The Real Slave Guinevere

Zenovia's Avatar
We are sitting targets out here for a click group in Arkansas.
Thank you for this thread spanky!
I'm sorry you're dealing with this Again Zen!
Some people live off hate drama and Cigarettes.
Keep shining beautiful you're amazing and gorgeous. Originally Posted by Hot Summer
Girl it’s always something! Being toxic isn’t cute! I guess it was my turn. Lol
I agree with you, some people do live off of all kinds of low vibes.
The version of me others created in their mind, is not my responsibility. I am who I am, I bring what I bring, I said what I said, if you don’t like me.. kool, I really don’t care.
Word to the wise, practicing self-love every day is a power-play!
Much gratitude for your compliments Ms.HotSummer, they are well received hermosa
Zenovia's Avatar
Looks to me it's not just Arkansas. Texas has it out too. I'd hate to get old and grouchy. Inevitable!! Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
I can’t see myself getting old and grouchy, even in my 90s!
Zenovia's Avatar
It just an observation but there a particular common factor on all this
Which shouldn’t be name

Observations 1) some really need to focus on them instead of others
2) they are more drama in Arkansas than nationwide currently
3) some leash are loose mine pretty tight since someone rtm me
4) Arkansas men are horny no need to force them to get a chasity belt

Saint Christopher doesn’t seem to be among us let’s the chosen ones see for what it is
I’m not making attack just observations not making it personal as from my understanding these a common issues among the community
And maybe I’m a fool for standing by more than handful hobbyists maybe I am

Now can we go back to having fun ? Originally Posted by Victoriajolie
+1 Victoria with all you have mentioned, especially with, let’s go back to having fun!!!
Zenovia's Avatar
PapaGrande wubbs ya Zen! always will. Originally Posted by bigdaddyar
You know how to make a lady smile BigDaddy, thank you!
Zenovia's Avatar
Why do we have to have
so much drama Originally Posted by CatMan4u
Some thrive off of it dahhling. Definitely not my forte!
Zenovia's Avatar
Apparently OP had a beef with something that Slave posted about Zen, a top notch lady. Fairly obvious Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Mucho gracias WMJ, that’s what happen and for no reason, I don’t even know this SG chic.
Zenovia's Avatar
Why is posting screen shots of a tweet a banable offense? Is this not a site for information exchange? It would appear such tweets are important information. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Good question Rocky!
biomed1's Avatar
Why is posting screen shots of a tweet a banable offense? Is this not a site for information exchange? It would appear such tweets are important information. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Good question Rocky! Originally Posted by Zenovia
The mere posting of Tweets from Twitter is not a Bannable Violation of the Guidelines.

When an Eccie Member posts a Tweet as a part of a campaign or agenda to Target, Harass or Attack another Eccie Member this then crosses the Line.

A new Member (User ID) posting a Thread with an agenda to Target, Harass, or Attack another Eccie member is considered to be a Troll.

This type of activity is not permitted.

As I have noted in many Threads in this Forum, the below activities types of posts are not permitted by the Eccie Guidelines.

The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site
Laurenspencer's Avatar
After my own experience on here with drama and it seems to keep continuing .ECCIE has been a real turn off to me . The Arkansas board is running ramped with melodramatic production . Everyone get along you don’t have to be best friends but be nice

It takes a ton of energy to be mean and takes very little energy to be nice . Its also FREE to be nice and can cost you a whole lot Being hateful .
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
Wow this is quite the thread thanks for sharing Hoblius.Before I speak my mind I have this to say.My respect for Zen grew ten fold.

These dramas are nothing more than just high school level bs.We’re all grown adults we should act like it.I admit I’ve gotten myself into trouble here but am working towards avoiding another.Keep stuff to myself what not.Other words not engage.I wasn’t around Eccie’s golden days.Not perfect however things then was subtle and everyone genuinely got along.Is it possible to bring that back?.Let’s just get along,have a great time,and bang each others brains out.
After my own experience on here with drama and it seems to keep continuing .ECCIE has been a real turn off to me . The Arkansas board is running ramped with melodramatic production . Everyone get along you don’t have to be best friends but be nice

It takes a ton of energy to be mean and takes very little energy to be nice . Its also FREE to be nice and can cost you a whole lot Being hateful . Originally Posted by Laurenspencer

Precious_b's Avatar

Many of us here don't white knight. We stick up for right and wrong. Obviously all you are blinded by is SG and GD.

... Originally Posted by pluckmeup
So, what is this perceived wrong that has occurred for y'all to be sticking up?

I'm on Twitter if any friends that aren't already linked up there want to interact. Reach out to if you want my Twitter handle. ... Originally Posted by Hoblius
What?! You complain about the recipient of this thread having a locked account but you won't post your handle?!?!?

Doth Protest too Much.
Precious_b's Avatar

MAN! I was told that the Arkansas board was a paramount image of genteel manner and decorum. Boy, was I ever misinformed! But I caught wind of what was going on and had to check it out. Unfortunately I was busy this weekend and find this might have been coincidental with the storms that passed by there. I don't know.

But seeing that the OP is banned, I don't put much credence with their gripe. And to sound like a WK, I read SG post somewhere that she did a data mine on post in this section about members bullying. Meeting her only once (socially only) and conversations online, I know she definitely has the ability to do analysis in a scientific way. So, *I* don't doubt that she can prove what she says.

But I'd like to know what the supposed transgressions that she has done to get y'all in an uproar.
  • AgFox
  • 12-13-2021, 08:58 PM
Honestly, who talks like that?
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Now not sure why there’s need to add up to this tread at this point from Texas