Sex Ouches

That must be why I need so much practice!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Can't be having all these injuries man. Were gonna have yo get ya in the Gym. Lets build a better Ed, lol.
Some needs to show you how to use the MultiQuote button! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Anyone thats never had a scrape or a accident during sex is boring in my mind. Ok now Lay down and open legs please. I will commence thrusting now. Are you ok and safe? Did you enjoy that? I'm going to sleep now. Gimme a break. Originally Posted by burkalini
Alright dammit something did happen once. In the early years of my marriage. One evening we were getting it on. We got into a rear spooning position. Every thing was going real well, until I decided to act like a porn star and long stroke her, lol. On the second stroke I missed my target and my dick slammed into her tail bone. I know for a second my dick looked just like the letter "J" I rolled over in pain. She was concerned but laughing at the same time. Then to add insult to injury she calls my Mom. Then she gives me the phone, this voice on the other end " Did something happen" " No Ma" and I threw the phone at her. At the time, I didn't think it was funny. But we did laugh about for years afterward. Ok now ya happy Burk, lol.
burkalini's Avatar
Alright dammit something did happen once. In the early years of my marriage. One evening we were getting it on. We got into a rear spooning position. Every thing was going real well, until I decided to act like a porn star and long stroke her, lol. On the second stroke I missed my target and my dick slammed into her tail bone. I know for a second my dick looked just like the letter "J" I rolled over in pain. She was concerned but laughing at the same time. Then to add insult to injury she calls my Mom. Then she gives me the phone, this voice on the other end " Did something happen" " No Ma" and I threw the phone at her. At the time, I didn't think it was funny. But we did laugh about for years afterward. Ok now ya happy Burk, lol. Originally Posted by acp5762

Broke dick aint' no fun is it?
Broke dick aint' no fun is it? Originally Posted by burkalini
Been there done that ah Burk, lol.