Which Provider has THE best avatar?

Kelly tnt, Tasha smart, Nicole preston,.... all of these ladies have great avitars...Ansley. yeah! very nce............Oh wait I almost forgot...Tara .. with the long hair...Whoo Hooo!! Tara, very nice!! Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Thanks TG!!!

I have to nominate Reese Foster. here new avatar is Definately HOT!
Thanks Heather, I love youres too. We need to do doubles. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Yes we do!
Thanks TG!!!

I have to nominate Reese Foster. here new avatar is Definately HOT! Originally Posted by Tasha_Smart

Thank you Tasha!
  • Glr
  • 01-15-2010, 02:32 PM
Wow. Tough one. I'm going to have to go with Kelly TNT, Karina and Holly (sexyindallas)
  • Holly
  • 01-15-2010, 02:39 PM
Well, Since Berk isn't sporting the starfish avatar any more... Holly gets my vote.

Attachment 863 Originally Posted by Sudzny
Aww thanks for the vote!! That was such a fun photo shoot!!
TexRich's Avatar
I like three. Natasha Fame, Nikki Tylor, and Nina Moretti.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I have to go with carrie Hillcrest
One more..Karina Taylor!
Redsan's Avatar
Nicole Preston gets my vote with that devilish little grin.
Tooly's Avatar
  • Tooly
  • 01-16-2010, 06:13 AM
Carrie Hillcrest - Sexy, Elegant & Naughty
Tara Evans - Tall, Sexy & Likes It
Nicole Preston - Sultry, Sexy & Innocent
Reese Foster - The Look in those eyes. Well; You know what I want.

And the list goes on and on!!!

These avatars seem to really stand out to me. Why I don't know. Truly I like all of them on the board but, these just ooze Sexiness in more ways than one!!!
Guest100610-3's Avatar
Mine would be.

Tara Evans, Love that ass and cocky little grin she has.

Tasha smart, she has that "come hither" and take me look in her eyes.

Ms Julia jewels, She has a nice pleasant smile that looks inviting.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Who has the best avatar depends on which provider is on top of me at the moment.
i like them all

That's a hard one???
Well, I guess mine is just not sexy enough for the line-up.
What do y'all think? What does it say about me? STMS
How much does it matter? Considering the fact that I haven't loaded my new pics to my gallery yet, it does make me vulnerable to skepticism.
Peace & Love,
Bluesgirl aka SlowhandDeb