Reasons why I'd make a provider's great SO.

When I pay my fee, I am paying you to be discreet, to attach zero strings to me, and to be as romantically non-dangerous as a eunuch.

Without that fee, what have I got?

Indiscretion, strings, and someone who thinks she has the same rights as a girlfriend. Originally Posted by Laurentius
I don't feel like it always has to be that way. The boundaries need to be set in place in the beginning and each party needs to have a clear understanding of them. If you value the friendship you have to stick by the rules otherwise the friendship will end. For me it's like having a "controlled crush" on the other person.
discreetgent's Avatar
Jeez. When I hand over my envelope it is to fall in love. So y'all mean that is not what it's about?
Jeez. When I hand over my envelope it is to fall in love. So y'all mean that is not what it's about? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Very rarely DG. You know that. But when it happens it sure can be nice. If you are reading this Mr Last Summer, I hope everything is going well for you.
  • Bliss
  • 07-24-2010, 12:45 AM
***Giving Tif a high five on the anal comment*** Amen sista!!
We all can have different opinions on what makes a man special. Originally Posted by Ansley
In this world, what makes a man special is his ability to fork over 200-500 for a good fucking. If he can't do that, he's not special enough to get a fucking. And even then, there is a big disparity in the quality of the session a provider offers from one hobbyist to the next.
discreetgent's Avatar
Very rarely DG. You know that. But when it happens it sure can be nice. Originally Posted by Ansley
Hmm, looks like I missed a
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  • 07-24-2010, 07:00 AM
Hmm, looks like I missed a Originally Posted by discreetgent
oy fuckin' vey!
I don't feel like it always has to be that way. The boundaries need to be set in place in the beginning and each party needs to have a clear understanding of them. If you value the friendship you have to stick by the rules otherwise the friendship will end. For me it's like having a "controlled crush" on the other person. Originally Posted by Ansley
That's fair enough. I have a couple of friends who happen to be escorts. One I see for sessions (paid of course) the other I don't, though we do other stuff.

I personally believe the payment is quite important. Anytime an escort has attempted to avoid it, sneak it back to me without me knowing or any of that jazz; it has always been a harbinger of trouble.

I'm sort of spooked on this point because I had allowed for a fair amount of OTC time in order to tutor a couple of a lady's kids and I thought it was no problem. Later, she sneaks payment for a session back to me by hiding it in my gym bag.

You cannot even imagine the mess. As far as I'm aware, I never led her on or anything. But when I met her for lunch to make extra sure she got her fee there were protestations of undying love, attempts to extract promises, and even a scene with her holding on to me and crying and telling me not to leave in front of a very uncomfortable crowd, etc.

I'm not in the hurting people business. I felt and still feel terrible about it. I have no idea how it came to pass for her; but though I've always liked her, I can't reciprocate what she needs. Obviously I no longer see her for anything physical; but as she is a lawyer in her day job with a firm I do business with, I end up doing lunch with her occasionally at her invite. Sometimes I catch a look from her that makes me feel like somehow I have abused or hurt her though I never meant to and don't understand how I did it.

So, no unpaid sessions for me. And, frankly, since that went down about a year ago, I have seriously restricted non-sexual OTC too. I have no idea what happened, but I don't want it happening to anyone else.
In this world, what makes a man special is his ability to fork over 200-500 for a good fucking. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The money only enables him to begin to play the game. Having money doesn't make a man special.
there is a big disparity in the quality of the session a provider offers from one hobbyist to the next. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That is very true with me Charles. I don't offer the same thing to each man I see. Each encounter is different, because each person is different. You can bet your bottom dollar if you walk in with a nasty woe is me attitude you will be treated differently than a person that has a wonderful positive attitude. If you want to be treated like everybody else, sign up for the assembly line, robotic, 15 minute sessions.
discreetgent's Avatar
In this world, what makes a man special is his ability to fork over 200-500 for a good fucking. If he can't do that, he's not special enough to get a fucking. And even then, there is a big disparity in the quality of the session a provider offers from one hobbyist to the next. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Even if he can do that it doesn't mean he will get a session. Not every request by a gent is accepted by a lady.
The money only enables him to begin to play the game. Having money doesn't make a man special. Originally Posted by Ansley
Word! And it doesn't just apply to men, either.
The money only enables him to begin to play the game. Having money doesn't make a man special. .... Each encounter is different, because each person is different. Originally Posted by Ansley
What can I say except ... Bravo!
there is a big disparity in the quality of the session a provider offers from one hobbyist to the next. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I don't offer the same thing to each man I see...If you want to be treated like everybody else, sign up for the assembly line, robotic, 15 minute sessions. Originally Posted by Ansley
Ahhhh, but the ads portray a unique and high quality session for everyone. I guess there is a great deal of deception in these ads.

Maybe the pricing needs to be tiered:
  • one hour, assembly line session = $
  • one hour, somewhat personalized session = $$
  • one hour, special wonderful session = $$$ (or $$$$, depending on the provider)
I guess, Ans, you'd be providing McDonald's treatment for Bone's prices.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I guess, Ans, you'd be providing McDonald's treatment for Bone's prices. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'm not getting in the middle of this cat fight.....

But Chuck, I give you props for the local reference
Laurentus -

My best guess for how you ended up in the surprising situation you were in - was something you stated in your post.

You got involved with her children.

End of story.

I kept EVERYONE far, far, far, far, FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR, AWAY from my children when I was a provider. One "non-client" hobbyist had met them. I didn't really have a choice, and needed help. I already trusted him dearly with my RL info, and we both KNEW FOR CERTAIN that both of us had NO INTEREST in one another what. so. ever. (I think we actually both looked at one another and went "eww")


If any provider has you get involved with her children, watch out. Put your guard up. Refer her to someone else that can help her out if you can. (so that if you do like her and feel you do "trust" her, that you are still helping her without putting yourself in the firing line of her emotions.)

Over the years I've seen story after story of trouble of one kind or another from a man with a heart wanting to help out - especially gals who are mothers - and it just going so badly for the fella. Yeah, I may be even going against myself at some point in the future maybe(should I be in that position and ask for help)...but I'm an honest person...I just tell it how I feel it. If you are gonna help... Watch. Out.