However... I am not WHITE and don't give a shit about sex workers rights either...
You show the world how to treat you when you walk out of your door every day. People make CHOICES. At the end of the day, this shit does not affect me PERSONALLY so...
Carry on...
Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
It doesn’t affect you personally. Good for you, What a privilege! But to go further and say you don’t care just makes you an asshole. This isn’t about politics, people should see this as a humanity issue. Black people are literally just asking to not be killed while having basic interactions with the police, and not only do you not care - you’re loud and proud about it?? It’s disgusting. And when you defect from the actual conversation at hand with things like bringing up Criminal records, mentioning welfare, birth control, and whatever nonsense you can think of, it’s dehumanizing. Being silent and complacent is one thing, but shouting it so loudly DOES incite violence. That is literally why people are burning shit down. Because Amerikkka has never given a fuck about Black people.
I’m not sure why I felt inclined to type this after reading your comment of not caring about sex worker rights. That right there is so problematic, especially as an escort. You must really love living under the fear of arrest, rape, losing your bank account, losing your children, being banned from travel to other countries and all that good shit? Forgive me, but that is fucking weird! Like Freak-show weird. Or maybe Stockholm syndrome weird? I’m not sure, I’m still processing.