Wendy Davis

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Abortion Numbers have been dropping, Jack. Or haven't you been paying attention?

BTW -- Im not opposed to a ban on "voluntary" abortion after 20 weeks, unless of course the life of the mother is in jeopardy. Shit does go wrong, you know.

Abbott stands for NO abortion, NEVER, NOHOW.

That makes him a government intrusionist and the worst type of hypocrite.

Number of abortions have been declining; and that is a good thing........the public wants to see even fewer. Most Texans favor the late term abortion ban. Wendy Davis is an extremist on this issue.

And you are twisting Abbott's position on abortions; if you have his direct words saying he doesn't support abortions under any circumstances, please post the quote and source. Otherwise, STFU.
Number of abortions have been declining; and that is a good thing........the public wants to see even fewer. Most Texans favor the late term abortion ban. Wendy Davis is an extremist on this issue.

And you are twisting Abbott's position on abortions; if you have his direct words saying he doesn't support abortions under any circumstances, please post the quote and source. Otherwise, STFU. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As usual, you speak only in terms of propaganda.

The bill, and the opposition to the bill, isn't so much about the 20 week cutoff. It's about all the other requirements that are contained in the bill that will force about 80% of the facilities currently providing abortion services in Texas to close down.

The hyper-partisan nature of the abortion debate has turned you, and all those like you, into liars of the first order. The old white men who pushed this thing into law all stand in front of us with their fingers crossed behind their backs while they lie about the bill being designed to protect women's health. Utter horseshit. The bill is designed to circumvent the law of the land...Roe v. Wade....and to eliminate the clinics that provide abortion services in Texas. David Dewhurst admitted in a tweet that the purpose of SB5 was to deny accessibility. http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.c...sibility.html/

And, guess what? Most Americans do not favor eliminating accessibility to abortion services. You can find your own cites to that....there are a ton out there.

So...as usual....you're the one who is an extremist. And, along with the old white republicans running Texas, a shameless fucking liar to boot.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, dipshit of the year, here's the first of many quotes from Hey Abbott that indicate his strong opposition to abortion ... Without restriction. Oh, and also YOUR ASS.


that's a mild one ... Go back further and they get more raucous.

Further, lets remember that a study showed that 80% of Texans did not want the Legislature to spend its time on this issue.

That is a FACT JERK!
And Wendy Davis is still hot....
Your post (link) doesn't support your phony claim that Abbott "stands for NO abortion, NEVER, NOHOW"..........

Caught in another lie AssUp.

Well, dipshit of the year, here's the first of many quotes from Hey Abbott that indicate his strong opposition to abortion ... Without restriction. Oh, and also YOUR ASS.


that's a mild one ... Go back further and they get more raucous.

Further, lets remember that a study showed that 80% of Texans did not want the Legislature to spend its time on this issue.

That is a FACT JERK! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wendy Davis doesn't support the 20 week abortion ban; NO WAY, No HOW. If you have a link saying otherwise, then post her quote.

Davis is an extremist on the abortion issue.
This tells you everything you need to know about Abbott's willingness to agree to exceptions for incest and rape. When asked directly, and repeatedly, about whether he opposes or agrees with such exceptions, he refuses to answer.

>>>>Questioned about whether he would support or oppose legislation banning abortions for rape or incest victims, Abbott avoids the question.
“Well, I’m pro-life,” he said during an interview after a campaign appearance in Houston. “And even under the laws that were passed by the Texas Legislature in this session that will be signed by the governor and that I’ll be defending in court, a woman is going to have five months to make a decision about having an abortion regardless of how that child was conceived. We’re working for a day when we’re actually protecting both the lives of the innocent unborn but also to protect the lives of the women who carry those children.”
When pressed again to directly answer the question, he dodges it.
“I support the legislation that was passed by the state Legislature during this special session, that the governor is going to sign into law and that I will be defending in court,” he said. “The battle is moving from the statehouse to the courthouse. And this is a law that is going to do even more to protect life in the state of Texas.”<<<<


You prefer the Obama approach. Lie to the electorate about your position.

Where is the quote by Wendy Davis supporting the 20 week abortion ban ?

Afterall, isn't this thread about Wendy Davis and NOT Abbott ?
Wendy Davis doesn't support the 20 week abortion ban; NO WAY, No HOW. If you have a link saying otherwise, then post her quote.

Davis is an extremist on the abortion issue. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't recall saying that she did. As you are so fond of saying, "Got a link?"

Now, respond to my post you lying fuckface.

You prefer the Obama approach. Lie to the electorate about your position. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't recall talking about Obama or his approach to anything. Stop with the misdirection and the lies and address the issues I posted.

Glad we are in agreement; Wendy Davis doesn't support abortion bans after 20- weeks...............
She is an extremist on this issue; outside the mainstream of America and certainly Texas.

And I already posted - Wendy Davis is NOT hot; she has bad skin complexion and looks like a twin of ugly Wasserman.

Glad we are in agreement; Wendy Davis doesn't support abortion bans after 20- weeks...............
She is an extremist on this issue; outside the mainstream of America and certainly Texas.

And I already posted - Wendy Davis is NOT hot; she has bad skin complexion and looks like a twin of ugly Wasserman.

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You and I aren't in agreement on anything, believe me. Your silly repetitive slogans mean shit, as usual, and are indicative of your inability to formulate a substantive response...as usual.
My substantive statements stand. Unrefuted by you or anyone.

Wendy Davis doesn't support the 20 week abortion ban; a ban favored by most Americans and certainly most Texans. She is an extremist on this issue.

She likely won't run for governor against Abbott; and if she does she will be easily beat.
My substantive statements stand. Unrefuted by you or anyone.

Wendy Davis doesn't support the 20 week abortion ban; a ban favored by most Americans and certainly most Texans. She is an extremist on this issue.

She likely won't run for governor against Abbott; and if she does she will be easily beat. Originally Posted by Whirlaway


44% of Americans oppose the ban. 48% support it.

So, almost 5 out 10 Americans are "extremists" on the issue? Which is supported by less than half of the population?

You are such a tool.

Regarding a run for governor....I don't know. But, I hope she does. She'll get some money from me. Abbott is a disgrace and always has been. He uses the 700 lawyers at the Texas AG's office like they are on retainer for Rush Limbaugh, filing lawsuits in support of every conservative issue that Abbott believes will garner him votes in his upcoming bid for governor and doing nothing for the people of the state of Texas.