26 playgrounds in memory of Sandy Hook

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I never talk down to you pups Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You never talk down to anyone, LittleEva. You're at the bottom of the intellectual totem pole. There is no one for you to talk down to.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
We can conclude, then, that you oppose all memorials for the slain children of Sandy Hook.

What a great guy you are! We're all very proud of you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Conclude whatever the hell you want, Assup! We know you'll be wrong.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
In the corner again Whiny! what is your position on memorializing the slain children? obviously you've chosen to,take issue with posters supporting it. Do you agree with them or are you just being a contrary dickhead?

Please answer this. Tell us what you're made of!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Many children die from violence or disease every year. Do you want to memorialize them because they were white? Where are the memorials for the little children of color who die every day in violent and disease ridden neighborhoods?

And yet I must show support for these memorials to "show what I am made of"?

But here's your answer, DOTY Assup. Individuals using private money on private land can memorialize anything they want.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK, so you admit that you were just being a dick.

That didn't hurt, now, did it?

You probably ought to do that more often, dick!

You can now leave the corner.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who is being a dick, DOTY Assup? Think about this, or have your case manager think about this and explain it to you.

Why do we want to memorialize Sandy Hook? Why do we memorialize 9-11, WWII, WWI, Vietnam, etc. it's simple. WE DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN! We believe that by recognizing these events, we will be more thoughtful in the future, and they won't happen again. So we memorialize Sandy Hook, in the hopes that by remembering, we will take the steps necessary to prevent such a tragedy again

But what about the killings and violence that happens everyday, particularly in inner cities? Why don't we push to memorialize those? It's simple. WE DON'T CARE IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN OR NOT! We figure it's going to happen anyway, so why bother? Of course it's sad, but really, it doesn't bother me. I'm not like those people.

So the politicians give them free phones, Vision cards, welfare and in return, they get voted back into office. Nothing gets done that might actually change the situation, why, if those people became independent, they might think for themselves and - horror of horrors - they might not vote for me!

Case in point. Newt Gingrich, in one of his rare lucid moments, advocated a sub-minimum wage for schoolchildren to get them working, teach them some responsibility and give them a sense of accomplishment. This was met with a round of ridicule. Why? Is it better to have them standing on the street, learning to deal drugs, making babies, and learning violence? Somehow, that is better than letting them learn about work and personal responsibility.

That's why we don't memorialize routine tragedies. We don't care. Or we want to exploit it for our advantage.

Yes. Sandy Hook was a tragedy. A brutal, horrific tragedy. But it happened to white people, in a suburban community. It's a perfect "rich, white folk" tragedy. We care now.

God Bless those children and those who loved them. But excuse me if I don't jump on the "horrified" memorial bandwagon just to prove to you, who is deserving of no respect, what "I am made of." I know what I am made of.

And you, Assup, my friend, are a dick.
JCM800's Avatar
Case in point. Newt Gingrich, in one of his rare lucid moments, advocated a sub-minimum wage for schoolchildren to get them working, teach them some responsibility and give them a sense of accomplishment. This was met with a round of ridicule. Why? Is it better to have them standing on the street, learning to deal drugs, making babies, and learning violence? Somehow, that is better than letting them learn about work and personal responsibility Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Gingrich wanted to bend child labor laws and put young kids to work as janitors, replacing the janitors already on staff.

you call that a "lucid moment"
You never talk down to anyone, LittleEva. You're at the bottom of the intellectual totem pole. There is no one for you to talk down to.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

As long as you are on the board I will never have to worry about the totem pole as you will always be below me little Eva. You can't even ascertain simple comments. Take your time looking up ascertain.
I B Hankering's Avatar

What is that? The "Down Low Ass Bangers"? Is that how you rate trannies? Originally Posted by ExNYer
That was a pathetic piece of night soil, you dumb-fuck Yankee mick-prick, did you pick up that line from a 3rd grader? The dumb-fuck Yankee mick-prick is too ignorantly stupid to use Google, so he instead prefers to project his own brand of racist perversions.