LexusLover's Avatar
That's the weakest shit I've ever heard. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You don't listen to yourself do you?
LexusLover's Avatar
You ignorant SOB ... Originally Posted by WTF
Coming from you that's a compliment.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 03:03 PM
Coming from you that's a compliment. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You being called a SOB is a step up ... no wonder you think it complimentary. Be like calling a jackass a mule.!

You don't listen to yourself do you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I came up with better comebacks in second grade. Keep trying though. You're my little engine that could.(but never will)
TheDaliLama's Avatar
That's the weakest shit I've ever heard. Next time, come heavy or don't come at all. I'll tell you what I haven't done; owned another human being. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Ok then.....we'll just assume that you don't have a problem with carrying his likeness in your pocket..

How does this sound then...

It doesn't matter if you are a Dem or a Rep, Black or White, only a ignorant JACKASS would say something as stupid as you did about George Washington.

That's what I meant to say.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 04:13 PM
Ok then.....we'll just assume that you don't have a problem with carrying his likeness in your pocket..

How does this sound then...

It doesn't matter if you are a Dem or a Rep, only a ignorant JACKASS would say something as stupid you did about George Washington.

That's what I meant to say.

Better? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Only a ignorant JACKASS would say something as stupid you did about George Washington. ....is what you meant to say?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You must have started hitting the hooch early today..
Ok then.....we'll just assume that you don't have a problem with carrying his likeness in your pocket..

How does this sound then...

It doesn't matter if you are a Dem or a Rep, Black or White, only a ignorant JACKASS would say something as stupid as you did about George Washington.

That's what I meant to say.

Better? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Carrying a dollar bill somehow makes me complicit in what he did? You must be out of your motherfucking mind. And for your info, I don't carry singles. 100s, straight cash homey.
rioseco's Avatar
So they hate Washington, just like they hate America. Without men like GW, there would be no America. There would be no Constitution or Bill of Rights, which they also hate. But they are winning at turning this country into the fascist police state that they love. Then we won't have to worry about our evil Founders. Welcome to the United Statists of Amerika! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Yes sadly United Socialist States is coming soon. When the "fundamental transformation" is complete there will be cries of despair.Many will wonder how this happened to them. How did this happened right here in America and why do they no longer enjoy freedom. It will happen because far too many are ignorant enough to believe it impossible.
This is not an Obama problem. Obama is just the latest in a long line of losers sellinging out this country. The largest contributor to the downfall of America are those who will buy into the b/s for "free stuff", "social justice", re-distribution and so on.
Look how well LBJ's Great Society has fared. How many generations of losers laying on their asses and waiting for a handout has just that one program insured ? Generation after generation of government dependancy is the result.
Even ultra liberal Bob Beckel will tell you that the "entitlement system" is a failure and that he and those who supported it in the past have served a grave injustice to those they intended to help by promoting a lifetime of generational dependency !

Yes sadly United Socialist States is coming soon. When the "fundamental transformation" is complete there will be cries of despair.Many will wonder how this happened to them. How did this happened right here in America and why do they no longer enjoy freedom. It will happen because far too many are ignorant enough to believe it impossible.
This is not an Obama problem. Obama is just the latest in a long line of losers sellinging out this country. The largest contributor to the downfall of America are those who will buy into the b/s for "free stuff", "social justice", re-distribution and so on.
Look how well LBJ's Great Society has fared. How many generations of losers laying on their asses and waiting for a handout has just that one program insured ? Generation after generation of government dependancy is the result.
Even ultra liberal Bob Beckel will tell you that the "entitlement system" is a failure and that he and those who supported it in the past have served a grave injustice to those they intended to help by promoting a lifetime of generational dependency !

http://wakeupblackamerica.blogspot.c...ob-beckel.html Originally Posted by rioseco
You're really going to rest your argument on that old bloated fool? What freedoms, exactly, have you lost? I'm just curious.
RedLeg505's Avatar
All men, even great ones, have human flaws.

Martin Luther King was a serial adulterer, but that in no way diminishes his greatness as a civil rights leader or his legacy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Dems LOVE serial adulterers, at least the White one like Billy Jeff Clinton.
Dems LOVE serial adulterers, at least the White one like Billy Jeff Clinton. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Yeah, because there have never been any republicans who've whored around...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No need to engage these buffoons in the "I know you are but what am I" game. They own it. They base many of their delusional threads on it. The posts that aren't based on paranoia or lies, that is.

Guys like Cornholio, Slobbrin and IBIdiot (the three Stooges) can't even express themselves intelligently. Read through some posts and you'll see how logic and reason are wasted on these Neanderthals and the rest of the ECCIE idiot clan, err, Klan.

That's why I quit trying to convince them of anything years ago.
rioseco's Avatar
No need to engage these buffoons in the "I know you are but what am I" game. They own it. They base many of their delusional threads on it. The posts that aren't based on paranoia or lies, that is.

Guys like Cornholio, Slobbrin and IBIdiot (the three Stooges) can't even express themselves intelligently. Read through some posts and you'll see how logic and reason are wasted on these Neanderthals and the rest of the ECCIE idiot clan, err, Klan.

That's why I quit trying to convince them of anything years ago. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Much rather be a stooge than a
cock-socket like AssPup, & UnderCunt
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Much rather be a stooge than a
cock-socket like AssPup, & UnderCunt Originally Posted by rioseco
Then you got your "druthers," Cornholio!

You're quite the vulgarian... I guess you just ran out of TP for your BUNGHOLE!