Stupid Brits Can't Figure It Out

As you know Nothing about my country so therefore you can ram your Reich wing BS right up your ass sideways. There is nothing more STUPID than Americans who think El Douchebag is doing a great job. We all make mistakes and I’m sure this will not happen again. Some very brave folks tackled this guy and in the end he got what he deserved. But that was lost on your half wit comments. Imagine what would have happened if this guy had a GUN like he would have in this GUN crazed and obsessed country. But then we don’t have the NRA to contend with in the UK. There are plenty of stupid folks here including YOU! Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
I know we kicked your ass 250 years ago Kriss. And you keep calling for our help every 20-50 years recently.

But this thread isn't about our great President, so please stop hijacking. Nor is it about gun control.

You know that several other Muslims this guy was convicted with for the same incident were "accidentally" released also?

got some more details on this.

apparently, the idiot flashed his suicide vest, and police shot him.

wonder if this was intentional police-cide? (suicide by police)? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Except he killed two people. One person who was "trying to help him." Just a run of the mill terrorist.
  • oeb11
  • 12-02-2019, 09:07 AM
And who is BWK ?
Another LM or fake canuck from foreign shores who is obviously a self-professed expert on all things America?
If Brit - keep on releasing your terrorists into the general population.

And blaming America for the results.

Try hiring H... to come give some speeches in brit - that will obviously solve the problem if she just comes to "Talk" to the terrorist bastards.
HoeHummer's Avatar
You’re a tiny little man, CaptainAmerica.
winn dixie's Avatar
brits cant even get good dental coverage. just look at their teeth.
HoeHummer's Avatar
brits cant even get good dental coverage. just look at their teeth. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Not British

Nots British

Definitelys not British
Piers Morgan figured it out.

Most terrorists don't change their evil spots so it's time Britain stopped going soft on hate-filled jihadis to please the PC hand-wringing brigade and does what Americans do - lock them up forever.

That's your punishment for deciding to align yourself with the worst terror groups in modern history - responsible for mass murder and carnage on a grotesque, heinous scale.

Americans take the view that if you're part of an organization that beheads aid workers, throws gay people off roofs, sets victims on fire in cages, or flies planes in to sky-scrapers, then you're unlikely to rehabilitate to an extent where you can be trusted not to carry on doing such diabolical things.

But in Britain, we take a rather different approach.

If you're a convicted Al-Qaeda terrorist in my country, then you get to walk free after just eight years, without anyone even bothering to check if you're still dangerous.

Sounds insane, right?

Well that's because it IS insane.
  • oeb11
  • 12-02-2019, 05:06 PM
Those lessons are unlikely to be learned by the bleeding heart islam loving DPST's.

They would much rather sacrifice innocent folks to terrorism than appear non-PC.
DPST borders is not just the southern - it is a world-wide open America to any and all who want to come - regardless of their nefarious intents.

Except in Pelosi and Schumer's back yards - they have enough maids and gardeners and Imam's
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny how the world issues become about America , and the Decolonization open borders so billionaires can make mo money
HoeHummer's Avatar
Funny how the world issues become about America , and the Decolonization open borders so billionaires can make mo money
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Also not British.
Also not British. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I missed where someone said you were. Care to elaborate on why you thought that?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-03-2019, 12:23 PM
What do the Brits have to do with MAGA?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

there seems to be a twist to the fake suicide bomber knifing story, it appears that a british murder was a hero for taking down the terrorist.

so, it took a murder to take down another murder??? this is too rich.

this has some people upset. this guy was on a day release.

James Ford, the 42-year-old man who helped stop the latest London knife terrorist, is being rejected as a "hero," because he is a convicted murderer who was on day release
Interesting. How about the Polish chef that used a Narwhal tusk on the bum? I wanna know that guy's backstory.

Where's Blisswithkris?
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Brits are a living history on how NOT to handle well bad guys immigration , Tunnel vision is curable ,,,,( stop watching cnn )