OBAMA EATS DOG...........

dearhunter's Avatar
so Af........how do you know what you claim is 2dogs real life information that you seem willing to share on this board?

Haven't you learned that lesson yet?
Ok, think, Joe. "Dog" can be a slang term for an unattractive woman. It was a pun, a play on words. And actually, it was pretty funny. I don't mean to be condescending, that is, to talk down to you, but pay attention and notice where the fun is.

Eating a dog? College? Yeah, that's funny!

Now I know why nobody got my Michelle Obama comment. Lighten up, people! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're not a comedian, sorry. Don't quit your day job.
My guess is he doesn't know...........but is blowing farts.

You seem to be impling that AF is correct ! Which means you are facilitating the very same which you accuse AF of?

so Af........how do you know what you claim is 2dogs real life information that you seem willing to share on this board?

Haven't you learned that lesson yet? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Guest123018-4's Avatar
People like af dont care one way or another if it is true or not, it was a long time ago.
It does not surprise me that somebody like that would stoop to saying that my daughter was sucking his dick. The reality of it is that he would not be able to get off with a female sucking his dick and thus the implied insult.

I would suggest that af grow up but there is little hope of that.. I can hear him as he typed that ntelligent response with the finger on his left hand saying "yeah man I told him!". Mental midgets such as this are not even amusing.l

OH and the statement that I am a racist makes me wonder if af is white. Usually it is the impotent white guys that scream racist so the scary black guys in the New Black Panther Party will know that they are buds. It is so sad that you feel you were not loved by your parents especially your father. I suggest therapy.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
u r lying. u know it. i know it. u r a racist & a liar. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
huh. im still right. usually it is the racist who would say that President Obama waz committing cannibalism by eating monkey brainz. dats just the way the cracker crumbles. u crackers.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh now I see how you think you know me I live in da hood 2.
I think there are 3 crackers that be stay by my crib,
Homey gotta stick together, yo. Yo, we got 3 o fo baby mamas on my street but not many baby daddys. All dem crackers be old mean fuckers 2, get all up in my grill when I spin my jams. Say shit bout kids listen to dat crap an sumtin bout cant have CRAP widout RAP. Say was up wid dat, homes? Get all pissed when i throw my bull out my ride.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Oh now I see how you think you know me I live in da hood 2.
I think there are 3 crackers that be stay by my crib,
Homey gotta stick together, yo. Yo, we got 3 o fo baby mamas on my street but not many baby daddys. All dem crackers be old mean fuckers 2, get all up in my grill when I spin my jams. Say shit bout kids listen to dat crap an sumtin bout cant have CRAP widout RAP. Say was up wid dat, homes? Get all pissed when i throw my bull out my ride. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

why u r a racist is of no import 2 me. that u would murder rape & assault black ppl iz what iz important. thank god u r a powerless redneck hillbilly cracker in da hood. watch out 4 the hoodies, they wanna pop a cap in ur skull. LOL! .
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Makes me no difference when where or how. I have been living on bonus time for almost 10 years.

You gotta be the whitest fake I have ever seen type a message on a hooker board.
I be you drive a Prius and drink seltzer water with a twist of lemon when you are not hang an aplple'tini light on the vodka. Or is a cosmopolitan your favored drink. I bet you even went to private school and then a prep school before going to some lilly white private college where you spent six years to get your degree in liberal arts studies of how to be a ballarina with a monr in figure skating. After your career as a flight attendant you decided to sell eye glass frames at the mall.

You go girl!
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Makes me no difference when where or how. I have been living on bonus time for almost 10 years.

You gotta be the whitest fake I have ever seen type a message on a hooker board.
I be you drive a Prius and drink seltzer water with a twist of lemon when you are not hang an aplple'tini light on the vodka. Or is a cosmopolitan your favored drink. I bet you even went to private school and then a prep school before going to some lilly white private college where you spent six years to get your degree in liberal arts studies of how to be a ballarina with a monr in figure skating. After your career as a flight attendant you decided to sell eye glass frames at the mall.

You go girl! Originally Posted by The2Dogs

LOL! typical cracker. cant stand bein made 2 look like a monkey by a powerful black intellectual man. u say: "oh, he cant b black because hes smarter than me" LOL! i seem 2 run in2 that all over this board. LOL! i make u crackers look the fool all the time. must piss u off that i even get more white pussy than u. LOL! do i detect class envy in ur post?! LOL! i do make more $$$ than u. u crackers gotta make up ur mind wat kinda cracker u say i am. dis twat & others say im 1 ov thoze limo-liberals & others say im a right-wing-teanut cracker. 2 ov u crackers even accuse me ov being the king cracker himself. my friends wouldnt believe me if i told them this shit. u cant make this shit up. LOL!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Testify! You go girl! Uh Huh!

You got me bro, no way I can reach your level of intelligence.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
no way I can reach your level of intelligence. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

correct. now u r starting 2 learn ur place. next i will teach u 2 STFU when i order u 2 STFU.

if u post in this thread again, it is ur admission that u engage in homosexual activity with joe bloe.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Secure in my masculinity, I post without fear and am not intimidated by your elementary school drivel.

You are the first wanna be pimp I have ever known that is afrsid of women, it must be a mommy issue coupled with not knowing if your daddy loved you or not. There, There now.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Secure in my masculinity, I post without fear and am not intimidated by your elementary school drivel.

You are the first wanna be pimp I have ever known that is afrsid of women, it must be a mommy issue coupled with not knowing if your daddy loved you or not. There, There now. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
LOL! U R A FAG! I rename u The2Fags! like the pussy u r, u were waiting until u thought i was gone 2 post. u fucking pussy! i caught u being a big pussy! U FAG! U R A FAG! FAG! FAG! U ADMIT 2 BEIN A FAG! LOL!

i got ur number mutha fucka. LOL! i knew ud b a pussy & try & post after u thought i was gone. i got u figured out u pussy fag! U ADMIT 2 HAVING GAY SEX WITH JOE BLOE! U FAG! lol! UR SO GAY THAT UR GAY ENOUGH 2 B 2 FAGS, SO I CALL U The2Fags! LOL!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Damn if I had known you woul0d have left for good I would not have posted, you tricked me, You are one smart mother. I think I like you, You will be my new bitch.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
[quote=The2Dogs;2433051]I think I like you, quote]

The2Fags, u probably like me enought 2 let me fuck ur daughter. LOL!

bein a sneaky little pussy is ur nature The2Fags. LOL!