Biden Crime $$$$$ Family Money

eccieuser9500's Avatar

Interesting enough?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Interesting enough?
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Nope. not even close. i feel sorry for teasing ya for proof knowing you'd just post ..this nonsense

the money flowing to the Biden's is documented fact. did they earn it or is it bribes for influence?

no i don't really feel sorry.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sorry, sorry-ass come back.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... The FBI/DOJ and 51 past and present members of
US Intelligence are yet one more way to RIG the Election.

Claiming Hunter's laptop is fake - not just whatever drug crimes
Hunter may have done -- but THE MONEY $$$$...

Do ya think some o' the Biden voters mighta changed their
votes - or stayed home - IF they knew the Biden family
had been taking in MILLIONS from China when Joe was VP?

NOW the Biden corruption is out to the public.
And everyone can see the fact Biden is compromised by China.

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
Do ya think some o' the Biden voters mighta changed their
votes - or stayed home - IF they knew the Biden family
had been taking in MILLIONS from China when Joe was VP? Originally Posted by Salty Again
Hell, yes!

That's been well-established for some time. Shortly after the 2020 election, the Federalist conducted a poll showing as many as one out of every 6 Biden voters would have changed their vote had they known about all of his disgraceful scandals that were perfidiously suppressed by the mainstream media!

Here's the link:
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if you say so

Bias Rating Lean Left

Type News Media Region National

Owner Capitol News Company Established 2007

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Wikipedia Politico

you and VM can't play the "bias game" .. unless you want the "bias game" thrown back at ya

bahahahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
politico is under new ownership, a german who is said to lean right as he owns a pile of right wing publications.

its still left wing?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
politico is under new ownership, a german who is said to lean right as he owns a pile of right wing publications.

its still left wing? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

i noticed that on their wiki page also, the sale was October 2021 so only about a year and a half since. don't read politico much so can't say if there is a culture shift yet. interesting that Axel Springer AE itself is majority owned by US based KKR. what influence KKR has is unknown, most of the time investment holding outfits don't take much active control of the companies they acquire as long as they are profitable.

my guess is politico still leans left and KKR isn't looking to change that, to them it's just an investment.
Precious_b's Avatar
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
AWWW! Ckalcka'c looks so cute ignoring question posed to him still.

Staff Edit - Image Removed - Biomed1
Precious_b's Avatar
politico is under new ownership, a german who is said to lean right as he owns a pile of right wing publications.

its still left wing? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
oh. dear.

How are they gonna label me a libby!?!?!
Precious_b's Avatar
Sorry, sorry-ass come back.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That's all he's got EU9500. Still dancing around questions posted to him with two left feet.

... How many more attempts are YOU gonna make
to hijack me thread here? ... I've seen three or four already.

And WHY did you post a child??

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Trying to contribute there but one of your buds is standfast not doing the quid pro quo.

And as to GL #10, "... and certain images depicting children ..."
I welcome clear clarification that bit of the GL that applied. Feel free to rtm as you are like to do. We certainly can give the Mod/Admin quite a bit of work.

The image is apt for the age level of the posters continued tactics when he expects others do do it for him but will not reciprocate. I've continually have bent over to address him properly and respectfully in the lingua franca of the board and the language of the tongue he refers to himself.
... Seems almost fair enough, mate.
Don't wanna see anyone get points.

... But I DO want to see EVERYBODY try to stay on-topic.
I did ask (somewhat) nicely way-back at the beginning.

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trying to contribute there but one of your buds is standfast not doing the quid pro quo.

And as to GL #10, "... and certain images depicting children ..."
I welcome clear clarification that bit of the GL that applied. Feel free to rtm as you are like to do. We certainly can give the Mod/Admin quite a bit of work.

The image is apt for the age level of the posters continued tactics when he expects others do do it for him but will not reciprocate. I've continually have bent over to address him properly and respectfully in the lingua franca of the board and the language of the tongue he refers to himself. Originally Posted by Precious_b

me thinks the mod squad will give you your answer shortly.

the topic is Biden not {forbidden topic}