Looks like it was an accident, and not some illegal animal hellbent on killing Americans

lustylad's Avatar
If I want to keep the murderers where they belong? Is that an insinuation that all illegal immigrants are murderers and criminals?

Of course they're all criminals. You just called them "illegal" - what do you think that word means? Are you saying we can't call the shooter a murderer because the gun went off accidentally?

Maybe if republicunts hadn't pushed back so hard against any reasonable solution to the immigration problem, we wouldn't HAVE sanctuary cities. Can you wrap your tiny brain around that?

You dumb lying sack of shit. San Fransicko has been a sanctuary city since 1989 - can you wrap your tiny brain around that? And your concern about solving the immigration problem is as fake as your empathy. The only "solution" you care about is trading amnesty and citizenship for votes. Your idea of "securing the border" is to set up voter registration booths near Tijuana and Juarez. Spare us your phony bullshit about wanting to solve the problem. To the contrary, you just want to PRETEND to address the problem while keeping the borders wide open to ferry in future voters as needed. Do you think we're too dumb to see that, cocksucker?

He spent over 10 years in jail... What else would you have them do?

Obviously 10 years wasn't enough since he still snuck back over the border 5 times! When existing laws don't deter, you increase the penalties for breaking them. Can you wrap your tiny brain around that?
Originally Posted by WombRaider
southtown4488's Avatar
the facts don't matter to racists, they have an irrational hatred of blacks immigrants, Hispanics, Arabs, Muslims. . . any religion that's not theirs. They cannot be reasoned with, we can only wait for them to die off. . . good news is that angry people tend to die sooner.
lustylad's Avatar
Did somebody piss in your Wheaties today, suckclown? Just because you're angry and irrational doesn't mean the rest of us are.
southtown4488's Avatar
Did somebody piss in your Wheaties today, suckclown? Just because you're angry and irrational doesn't mean the rest of us are. Originally Posted by lustylad
racism is an irrational fear of the other, that's you.
gfejunkie's Avatar
the facts don't matter to racists, they have an irrational hatred of blacks immigrants, Hispanics, Arabs, Muslims. . . any religion that's not theirs. They cannot be reasoned with, we can only wait for them to die off. . . good news is that angry people tend to die sooner. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Race has nothing to do with it.
The dems are losing future constituency through abortion. They have to come up with them from somewhere! The Mexican border seems to offer a continuous, steady stream of future voters. If they can legalize all the ones that are already here, well so much the better. Give them all the perks (free healthcare, welfare, food, shelter, etc.) and WHAMMO! Instant democrat!

I've always said that if there was a way to know that all the illegals that were coming across the border leaned conservative the democrats couldn't build that wall fast enough.
More libtard nonsense. Did I make San Francisco a sanctuary city? Did Republicans say it was ok to flout federal immigration laws and release a 5-time deportee from custody? Look in the mirror, you lying phony fucktard. YOU are responsible for Kate Steinle's death. If you want to keep the murderers where they belong, you would support Kate's Law. But that's not what this thread is about, is it dipshit?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
And don't forget that woomby is a wetback and defends ALL things wetback. He espouses the La Raza movement and the Reconquista movement of Me-ji-co invading the southwest U.S. and taking it back over after they lost it in the war between the pepper bellys and the U.S.
lustylad's Avatar
racism is an irrational fear of the other, that's you. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Not securing the border is irrational, suckclown. Unless you want to admit you're just doing it in return for votes, in which case you are corrupt and putting politics ahead of national security.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
woomby would loose all of his favorite customers and their " jalapeno dicks " down at the 'holes if a wall was built ! No wonder he's so vocal in his opposition to it ! He'd loose his source of " ropey loads" for his facials !
southtown4488's Avatar
Race has nothing to do with it.
The dems are losing future constituency through abortion. They have to come up with them from somewhere! The Mexican border seems to offer a continuous, steady stream of future voters. If they can legalize all the ones that are already here, well so much the better. Give them all the perks (free healthcare, welfare, food, shelter, etc.) and WHAMMO! Instant democrat!

I've always said that if there was a way to know that all the illegals that were coming across the border leaned conservative the democrats couldn't build that wall fast enough. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You defeated ur own logic,. you claim dems would build a wall to stop "conservatives". .. but support abortion rights that stop liberal voters???? cant have it both ways dude, maybe we support a womens right to choose cause its simply the right thing to do, we support treating immigrants like humans because its the right thing to do.
southtown4488's Avatar
And don't forget that woomby is a wetback and defends ALL things wetback. He espouses the La Raza movement and the Reconquista movement of Me-ji-co invading the southwest U.S. and taking it back over after they lost it in the war between the pepper bellys and the U.S. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
more uncle tom ass kissing, u truly are a disgrace.
southtown4488's Avatar
Not securing the border is irrational, suckclown. Unless you want to admit you're just doing it in return for votes, in which case you are corrupt and putting politics ahead of national security.
. Originally Posted by lustylad

Not supporting the economy with needed workers is irrational, most economists say immigrants, documented or not are a net plus for the economy. but don't let that get in the way of ur racists views.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You defeated ur own logic,. you claim dems would build a wall to stop "conservatives". .. but support abortion rights that stop liberal voters???? cant have it both ways dude, maybe we support a womens right to choose cause its simply the right thing to do, we support treating immigrants like humans because its the right thing to do. Originally Posted by southtown4488
I'm not arguing semantics. I'm saying what is.
I live in realville. Obviously you don't.
southtown4488's Avatar
I'm not arguing semantics. I'm saying what is.
I live in realville. Obviously you don't. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
you argued with yourself. Even if you win, you lose.
gfejunkie's Avatar
you argued with yourself. Even if you win, you lose. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Okay, idiot. I'll explain it to you so you'll understand.

For you guys on the left abortion is a sacrament. Untouchable. Come Hell or high water you are going to make sure every abortion that can possibly take place DOES. We get that!

The only thing is it's liberals like you that get all of the abortions. You're killing off your own kind! I don't know why you do it. You just do.

You have to replace them with 'SOMEBOD(IES)'.

That is why you have to look to the border for 'moldables'.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The republican myth of adding voters is hilarious. The funny part is you wish you had them, but you've treated minorities like shit for so many years, no minorities will have you

Amnesty is the only realistic solution, retardo. Deporting 13 million people is not realistic. I know you and your fellow republicants would love to waste a billion dollars trying and failing, but it's just not reality. Come up with a real solution.