Bid Daddy

I think you misunderstood me, or I made a mistake in word choices (I am far from perfect LOL). Healing is the only way to go from victim to Survivor. However each person Heals, then that is their Healing Journey. Whatever Works is my saying, each person will have different ways of completing their Healing Journey.


Your life sounds a lot better than mine has ever been pre-therapy, and man I am super happy to hear that! It has been a really difficult life for me before therapy. I am just saying there has to have been some time in your life when you dealt with the abuse leading to healing in order for your life to be as happy as you say it is. So good for you for healing a long time ago. I am currently in the process of healing.

I am right there with you. Sexual abuse from one, and constant verbal, mental and physical abuse from the other. That was my story. Lonely world out there for a kid with no one!

Like you though, I don't think I would change a thing. What if I had not ever been abused, and ended up growing up to be a bad or mean person? That would be worse for me to know I was a bad/mean person. So looking at my abuse through positive eyes, I am the great person I am today because of my experiences. I am okay with that, I can accept my world and I am happy with who I am inwardly because of what I have endured.

I am Proud of You! Takes a lot of Strength and Courage to open up telling people some very dark parts of one's life!

P.S. There is no scale for "normal" unless you go by what the majority of society considers "normal" LOL. Those are most of the people I try to stray away from anyway. So why would I want to fit into their version of "normal"? I know I am not "normal", and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I think you misunderstood me, or I made a mistake in word choices (I am far from perfect LOL). Healing is the only way to go from victim to Survivor. However each person Heals, then that is their Healing Journey. Whatever Works is my saying, each person will have different ways of completing their Healing Journey. Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
100% agrrement


Your life sounds a lot better than mine has ever been pre-therapy, and man I am super happy to hear that! It has been a really difficult life for me before therapy. I am just saying there has to have been some time in your life when you dealt with the abuse leading to healing in order for your life to be as happy as you say it is. So good for you for healing a long time ago. I am currently in the process of healing.
I think falling in love w/a wonderful man and having our children was the beginning of my healing and dare I say self-therapy. I couldn't raise them differently than I (and their father) if I didn't face and deal with the shit I'd endured.

My biggest epiphany was when I realized that no matter what happened - apologies from abusers, therapy, etc - I couldn't make it UNhappen. That was followed closely by realizing that it wasn't MY fault. A five-six-eight-ten year old child does NOT welcome sexual advances from adult males.

I don't struggle or deal with my past every day, but it is always there.

I am right there with you. Sexual abuse from one, and constant verbal, mental and physical abuse from the other. That was my story. Lonely world out there for a kid with no one!
Yes, and sad that the people who are supposed to love and protect you are the ones perpetrating the abuse.

In my case, my parents were both abused physically and mentally as well - THEY surely could've benefited from therapy.

Never happened, they died.

Like you though, I don't think I would change a thing. What if I had not ever been abused, and ended up growing up to be a bad or mean person? That would be worse for me to know I was a bad/mean person. So looking at my abuse through positive eyes, I am the great person I am today because of my experiences. I am okay with that, I can accept my world and I am happy with who I am inwardly because of what I have endured.

I am Proud of You! Takes a lot of Strength and Courage to open up telling people some very dark parts of one's life!
I'm more confused than proud of myself, lol, but thankful none-the-less.

Also thankful that you realize that I wasn't trying to be cruel, just pointing out that many of us are fragile and take words to heart.

P.S. There is no scale for "normal" unless you go by what the majority of society considers "normal" LOL. Those are most of the people I try to stray away from anyway. So why would I want to fit into their version of "normal"? I know I am not "normal", and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Again, we think alike. I have always swayed from the norm, have encouraged my children to do the same.

Take great care BF and know that I admire you for your strength and courage.

How was her post in any way taking away hope?
You go girlfriend....I got ya back!

Be nice people, this chick is speaking from the heart. (I have a speaking from the heart-o-meter, so don't go there)

She might not be speaking to you but there might just be one person out there that needs to hear what she is offering. Let's show her that we are a loving group that welcome competing ideas.
Originally Posted by WTF
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Lauren, Thank you for starting this thread. I never thought about abusive home environments that some ladies may have experienced. Personally, I never refer to myself as "Daddy" with a provider. If they want to call me that, I accept it as a term of endearment.

The discussions and input have made me more aware of ladies feelings.
Sisyphus's Avatar
...personally, I think finding the humor of a situation helps retain/regain control over that which otherwise leaves one feeling powerless. But, that is a whole other conversation...

I've got zippy interest in becoming physically/emotionally intimate with a woman who is closer in age to my daughter than myself. Wouldn't presume to deny the benefits of youth to others, it just makes me uncomfortable. My hang-up, I know. I'll deal with it. I suppose the kind of stats I saw tossed around this thread is why I have a problem with it.

If a woman younger than I wants to use/drop a "Big Daddy" or "Father, Dear Father" reference in jest or playfulness....I think that's hysterically charming & endearing.

I have no problem laughing at my own hang-ups & insecurities.
I am WAY too young to be the father of any of the providers I see. Younger or older brother perhaps; but not father.

So no "daddy" terminology for me!
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  • WTF
  • 04-18-2010, 04:58 PM

I have no problem laughing at my own hang-ups & insecurities. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
nor do we
Sisyphus's Avatar
nor do we Originally Posted by WTF
We ALL live to amuse you. Why should today be any different???
I live in Miami where as you probably know there's a huge Latin population, and it's very common for women to call guys 'Papi' - which means daddy. I don't get it, but it's not seen as creepy.
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  • WTF
  • 04-19-2010, 01:30 PM
We ALL live to amuse you. Why should today be any different??? Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Who is yo DADDY!?
I live in Miami where as you probably know there's a huge Latin population, and it's very common for women to call guys 'Papi' - which means daddy. I don't get it, but it's not seen as creepy. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Can't speak about Miami which gets most of its population from Cuba, but I do live in South Texas. The terms of endearment given to Hispanic children are "papasitos" for boys (literally translated = little father), and "mamasitas" for girls (literally = little mama). I assume (yes, I know...) that there is a similar genesis to the terms used in South Florida.
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Who is yo DADDY!? Originally Posted by WTF
Now, now, now.... THAT's a horse of a different color...

My DADDY is deceased. You claiming that headstone???
going to knock someones fantasy but i post one about you in another thread and you get all bent out of shape [thats kind of a sexy thought].
Great post Lauren.

I'm sure not going to knock another person's fantasy. What I find weird is probably another person's vanilla. One thing I have learned is we are all different around here.

I am quite a bit older than the average provider. Do you really want me fantasizing that you are in your mid 70's? Originally Posted by Ansley
Rudyard K's Avatar
going to knock someones fantasy but i post one about you in another thread and you get all bent out of shape [thats kind of a sexy thought]. Originally Posted by petiteassman
Well, I'll give you an "A" for persistence. Foolish persistence about something where you were wrong, but persistent, nonetheless.
your high grade it means a great deal