He was too busy railroading a health care bill through Congress over the objections of the majority of Americans.
Originally Posted by Jdriller
It's pretty dang funny when the person who said that, also says this:
President Obama was obviously surprised by the overwhelming response of the American people who elected a great many conservative Republicans who listened to the Tea Party and as promised when they ran for election attempted to get their promises to limit government spending and taxation.
If anyone railroaded something through congress over the objections of a majority of Americans, it was the tea party republicans in the debt ceiling bill. Not only did they go against the vast majority of Americans (by a far greater percentage than was done with the health care bill) but they threatened the destruction of the American - if not world - economy to do it. So can it with the "railroaded the health care bill blah blah blah" nonsense.
It is ridiculous that half of working Americans pay NO TAXES,
Could you source this? I believe many of those "half of working Americans" are senior citizens living on social security. And oh by the way, even the remaining Americans who pay NO TAXES, pay taxes. So your opinion here, as is the case in every other posted opinion of yours, is based on a premise that is just not true.
Everybody who works should pay some tax. Even if it is minimal, say 2% to 4%.
They do. Between FICA, Medicare, and excise taxes on gas, alcohol and cigarettes, i'm guessing most of those low income people pay over 2-4% in federal taxes. But make no mistake, they ALL pay something.
Can you produce even one post without getting something totally wrong?
Unemployment is still above 9% (if you count those still looking who have not given up and more like 15% or more if you count all those who would like to work but can't find jobs).
With taxes as low as they've been in decades, just once it'd be nice to see you maybe bitch about the Republican mantra that low taxes create jobs. Haven't seen it. Don't expect to.