America Is Not For Black People

CivilBarrister's Avatar
Yes, all those I witness accounts. Did you forget about Brown's thug buddy who was right there at the shooting. He SCREAMED that Brown was running away with his hands in the air and the police shot him in the BACK over and over.

Surely that eye witness rendition was not intended to put a sour light on the police.....just an innocent mistake as to the facts.
Yes, all those I witness accounts. Did you forget about Brown's thug buddy who was right there at the shooting. He SCREAMED that Brown was running away with his hands in the air and the police shot him in the BACK over and over.

Surely that eye witness rendition was not intended to put a sour light on the police.....just an innocent mistake as to the facts. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I have a feeling that all of the so called "eyewitness" accounts will be shown to be total fabrications when all of the forensic evidence is presented.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I have a feeling that all of the so called "eyewitness" accounts will be shown to be total fabrications when all of the forensic evidence is presented. Originally Posted by Jackie S
1 bullet makes 2 wounds.

In and out.

Shepard Smith needs to STFU.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-19-2014, 09:49 AM
If blacks are killing over drug deals, why don't you consider that a murder "at their place of employment" and include that in your cherry picked results, asshole? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If you made drugs legal there would be all this black on black killing ....God Damn old fool, think.

This is just like the 1930's only instead of Whiskey , it is drugs territory they are fighting over.
nickjaguar's Avatar
1 bullet makes 2 wounds.

In and out.

Shepard Smith needs to STFU. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Wrong genius. A bullet doesn't always exit the body. Especially when you're talking about a large man and a relatively small caliber such as a 9 mm. But go ahead and spout what you believe to be sage thoughts. Regardless of facts.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yes, all those I witness accounts. Did you forget about Brown's thug buddy who was right there at the shooting. He SCREAMED that Brown was running away with his hands in the air and the police shot him in the BACK over and over.

Surely that eye witness rendition was not intended to put a sour light on the police.....just an innocent mistake as to the facts. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Yes, Al Sharpton needs to address that false report.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If you made drugs legal there would be all this black on black killing ....God Damn old fool, think.

This is just like the 1930's only instead of Whiskey , it is drugs territory they are fighting over. Originally Posted by WTF
Honestly, it is a little hard to interpret your assertion. Perhaps you should quit drinking beer at the jobsite with your illegal alien crew while they sweat it out in the heat and humidity.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have heard about all I can stand from anybody that thinks they are the po mistreated cant get a break cuz they are so eat up with the dumbass they cant see opportunity if it was in their ass in fromt of their eyes. Go cry to you momma.Dubasses fuck off more opportunity to achieve than is possible to believe and would rather suck on the gummit tit than pull their own fucking weight.

As Stossel would say, Give me a Fucking break.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The key is education, 2Mutts.

Get some.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I have heard about all I can stand from anybody that thinks they are the po mistreated cant get a break cuz they are so eat up with the dumbass they cant see opportunity if it was in their ass in fromt of their eyes. Go cry to you momma.Dubasses fuck off more opportunity to achieve than is possible to believe and would rather suck on the gummit tit than pull their own fucking weight.

As Stossel would say, Give me a Fucking break. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Amen to that my brother!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is that why you defected, Bert?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is no excuse for the looting. Great leaders in the 1950s and 60s used civil disobedience. They made more progress than this current bunch of opportunistic thugs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wrong genius. A bullet doesn't always exit the body. Especially when you're talking about a large man and a relatively small caliber such as a 9 mm. But go ahead and spout what you believe to be sage thoughts. Regardless of facts. Originally Posted by nickjaguar
You go too far. I have not heard a single clarification that indentified whether the six wounds were entrance or exit. As for a 9 mm, it is the speed and not the size. An AR-15 round is not much bigger than a .22 but going 3 to 4 times faster. A 9 mm is about .355 inches in diameter or just a cunt hair smaller than a .38 or .357 magnum. Depending on the load (amount of propellant) a 9 can be going about 1200 fps. Mass is also a factor but I would have to explain the physics to the uninformed. Suffice it to say, the faster and heavier a bullet, the more penetration **unless it hits something like a bone**

It is possible that the Ferguson police carried a lighter load in their 9s to prevent complete penetration and avoid collateral damage behind the target.
You go too far. I have not heard a single clarification that indentified whether the six wounds were entrance or exit. As for a 9 mm, it is the speed and not the size. An AR-15 round is not much bigger than a .22 but going 3 to 4 times faster. A 9 mm is about .355 inches in diameter or just a cunt hair smaller than a .38 or .357 magnum. Depending on the load (amount of propellant) a 9 can be going about 1200 fps. Mass is also a factor but I would have to explain the physics to the uninformed. Suffice it to say, the faster and heavier a bullet, the more penetration **unless it hits something like a bone**

It is possible that the Ferguson police carried a lighter load in their 9s to prevent complete penetration and avoid collateral damage behind the target. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He was probably carrying the unusual 115 to 125 grn full metal jacket load.

In the real world of ballistics, a rather enemic load for self defense, especially when the perpetrator is a 280 pound man.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The 9 mm has a history of failing its users. The reason why the FBI changed to the .40 and 10 mm was after a suspect rushed their agents. He took 10 hits from 9 mms before he went down and was able to engage one agent at point blank range killing him.