Sugar Daddys

I understand it. just don't have a clue of how to find the right girl.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Finding the right girl probably has to do with appearance, hygene, and a great car. I borrowed a family member's sebring convertable once and drove to a gas station with the top down in north Dallas and had 3 women literally staring at me with dropped jaws like I was the sexiest thing they had ever seen. NEVER happens driving around in a non luxury car, I wasn't even dressed nice. I imagine putting it all together would make it a no brainer.
I do well with the FWB type of girls. Seems when money gets involved it becomes something different. Speaking of my own situation and not making it a general statement.

More power to you SD's. I envy that situation but I don't posses the capabilities to pull it off. I'll stick to FWB, strippers and providers for fun. I'll leave the SB's for you gentlemen that can handle it.
LOL back at ya

Bullshit is Bullshit.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Coming from someone that likes their own post.
Braveheart's Avatar
Here are some of my observations after dabbling in the SD/SB scene for nearly a year.

1. A true SB for me appreciates her SD because the relationship is solidly one based on friendship, respect, some mentorship, and DEPENDABLE financial support.
2. A true SB for me can appreciate what $10-$15-$20,000 or more "pre-tax" dollars per year means.
3. I tend to agree with almost everything Gotyour6 wrote about it being a very difficult transition for most providers and most strippers UNLESS they are really tired of those occupations and ready to jump fully back into the "real" world.

There's more, but that's a start. Good luck to the OP. Being an optimist, I wish you well and hope you find what you are looking for.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Well, like everything else there are multiple types of relationships that go by that name. The Heff would be considered a sugar daddy and his girl(s) can pretty much live like queens, definitely not 20k-30k a year sort of lifestyles.

I understand looking for a girl who expects less, but there are plenty of guys running around the ritsy places in most major cities with "Trophy Wives" which are no more than glorified sugar babies in my humble opinion.

You can always appreciate walking around those towns, the women are so ridiculously tanned, large breasted, with full milfy lips... dear lord they are hot. Hmm, but a lot of their husbands are short, bald, heavy and 20 years older, how did this happen?
Coming from someone that likes their own post. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
nice try. don't think you can like your own post twice but whatever. You're clearly very immature.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I think you are funny is all.
You amuse me. Thanks
i agree with this completely! i use .millionaires are verified(they have to send in tax forms), so it cuts down on time wasting

no then your a regular... 5-7000 a month your a sugar daddy Originally Posted by BeautifulBree
rogerdodger's Avatar
obviously, as stated previously, a non-economic component exists in the SD/SB situation. it's a rather large component - and based upon most of the discussion here, one that most of the commenters are not interested in.

if you are a provider and want a single patron to fulfill your economic needs rather than a number of hobbyists, that's understandable. how would you go about that ? do you think that 'doling out sexual pleasure' by the hour is what gets us ... that's what gets someone for an hour. Charlie Sheen once said 'i pay them to leave, not for sex' ... of course most of us aren;t tv stars - but some of us are well off.

so what are we looking for ? a non-committed relationship where we have fun - sexual and otherwise. also, i enjoy(ed) advising and mentoring someone who was honest, forthcoming, and wanted to be with me.

i don;t think i need to qualify my looks or economic situation to anyone here - i do recognize that being a nice,decent guy with some manners and gentility is more than many women think they can get. i choose to share my time and money - they choose to share their time.

and - if no connection is made, the skill level and looks do not matter. at all. period.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Very interesting thread I must say, thanks for posting.
rew1256's Avatar
Cali, Sugar Daddies expect the exact same thing from their Sugar Babies...

When do most of these end? When the naive Sugar Daddy discovers he has been paying his Sugar Baby's Boyfriend's rent for the past two years. Originally Posted by Jackie S
At that point you could swap the words, Sb with provider and boyfriend with pimp.

For me it has been the thrill of the hunt. The amount I provide has so little to do with their performance. They have not yet become jaded, so they have their fantasies as well.
I think if you are spending over $5-700 on a young lady a month you are pretty much a sugar daddy. Originally Posted by Fast Ricky
you forgot to add a zero ...
Here's my opinion: Hobbyists say all the time that a provider cannot be a sugarbaby. Well.. I personally think a hobbyist cannot be a sugardaddy. Hobbyists that go the "sugardaddy" route or should I say.. what they THINK is the sugardaddy route are only looking for one thing: Cheap pussy. They trick unassuming, naive civie chicks into thinking that they're are sugardaddies when they're really just , in fact, cheap hobbyists.

You are here so you obviously see "hookers". You pay $200 and up an hour for a hooker and then give your "sugarbabbies" significantly less. Most if not all of you, put these women (your sugarbabies) on a pedastal while putting escorts down in your posts, why is that?

Are your sugarbabies aware of your role in the hobby? Do they KNOW you see hookers? How do they feel about that?

How do you know your sugarbabies aren't hooking on the side?
I know a lot of escorts on sugardaddy sites. I also know a lot of ladies that
cry broke, have sugardaddies and make 100k a year.

Some of you post pictures of your sugarbabies. Do they women know that their photos are being scattered all over hookerboards? Do you not care about their privacy? Why do you post pictures of them here? Is this your way of showing us you're not lying about your findings?

To me, a sugarbaby is a really cheap prostitute that hasn't figured out how to use the internet to sell herself to the highest bidder. They're slow learners. They eventually realize they could have been paid in full and become full blown escorts. Originally Posted by hiddenrose

Exactly. Mostly that is the case. Funny on the side. I was on one of these SD homepages, with Nina Sastri of course as my name, when they deleted my photos claiming I was using photos of an escort.
I wrote back "I AM an escort and that one" and they told me "escorts not allowed, because they don`t support prostitution"

I was like "WTF??"

Can anyone explain to me what the hell is the difference between selling yourself for money and selling yourself for money ?

Besides: IMHO sugardaddy relationship can very well develop out of a client-escort encounter. That is at least what I experience most of the time.

I can`t imagine with my very best imaginative creativity that looking for a "SD" on a homepage must be anything else than a horribly cheap experience.

I saw offers gents make. It`s horrible. I laugh at that. I`d have to keep 50 SDs a month for that kind of money, so I can right away be an escort , have less clients and more money ) (lol)