Anyone watching Filthy Rich Jeffry Epstein?

LexusLover's Avatar
So profound. Originally Posted by bambino
And sounds like too much denial.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm watching it again. I missed a few things. Ghislaine Maxwell is just as guilty as Epstein. She had the gall to tell the girls to call her mom like they were a family. That's just gross. Originally Posted by R.M.
Yeah, I'm surprised it took authorities so long to go after Maxwell. Those young ladies trusted her and her sole intent was to just toss those girls over to a predator.
  • oeb11
  • 07-08-2020, 10:35 AM
I watched the doc series. As the father of a minor female, that sick fucker got off easy by killing himself IMO. He should have received the punishment that he would have received in prison after those guys in there were done with him.

His despicable acts had nothing to do with politics. He had friends on both sides. He was just a sick rich fuck. Politics don't justify anything about what that piece of shit did. He was a disgusting man who did not deserve to be on earth. I'm glad he saved the tax payers some money. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

LM - agreed - except - I do not think epstein committed suicide.

Too much squirrelly about the circumstances.

Who did him in - guards - who have access likely. Who coordinated and caused epstein's death - too many powerful folks to count.

H.... is at the top of the list - and she has lots of experience at silencing people dangerous to her.

H.... Reminds me of another H who did the same things to cover his past in germany - 1930's.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Get yer bigotry here! Bigotry on display! ^^^^^^^^^^^^

"Trump told New York Magazine that he’d known Epstein for 15 years. “Terrific guy,” said Trump. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Did you hear Trump say that ... or just post what was printed? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Trump made that comment to the Post in 2004 I believe. Hes known Epstein since 1987.

interesting about this case is the comment from the victims lawyers regarding Trump. they say he was very cooperative and gave them leads that checked out.

Trump is a lot of things, but one thing he isn't, he's not stupid.
bambino's Avatar
Just finished watching. Two people in the series said they saw Clinton on the Island. Roberts and the IT guy that worked there. Seems like Dershowitz may be in trouble. If Maxwell survives her stint in the hoosegow, I think it’s Prince Andrew that will get thrown under the bus. He’s a complete idiot and will be the token big name that goes down.
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 08:34 AM
H... won't permit maxwell to survive - too much of a threat that the LSM would be forced to ublish facts - for a change.

maxwell is already as good as deceased.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
H... won't permit maxwell to survive - too much of a threat that the LSM would be forced to ublish facts - for a change.

maxwell is already as good as deceased. Originally Posted by oeb11

maxwell is not stupid. she has tapes.
bambino's Avatar
maxwell is not stupid. she has tapes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
How do you know they don’t already have the tapes? They took a ton of evidence out of Epstein properties already. They probably have some great evidence or they won’t have arrested her. She hired a former Federal prosecutor because he knows how the Feds work.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
oeb11, Who knows? He probably had a lot of dirt to share about many powerful people around the globe. If I was a sick fuck like he was, I would have erased him too to keep him from talking. Or maybe the thought of living in a cell by himself terrified about other prisoners getting to him made him kill himself. Or maybe the thought of living in a shitty prison cell for the rest of his life instead of living in luxury mansions made him off himself. Fuck if I know and fuck if I care because he was going to be gone one way or another.

Fucker could have easily had the hottest women from all around the world and he wants kids to exploit. Fuck him and I hope he rots in hell where he belongs. He and Michael Jackson can moonwalk together there in their afterlife.

Dilbert, whether she has tapes or not is irrelevant. If you record me saying what I did what Epstein did and you helped me do it, you are just as complicit as I am. That's the law. You are an accomplice because if not for your help, I could not have pulled this off on my own.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-10-2020, 06:14 PM
So she's wearing paper clothes now. In case she tries to commit suicide.
Looks like ole Bill Gates might be connected to Epstein.He's been on the plane.
If so this is going to be good.
Let's not forget Epstein was a registered sex offender.
matchingmole's Avatar
Must be a stupid show with easy to understand words...a sure fire hit with the Trumptards
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-11-2020, 06:22 AM
I need to go back and watch number four of the series. Where the toxicologist is interviewed. There's something about Epstein's neck where he hung himself that doesn't match up.
I have a feeling Tom Hanks is going to be named. He is a huge pedophile.
Last night before I went to bed he popped up on my Twitter feed. I always thought Tom Hanks was creepy though.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I need to go back and watch number four of the series. Where the toxicologist is interviewed. There's something about Epstein's neck where he hung himself that doesn't match up.
I have a feeling Tom Hanks is going to be named. He is a huge pedophile.
Last night before I went to bed he popped up on my Twitter feed. I always thought Tom Hanks was creepy though. Originally Posted by R.M.

epsteins neck. there is some disagreement on how he was strangled via makeshift rope by hand or by hanging.

Hanks? he doesn't strike me as one.
matchingmole's Avatar
I need to go back and watch number four of the series. Where the toxicologist is interviewed. There's something about Epstein's neck where he hung himself that doesn't match up.
I have a feeling Tom Hanks is going to be named. He is a huge pedophile.
Last night before I went to bed he popped up on my Twitter feed. I always thought Tom Hanks was creepy though. Originally Posted by R.M.

I had a feeling that you were one of those Twitter Trumptards that the world laughs at on a regular basis. Keep up the good work.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-11-2020, 12:13 PM
epsteins neck. there is some disagreement on how he was strangled via makeshift rope by hand or by hanging.

Hanks? he doesn't strike me as one. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes Mr Tom Hanks is a big one too. He’s famous for his one glove “photography “
Satanic members have to publish their membership in public and that’s his.
^I’ll guess fucktard Mole doesn’t realize I have a Masters degree in Dearhunter.
Silly tard.