First, you speculate (based on your 10 years of banking experience, cough cough) that Trump was fraudulently able to obtain real estate loans over 150% LTV. ($2 mln against a property worth $1.3 mln.)So I worked in banking for 10 yrs on the lending side/ and then with the investment side regarding stocks bonds and commodities; and the oil and gas business for another 10 yrs, and then my own consulting business afterwards; so while I have knowledge of a few specialties, I don't profess to know everything- UNLIKE everyone on this board.
Then you tell us most banks will only lend up to 70-85% LTV on commercial properties.
All I can say is - man, that trumpy sure must be a crafty one to snooker banks into busting through their own lending limits like that!
And apparently the banking regulators never caught any of this loosy-goosy stuff either! Originally Posted by lustylad
Additionally- I think I bring a basis for the things that I speak about. You don't have to agree with them, but I don't live in the world of conspiracies and maybe, woulda, coulda, shoulda- land.
So what did I write that confounded you?
Are you not familiar with LTV's and how they can affect rates and and how they can be leveraged as either collateral or to gain access for cash and artificially show down payment or hand money etc.
lower LTV is lower risk-clearly. And it's due to the fact especially now, that it's commercial property that has had the bigger defaults and issues. Now starting to correct a little bit ,but generally has pockets of high risk. A lower LTV results in more competitive commercial loan terms and rates, whereas a high LTV results in higher risk, and therefore less advantageous loan terms for the borrower
So crafty -yes. Anyone who has been creating / cooking the books on valuations is indeed creating potential false sense of possible lower LTV's and therefore gather better rates than should be granted.
I could go on and on with why that is crafty and manipulative to the folks who are approving a loan. Assume a loan officer, looks at a property and says it worth x, and in order to get the LTV in line to grant the loan, they say that 250k down money is needed, or 2.5 million..whatever. If you think they keep running the books, to see where a larger company pulls a large sum out of another property / via line of credit or submortgages etc. It's all artificial. When anyone does that type of Crafty-ness-yes it's called fraud. It may be harder to prove and while Trump has more assets to get fluidity out, it's still I'm sure a shell game of money, assets and even kiting in some cases. (yet to be proven). The guy has a long history in bankruptcy. I'm betting anyone he ever fucked over with that, is thinking- 'Yep-that's the same shit he pulled with us before he pulled the rug out from under me/ us".
The fact that he can't have a foundation and has been charged with multiple frauds, and that his chief accountant, Weisselberg has been found guilty of it, and pled to perjury, and that Mazars dropped him due to non conformity of GAAP tells me enough to suspect his bad actions.
And that's not even breaking the surface on his taxes, and what he writes off, or claims as a taxable basis on properties, since he clearly lies on the valuations of his 30k foot penthouse, vs. it's 10k ft value. When you say you're not collecting rent on open property and write off that as missed revenue or lost revenue, you know he's using the highest valuation he can- legally or illegally. That's likely why he's constantly been on the IRS audit list. But I digress.
What more did you need to see since you're scoffing at my knowledge??- Oh and please feel free to comment on what expertise you bring to the table sir, since you demeaned mine in the process.