EVERYthing to do with qualified immunity. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Then please educate us in what the fuck it means - otherwise how can you expect us to join the revolution?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Then please educate us in what the fuck it means - otherwise how can you expect us to join the revolution? Originally Posted by lustylad
First steps first. Admit the country was founded on inequality.

Here we go again. You decide for yourself what it means then tell me what you think. IMHO it means fear-based impunity.

No. 18-2142

Qualified immunity shields police officers who commit constitutional violations from liability when, based on “clearly established law,” they “could reasonably believe that their actions were lawful.”
Reasonable assumption is the key issue.
Once we stipulate a systematic change is necessary for equal justice under the law, then we can work together towards a favorable revolution. But it needs to happen fast. I am extremely encouraged by your seemingly eager goal of an end to this.

Thank you, sir.

The SCOTUS should have deliberated.
  • oeb11
  • 06-25-2020, 12:13 PM
"Country was founded on inequality" - well - what does 9500 want to do to repair the inequality???
After decades of failed LibDem welfare, special treatment of their groups, and special laws for special interest groups.

It is never enough - because Lib Dems have to buy votes to keep their sheeples in the fold.

How much reparations, support for open border aliens, Free medical care for all in the American hemisphere, abortion on demand - up to crowning - Retribution taxes on caucasian, and new Stimulus taxes and new Green Deal taxes is 9500 prepared to pay???

Likely your entire income and all assets.

Until you get your new green Deal government sinecure employment for life in a DemLib government housing project. named for AOC.


BTW - YSL was NOT an American citizen. he was French. And died of brain cancer.

sometimes I wonder if the LibDems suffer from an insidious form of undiagnosed "Brain cancer"!!

Robespirerre was also French - and died of a missing head.