Odds on Trump's Impeachment

How is illegal immigration in any way a problem? The economy would be very seriously damaged if these workers were not here. They're here because there is a demand for their labor. If that demand were suddenly unmet, jobs would either go unfiltered, or be filled by less qualified or more expensive replacements. That ECON 1301. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Over here on the west side the economy was doing better pre immigrant invasion. Texas (and the US) very much need Donald Trump to be successful with his immigration plan. Before it was us locals that had the construction and manufacturing jobs.

I am not a fan of Donald Trump but I support him.
Over here on the west side the economy was doing better pre immigrant invasion. Texas (and the US) very much need Donald Trump to be successful with his immigration plan. Before it was us locals that had the construction and manufacturing jobs.

I am not a fan of Donald Trump but I support him. Originally Posted by camero73
The immigrant invasion that started about 10-12 years ago.
themystic's Avatar
Texas Tush Hog. Let me just say I'm deeply connected in politics. I will leave it at that. Your insightliness is dead on the money. It is crazy enough to sound like "harmless liberal rantings", so I doubt anyone will fuck with you. Let me just say you are a very intuitive person, one hell of a good guesser or have : inside learning, Oh wait a a minute, tuition is for outside learning, intuition is inside learning. Great Respect for you sir.

Also Prolongus, great job at pointing out "facts", I mean that as a sincere compliment
PeterBota's Avatar
Texas Tush Hog. Let me just say I'm deeply connected in politics. I will leave it at that. Your insightliness is dead on the money. It is crazy enough to sound like "harmless liberal rantings", so I doubt anyone will fuck with you. Let me just say you are a very intuitive person, one hell of a good guesser or have : inside learning, Oh wait a a minute, tuition is for outside learning, intuition is inside learning. Great Respect for you sir.

Also Prolongus, great job at pointing out "facts", I mean that as a sincere compliment Originally Posted by themystic
Let me guess you play the guitar and eat granola
themystic's Avatar
Let me guess you play the guitar and eat granola Originally Posted by PeterBota
bead, sandals and dreadlocks also
Pappysweets's Avatar
I dont see why people gave a problem with our president. He is trying to make our country great again. Obama has done more damage psychologically and financially to our country than any other president in history. Those who do not want a change are going to have a rude awakening. Trump is going to brink this country to a new era even if he has to bring the left kicking and screaming like Truman did with those who opposed civil rights. I just wanna make a few points about some of the issues the left have with some of his policies.
Islam: https://youtu.be/6Jdv8kdhy4I
This video has all the info you need about why ismam is shit.
Fake news:https://youtu.be/V1ulkykn7jc
This covers why the mainstream media sucks.
I couldn't find a video about immigration but i have no problem with immigrants wanting to come here to make a better life. I have a problem of how they come over here. You cannot cut in front of the others who are waiting in line and doing it the legal way. All the ones that came over illegally need to be sent back to wherever and go to the back of the line. But what about the jobs they are leaving behind we wont have anybody to clean our houses and mow our yards or cook our food you say. Get those bums who are living of the taxpayer who can work and get them to do it. The free ride is coming to an end.
Pappysweets's Avatar
Correct: Lyndon Johnson was who i meant
I don't even think many even understand what Impeachment is. Bill Clinton was the last president impeached.

As of right now there is zero percent chance of Trump going through this process.
  • grean
  • 02-21-2017, 10:08 PM
I dont see why people gave a problem with our president. He is trying to make our country great again. Obama has done more damage psychologically and financially to our country than any other president in history. Those who do not want a change are going to have a rude awakening. Trump is going to brink this country to a new era even if he has to bring the left kicking and screaming like Truman did with those who opposed civil rights. I just wanna make a few points about some of the issues the left have with some of his policies.
Islam: https://youtu.be/6Jdv8kdhy4I
This video has all the info you need about why ismam is shit.
Fake news:https://youtu.be/V1ulkykn7jc
This covers why the mainstream media sucks.
I couldn't find a video about immigration but i have no problem with immigrants wanting to come here to make a better life. I have a problem of how they come over here. You cannot cut in front of the others who are waiting in line and doing it the legal way. All the ones that came over illegally need to be sent back to wherever and go to the back of the line. But what about the jobs they are leaving behind we wont have anybody to clean our houses and mow our yards or cook our food you say. Get those bums who are living of the taxpayer who can work and get them to do it. The free ride is coming to an end. Originally Posted by Pappysweets
"If I ever ran for President, I would run as a Republican because Republicans are so stupid"

-Donald Trump

He was a registered Democrat for years.
He said it was a complete sham that Gore won the popular vote but Bush was elected President because of the electoral college.
Hell, the man was pro choice and VERY pro Clinton prior to this election.

Flip -Flop much?

Trump is an idiot who will do nothing for this country.

I'm not sure when you talk about Obama causing more financial damage than any other president, you remember good ol' Ronnie. Reaganomics, a.k.a trickle down economics? If you don'the know trickle down or supply side economics theory has been proven to be fundamentally flawed. It's great on paper and has a lot of assumptions based on ideal situations that dont exist. The 80s banking crisis? Yeah.... the original movie star turned president caused that too.

Not to mention Bush came into office in 2000 with a national surplus and left the office with a national financial crisis. TARP a.k.a the bank bailout was enacted by Bush. Auto bailout also started by Bush. Obama took office after Bush had all ready invested do much into it ,he really couldn't pull out.

Now Trump says let's build a wall. Half the country either doesn't want or does not care about the wall. Everyone wanted the 911 memorial tower build and how long did it take to build? We are talking about a wall from Texas to California across all different terrain. The logistics of it is just unrealistic. The bad guys, btw, tunnel underground.... however he wants to waste money on it.

The travel ban....really. racist much?

He cannot stop whining about losing the popular vote long enough do actually govern.

His economic plan is another version of trickle down .

More wasted money, 3 weekends in a row this jackass has flown to Florida. I think he has tripled in his first month the cost of securing Obama for his first year in office.

So no, he won't usher in a new era of greatness in America. The dumb mother fucker will just make us an international embarrassment.
Also Prolongus, great job at pointing out "facts", I mean that as a sincere compliment Originally Posted by themystic

Rather than paying homage in the form of a "compliment", Pro would likely prefer you finance several dozen lap dance$ for him at his fave SC....ijs

By the way, Grean...we get it. You're not a Trump fan. Time to let it go...relax...have yourself a coldie.....and watch this president do what the closet muzzie could only talk about doing.
not only will President Trump not be impeached.......but he will exeed President Reagans first term......he will go down in history as one of the finest leaders the USA has ever had!!!
Also Prolongus, great job at pointing out "facts", I mean that as a sincere compliment Originally Posted by themystic
"facts"? What "facts"? I was merely pointing out "fake news". And I mean that sincerely. For sure.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Come on Green, nobody really likes facts, unless they are alternative facts.
You've been reading that "fake news" again.

It will really look good at first when he runs that Reagannomic plan. It's kind of like stomping the accelerator on a car. It takes off running hard at first, then inflation and rising interest rates clog your fuel line. When you pull it in to the mechanic's shop he tells you that your gas tank has a bigger deficit and this is really gonna cost you.
themystic's Avatar
"facts"? What "facts"? I was merely pointing out "fake news". And I mean that sincerely. For sure. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Sorry Pro. They sounded so believable. Ive been duped. I'm converted. I mean that sincerely for sure. Thank you for enlightening me
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1059216489]Rather than paying homage in the form of a "compliment", Pro would likely prefer you finance several dozen lap dance$ for him at his fave SC....ijs

By the way Pro let me know where to send the lap dance money