Kissing, doing it well or not at all?

Oh, you are so sweet dear. I'd love for our lips to meet as well. Hopefully later this year I can find the time for a Louisiana mini tour and make my way by you.

Someone not seen? That's easy Lena Duvall. No question. Would love a kissing session with her. Originally Posted by OldGent
That would be quite nice.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Are u only one awake on whole dam board? Those dam Einsteins above are useless. I don't think your what I need. I don't even know what off clock means. I swear does nobody see the shit. I mean why sit here . I know kinda why. But you? Why? I want one of those mods to tell me what they did to me to have that thread open. Vic. And nic? I mean poor things. But fuck man trying to put some stupid sit on me . Wtf. Anyway. What do u do?
Sorry I offended you Annie, no harm intended, got nothing but respect for you. I was just goofing, I forget sometimes most of ya'll are older than dirt.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Since obviously there's like 5 people left...poor things on a fun thread. But I need a really smart computer person. And someone that's willing to fetch the girls. I mean shit man they all ain't lying. Lol and I really ain't that nuts. I can't wait to describe this one. However I told everyone. Now they see for themselves . But I can't believe Mel won't pick up. I am worried for her but can't do anything if she don't pick up. Which is much to somes. Amusement. Physcos. At least u got p. I don't think sky should count on some client. Lol. But hey hubby probably out of town. These people are lazy. Wth do you do. Seriously. Tell mean guys to stop saying whore. It's rude? Well that's the understatement of the year. Fucking brilliant. Absolutely useless. I told yall 6 months ago. Maybe she got it. I'm sure p411...but people? Well not my people. We need a very high up. But fuck it's texas. And good lord if any is true well dam...what the hell was going on. Oh well I stop any gross shit. But it's impossible when not around. Maybe they could see if we couldn't perhaps get a real contact for the evasive friends. I mean never gonna come near me. Lol I promise. But this shit has to stop. Do you agree old gent? Or are Mandel again? Ahhh....I swear I wanna just sit and have a normal conversation. There's no talking sense to her. I got this then. And yes it is crazy but I can't think of any other way to make them stop. I ain't doing it from Texas . Nope Louisiana. And what a mess. P gonna dart. Lmaof. Why knows if skny. Even believes me. I mean she does but I think she thinks it's me. Like I get off sending stupid shit and writing shit...and being whoever on board. Yea ..well that's creepy. I get off if I could get hold of her. And bring her to idk where cause that's some deep hate. OK DO YOU HAVE NOTHING TO ADD?? LOL. NOTHING? WELL REMEMBER THAT WHEN PSYCHO GETS HOLD OF P INFO. NO FUN. BUT WE KNOW . STILL. I MEAN POOR LEA..GONE.. ARE ANY OF THE DAM MODS LEFT. EVEN THE SPIDERS BAILED I THINK. SHIT CAN WE HAVE THE BOARD?? BAHAHA
mrredcat43's Avatar
Uhhhhh, what???
For a first I agree with Cat. Umm whattt???? No I think I got fired as mandle lol
Not offended. I do not know any one here and could care less about the comments. Someone started a thread about kissing, I gave my answer and if the answer is not to your liking maybe do not start the thread. I speak truth and I am not here to rain on your parade. You ask the question I gave my answer. Truth can hurt, I realize. Some people will resort to name calling, attacks, etc. Does not change truth. I just cannot ignore truth like some, I am not made up that way. I don't believe I am so special that she will shower for me, I know I am not. Free meal time, if that is your goal, great have fun. My vendors take me to lunch at least twice a week. But I know if my business were to stop buying their products, free lunch is over. It is just PR and client relations for a client that has spent thousands on their services. If I stopped buying I would bet the lunches and phone calls would stop and I have eaten free lunches with these guys for years, know their families, etc. I just live in truth, if not for our business relationship, no free lunch and if that is your desire have fun but do not attack those that do not enjoy your activity. No client here knows how low volume any lady is. No lady is sitting by her phone waiting for any one of you to call them unless they are that desperate for more cash. It is work for the ladies and they care less who fucks them, they just need the cash. That is truth, the ladies do not like us. Live in your fantasy, enjoy, I don't call you names nor attack you for it, I say enjoy. I just speak truth and live in it too.
A hint to realizing it is a fantasy is if I am to think I am the exception, the special one, I am smarter to only see low volume, I see them on outcalls, I got a better plan. That is all fantasy, you are not smarter, special, you just like the rest of us are a john. I just live in truth.
I agree with most of what you said Boudin. I never lose sight of the fact that I am just a trick. A nice trick but not a stupid one. But you seem dead set on taking the fun out of it. Hey if thats your thing, more power to ya bro.
annie@christophers's Avatar
What do you think I been bitching about. Lol. Fucken cat? Cat as in chella? Cause man . You need to make Belinda cough up Nicole and mel. She and you have a very strange sense of humor. U just hatred for board. She likes to fucking with people. Me for instance. And Yall cyber bullshit though annoying as hell. Is such a puss move. And I'm gonna snatched the 2 of ya up. Mental wards. Or 4th gretna. You can bring Heidi and giggle while she begs. I can not ever believe that those feds let u out at all. I'm sooooo fucking telling. Lol. I know but others believe the two of ya. Not me. I mean there is nobody left. We're did you put the mean spideys. Did u train them to scream stupid..and whore. At people? Quite annoying. I mean sure. I invaded . A bunch of assholes. They never helped last time. And look at this time. I mean any resistance at all? Or take all the sad Lil men looking for love and chick's making a buck. And just have them. Do as u wish. Where is he. And best is I somehow fit in. That retarded Mississippi girl thread. I don't care. I just want to know. But yep. Chella if on the thread. Do something about the 2 of them. Ya know I'm gonna get Ya back . Yall never stop. What's even left? I can't wait. Attack each other. And don't even with the me jail or whatever shit. It ain't happening. Even if did I got my own feds. Not here but n.y. they watch my brother and them. And he will believe me and you are not that good. And Louisiana. Yep assist attorney general shit.... be like Nikki Taylor and tyler. They were wise assess too. Anyway. Chuckle. I mean I am . They don't care. And think I'm crazy though your here. And they whole place became mandles..and other such. Yep. It's me alright. Impressive. I mean it wasn't a secret. Anyway. Belinda says she beats London and you . Lol. So I'm not as impressed. Could Yall get hobbies. Not involving people's shit? OK I give up. I'm gonna wish that lea.nic.and.mel. decide to call me. Cause wtf do they think ull do for them? Ugh. I was claiming all service. I mean wtf . So I'm a bit pissed. But I don't expect much. Maybe a I'm so sorry ann. But I'm gonna. What? Die. Lol. Yessire...tough broads. And picking on them well. Ya know that's coming back. Anyway gloat over your bad as victory. I mean I think there would be no competition. Me. I bet all others cried. Fear. Well ain't getting that from me. I'm gonna fucking choke the life out a Ya Ya ever come near. Yes dear quick put that in my file. Yep. Heaven ain't helping you 2. So go hide. Tell a fed so I can fucking demand to see a supervisor. Who in the hell is watching u weirdos. Anyway. Have fun. Tell the scardy. Cats ...have a blast with you 2. I'll get on some major revenge thing soon as I get sleep. Ingrats. I could have slept all nite. I hope they show these eccie. Heathons. I feel like being picked on. I think only p and old gent believe me. Not that I care. But do they have no eyes? Or just scared. I guess. OK I'll tell the crawlies. Your here. Perhaps 1 will call Ya a name. Later freaks. Have fun. Make yourself known if close. I'm not going to parents or kids. But yes. Enjoy piggy. Eww. Just to have to be around her sniveling. Lmaof. OH PEOPLE RADIO...CAT...ARE MY TO OLD FRIENDS HANDLES. well I think cat is chella. Maybe not. Hope so. You can tell the big guys horrible things . They don't listen to me. I told you so. Just like that. Shitty. Later nice what's left if any. Don't mind me. Just trying to keep the torture down to a minimum which is impossible. You run away . From me! Lol ....funny. sigh. Oh yeah and tell the two traders they can come out. Then I don't wanna look at them. I mean even u 2 would pick me over your kind. Just embarrassing. Not really. They don't get embarrassed. Mad. Lol. Lotta mad. I wonder if 1 person could understand that. It's pretty open. No? Yes? It's a secret? Lol. Yikes xoxo annie
Uhhhhh, what??? Originally Posted by mrredcat43
For a first I agree with Cat. Umm whattt???? No I think I got fired as mandle lol Originally Posted by OldGent
LOL, I think she fired OldGent, shes mad because it seems she has a bunch of potential dates but her girls are being lazy and they want to sleep in. Someone stole from her. Shes in TX. Something about seeking p. I think she wants to beat up boudin(hed probably like it) if she can find him. That's all I could decode.

I only tease you because I know you can take it Annie, and its fun.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Well look outside. That's the truth. Lol. Vendors and all that shit. You are here why? I mean what pray tell for. To say you are like me not smarter not better...blah blah. Well I gotta tell ya . Helen Keller saw this coming . And I told the 4 talked to to sit tight yes I am smarter. And also sick of it. Where are the mean terrifying name calling assholes anyway. I would love to be excluded from your game plan or do you just exit? Lol. They will follow,ya. Freaks. Kinda like yall do but more intense. Lol. So have fun. And the first one that starts with me and has a excuse as to what the heck happened that my 2 chick's got ...well I guess they will return. I did ask. Anyway yall need to learn chella. And belinda. And attempt to do something. And stop growling at me. They don't get anyone round me. Unless they go with them. READ THE ABOVE. So I'll give them 30 min. And yall can do what ya do. And please no name calling. You are not in the least bit scary. Except thought patterns. Yes I said it. Hope someone reaches lea. And I want to talk to vic. Both gone probably. Deerhunter. I would think. Yep . Carryon and please ignore everything. I always do . But it's not that hard. Sh ya already do . How fare u let dam belinda scare ya. And she's back to belinda but handle is radio something. Dunno why. Muse was stupid. I found non entertaining. Except telling wtf to back up. She tamed him I guess. Lisa....bahaha. don't kiss. I do think some man handles . Why hiding . Under new names? Come back with only regular names. I'm off. To find new friends. I'm sure there are some. Be back. Calling. Again.
Nah I'm not a mandle. I actually don't post out here much, it is a boring board for me, I prefer the dallas boards. And everytime I post out here seeking p cusses me out and runs me off. I don't have anything against seeking p either, I think shes hot and feisty but I don't care if she hates me. I like getting cussed out, I think its funny, most chicks do it in pm though. Seeking p has the stones to do it in public.

I mostly post in the mens areas and in pm, I know all the bait and swich ads on backpage so I usually have good info on that stuff. But no I'm not a mandle.
holmes50's Avatar
I'm so fucking lost here geez............... What was the thread again?
Welcome to the club Holmes. A simple thread about kissing turned into a cluster fuck. I think radio has a rough understanding of some of it. I did a little fishing during the show and some big ones caught the bait. Now I am a fired mandle looking for love with escorts and being uppity about my place in the trick pecking order. Lo . It almost deserves its own scholar to keep track