Can you decipher what bitten said here SPEED do you possibly have the decoder ring!!?? I did understand the part where he said "makes no sense"...he's right about that!!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
"Matthew Joseph Continetti is an American conservative political commentator and a Resident Fellow in Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute."... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You forgot to tell us about his spouse, the daughter of William "Bill" Kristol. You know, that ultra-conservative guy (gag). Maybe you missed some of his street-creds:

From October 2015 to May 2016, the Washington Free Beacon, under Continetti's stewardship, hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on "multiple candidates" during the 2016 presidential election, including Donald Trump. The Free Beacon stopped funding his research when Trump was selected as the Republican Party nominee.

I don't really know much about him, which indicates to me that he is not a stalwart conservative. At best, smells RINO to me.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...All predictions subtect to change. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Generally speaking you seem to base things on a Who and What sort of predisposition. I tend to lean more towards ecc's direction right now, because we are really in more of a How,Why and Where paradigm.
  • How did we get here, regarding shuttering a whole economy over the flu?
  • Why did we let this occur with some of the sketchy characters at play?
  • Where is our head going to be about current events understanding come fall?
I would put it simply by saying: If we survive (I'm very optimist we will), we will witness the Greatest MOAB October-Surprise of all time. I think it will be Biblical.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You forgot to tell us about his spouse, the daughter of William "Bill" Kristol. You know, that ultra-conservative guy (gag). Maybe you missed some of his street-creds:

From October 2015 to May 2016, the Washington Free Beacon, under Continetti's stewardship, hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on "multiple candidates" during the 2016 presidential election, including Donald Trump. The Free Beacon stopped funding his research when Trump was selected as the Republican Party nominee.

I don't really know much about him, which indicates to me that he is not a stalwart conservative. At best, smells RINO to me. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The only reason I mentioned him being a conservative journalist is because the statements were somewhat negative towards Trump and the assumption might be that he was just another liberal bashing Trump. Prior to reading his article I had no idea who he was.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Generally speaking you seem to base things on a Who and What sort of predisposition. I tend to lean more towards ecc's direction right now, because we are really in more of a How,Why and Where paradigm.
  • How did we get here, regarding shuttering a whole economy over the flu?
  • Why did we let this occur with some of the sketchy characters at play?
  • Where is our head going to be about current events understanding come fall?
I would put it simply by saying: If we survive (I'm very optimist we will), we will witness the Greatest MOAB October-Surprise of all time. I think it will be Biblical. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I base my predictions on how I see conditions at the current time. For example, I see Michigan voters favoring a Democratic candidate at the current time. Based on:

- Trump won Michigan by .2% in 2016.
- Trump's approval rating in Michigan when he took office was
48%. In Feb 2020 it was 43% Went from +8 to -10.
- In 2018 midterms, Michigan reelected Stabenow to the Senate
by 6.5% and reelected Whitmer as governor by 9.6%. Both
- Biden should be a much more popular candidate than Hillary
Clinton among African Americans and the working class
- Lastly, Biden leads Trump in every poll thus far in Michigan

With which of my predictions do you disagree?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The only reason I mentioned him being a conservative journalist... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Would you be surprised to learn that conservatives view RINO's in the most negative of terms? Even worse than Demonicrats, Commies and Socialists. Terms like traitor, Judas, Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth, the CIA, etc., because they support Demonicrats, Commies and Socialists, yet try to claim conservative as a shield. Anyway, just a thought and opinion of mine.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I base my predictions on how I see conditions at the current time... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

In November your current predictions will be based on 7 month old assumptions of 7 months ago, which presumes, nothing else happens in the next 7 months. My gut says, a whole, heap'n bunch-o-junk is going to happen between now and then that will rattle the paint right off the walls.

I could be wrong. It's just a "feel'n".
In November your current predictions will be based on 7 month old assumptions of 7 months ago, which presumes, nothing else happens in the next 7 months. My gut says, a whole, heap'n bunch-o-junk is going to happen between now and then that will rattle the paint right off the walls.

I could be wrong. It's just a "feel'n". Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It's why I won't even hazard a guess at the next 7 months other than I still think Bitten or the Dem Candidate if it's not Bitten will probably win the popular vote. NY/CA/MA/IL are hard to overcome from a dumb population standpoint.
The only reason I mentioned him being a conservative journalist is because the statements were somewhat negative towards Trump and the assumption might be that he was just another liberal bashing Trump. Prior to reading his article I had no idea who he was. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
No he's just a"conservative" who sold his ideology because "orange man bad". I have no use for a person who can't stand on their core principles and would sellout to socialism because of their great dislike for the party leader. What does a person stand for if they don't stand for their principles...they stand for nothing. You say you don't know my political leaning but you listed the things on bitten platform which you said support which are 100% socialism. Yeah you hide you political leaning well.

I don't like Trump and I didn't vote for President in 2016, but with how the economy has done in the last 4 yrs. and the way the left has done everything in their power to get him out of office is completely despicable . I like the way the economy was going up until this disaster and I will vote for him, not because I like him but because what he has done for this country. The platform that your man bitten supports is pure socialism and that's what you support so no need to try and say you don't like Trump's because of his policies because bitten's are complete leftwing socialism.

You were awful silent about the impeachment circus that your precious congress put on. No Republican controlled congress has ever done anything likes this present despicable bunch. The obstruction of congress was made up shit...the executive branch and legislative branches are coequal branches and one doesn't run the other. What trump did in referring to the judicial branch was 100% within his constitutional right. Trump went to the judicial branch in regards to this and what do you know...they ruled in his favor.

This impeachment was a total partisan hit job and your house leader said long before this that any impeachment would be bipartisan...yeah right. The bitch tried to dictate to the senate how to run their part of this fiasco...the power hunger bitch. This is more of the disingenuous nonsense your party pulls and you align yourself with this. I hope your proud of you're congress that was more interested in impeached then the disaster that was about to unfold on this country and the world and you want to blame Trump for that.

Get back to us after the debates and give us you UNVARNISHED take on them...this will be VERY interesting!!
  • oeb11
  • 04-13-2020, 04:27 PM
As DPST Clyburn put it - the Wuhan virus is “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”
Never let a perfectly good crisis go to political waste!!!
And they are trying their best to finagle all their socialist $Trillions of spending on nebulous Bs like Open borders, illegal immigrants matter more than citizens who pay for them - and are attacked, raped, and murdered by them, Soylent Green New Deal, and on and on in horrific mind-numbing Orwellian control over American.
As DPST Clyburn put it - the Wuhan virus is “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”
Never let a perfectly good crisis go to political waste!!!
And they are trying their best to finagle all their socialist $Trillions of spending on nebulous Bs like Open borders, illegal immigrants matter more than citizens who pay for them - and are attacked, raped, and murdered by them, Soylent Green New Deal, and on and on in horrific mind-numbing Orwellian control over American. Originally Posted by oeb11

And this is the platform SPEED supports...but no one knows his political leanings.
HoeHummer's Avatar
I think we all know his political leanings. He’s a reasonable, moderates fellow, who can’t abides the erratic, narcissistic and immoral behavior of your President. I admire his ability to stay above the constant bashing he gets here.

I think a lot of your countrymen might fall into that category, though. But considering this thread personally calls him out , as is your wonts, don’t act so flabbergasteds when he responds.

That said, it is laughable to criticize Biden’s on one hand while Trump murders the English language (and God only knows what else) on a daily basis.

Yet that is the entirety of this thread.
So no more of the despicable things you say about the mothers of every member you disagree with on this board. You sir are very hypocritical in the manner you choice to speak.
You didn't just tone down your rhetoric when you woke up this morning.
Any reason for that??
HoeHummer's Avatar
So no more of the despicable things you say about the mothers of every member you disagree with on this board. You sir are very hypocritical in the manner you choice to speak.
You didn't just tone down your rhetoric when you woke up this morning.
Any reason for that?? Originally Posted by bb1961

I will ask yous to stop stalking me, beebsy. Nicely, this time.

Oh, and what does your needling have to do with the topic of this thread, which is you needling SpeedRacerXXX?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
In November your current predictions will be based on 7 month old assumptions of 7 months ago, which presumes, nothing else happens in the next 7 months. My gut says, a whole, heap'n bunch-o-junk is going to happen between now and then that will rattle the paint right off the walls.

I could be wrong. It's just a "feel'n". Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Have I not said the exact same thing several times?

Almost all, if not all, Trump supporters on this forum have predicted Trump will win reelection in November. Many have predicted a landslide.

Today's "press briefing" by Trump will "rattle the paint right off the walls" in the minds of several people. Just my feeling.

If you don't want to make predictions fine. I find it interesting reading how people feel about the upcoming elections. At this point in time in 2018 several people were willing to predict the outcome of the November election.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No he's just a"conservative" who sold his ideology because "orange man bad". I have no use for a person who can't stand on their core principles and would sellout to socialism because of their great dislike for the party leader. What does a person stand for if they don't stand for their principles...they stand for nothing. You say you don't know my political leaning but you listed the things on bitten platform which you said support which are 100% socialism. Yeah you hide you political leaning well.

I don't like Trump and I didn't vote for President in 2016, but with how the economy has done in the last 4 yrs. and the way the left has done everything in their power to get him out of office is completely despicable . I like the way the economy was going up until this disaster and I will vote for him, not because I like him but because what he has done for this country. The platform that your man bitten supports is pure socialism and that's what you support so no need to try and say you don't like Trump's because of his policies because bitten's are complete leftwing socialism.

You were awful silent about the impeachment circus that your precious congress put on. No Republican controlled congress has ever done anything likes this present despicable bunch. The obstruction of congress was made up shit...the executive branch and legislative branches are coequal branches and one doesn't run the other. What trump did in referring to the judicial branch was 100% within his constitutional right. Trump went to the judicial branch in regards to this and what do you know...they ruled in his favor.

This impeachment was a total partisan hit job and your house leader said long before this that any impeachment would be bipartisan...yeah right. The bitch tried to dictate to the senate how to run their part of this fiasco...the power hunger bitch. This is more of the disingenuous nonsense your party pulls and you align yourself with this. I hope your proud of you're congress that was more interested in impeached then the disaster that was about to unfold on this country and the world and you want to blame Trump for that.

Get back to us after the debates and give us you UNVARNISHED take on them...this will be VERY interesting!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I made several comments about the impeachment. Go back and check it out.