This pisses me off to no end........

Sweet N Little's Avatar
People that lie. It seems to be prevelant in the hobby. It makes be appreciate the honest ones that much more. Originally Posted by burkalini
People that lie???? lol your doing what you do and you wanna talk about lying??????
To fucking funny

I've got absolutely no problem with what you posted. I have no misconception of what this arrangement really is, but at the same time through the cooperation of both parties it can still be a fairly pleasant experience. I'm only 46, and I try to limit my encounters to ladies 20 years or less younger. Would these ladies look at me twice in RL? I doubt it. But I have something they want, and they have something I want. For an hour or two, we can overlook our petty differences. Originally Posted by IDMT
Still Looking's Avatar
Your thing that pisses you off correlates with my thing that pisses me off:

Guys who make no bones about openly admitting that they are using providers for sex and cheap thrills with no commitment and yet expect providers to swoon over that arrangement without money being the motivating factor. Sorry but no matter what a hooker tells you money is probably the primary thing that keeps her fucking guys two or three times her age that have little in common with her and that she wouldn't look at twice in the real world...Honestly, if money ISN'T the primary motivation then I'd say the girl needs some time with a psychiatrist because she's acting out personal issues(need for attention, male affirmation, etc.). Sorry, I know that isn't going to win me any brownie points with anyone but I've got a thing for if only I could develop that same intense passion for tact I'd be doing better in life. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
DID you say "Hooker?"? It is rare a provider will refer to herself as such! That being said, I can't agree with you more! This thought process lines up with my feeling that the session is to be mutually gratifying for both. The session is all about the hobbyist. Always has been, always will be. This junior high turning the clock back emotional bull shit of wanting a provider (Hooker) to have an emotional attachment and create a romantic passionate life changing season to foe fill some kind of self esteem, identity crisis in an hour or so, is bazaar! In the real world, if a 20-25 year old is bumping ugly’s with a 50-60 year old, there is a credit car, Porsche and jewelry involved. Or could it be that some 20-25 year olds really like male pattern boldness, wrinkly old ass, gray haired big gutted I need a blue pill to “get er done” guys? I think not!

You want quality service, get your ass waxed and have some one appreciate you... look for older providers. You want a sexy young hard bodied cheer leader half to one third your age... chances are great you will experience less than desirable TCB skills. Just the way it is! And of coarse YMMV!

18-80 blind, crippled and crazy. Before 18 they are protected by the law, above 80 by mother nature. Everything in the middle is fair game.
No one owes us anything! If you do the wild thing with someone, consider yourself lucky and put a smile on your face! The rest is all BS!

Eccie Addict's Avatar
See there SL we can all be brutally honest here without worrying about feelings lol

This is a good thread man
Sweet N Little's Avatar
See there SL we can all be brutally honest here without worrying about feelings lol

This is a good thread man Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Lol careful & tread lightly lol
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lol don't know me very well, I can take it pretty well. Honesty doesn't scare me in the least
true_whatever's Avatar
I have a pretty wide age limit threshold below and above my age and can find things to enjoy about any lady. Although "half my age" would land me in jail.

I know it's #1 about the money, but I like to try to make the lady have fun with me and enjoy the time spent. A guy saying to himself "Well it's all about the money, so why bother trying?" is going to lead to a very shallow experience.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I have a pretty wide age limit threshold below and above my age and can find things to enjoy about any lady. Although "half my age" would land me in jail.

I know it's #1 about the money, but I like to try to make the lady have fun with me and enjoy the time spent. A guy saying to himself "Well it's all about the money, so why bother trying?" is going to lead to a very shallow experience. Originally Posted by true_whatever
I can't wait for you to come to Arkansas . I think I'm in luv
Still Looking's Avatar
See there SL we can all be brutally honest here without worrying about feelings lol

This is a good thread man Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Nothing wrong with playing on both sides of the fence! If you do it at the same time, you rip off your nut sack!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have a pretty wide age limit threshold below and above my age and can find things to enjoy about any lady. Although "half my age" would land me in jail.

I know it's #1 about the money, but I like to try to make the lady have fun with me and enjoy the time spent. A guy saying to himself "Well it's all about the money, so why bother trying?" is going to lead to a very shallow experience. Originally Posted by true_whatever
It is definitely much more fun when both are having fun instead of just one. Hopefully most are willing to tell you what they enjoy and don't enjoy so you can have fun I've had pretty good luck so far as they "seem" to enjoy themselves with me.....
If the girl isn't having fun, I've failed. My first priority when I meet a provider is to give her an O - if that doesn't happen it's because we didn't hit it off, or she's just cold.
If the girl isn't having fun, I've failed. My first priority when I meet a provider is to give her an O - if that doesn't happen it's because we didn't hit it off, or she's just cold. Originally Posted by Louigi
Regardless of weather she had fun or an orgasm, you're still on top of your game right?
Sorry - I posted that without reading the original thread starter. I guess what pisses me off most is providers who post pics that are 5 or 6 years and 20 lbs old. And then reviewers who say the pictures are accurate - I guess the last one is the worst because the reviewer is participating in the deception - or he's blind!
Regardless of weather she had fun or an orgasm, you're still on top of your game right? Originally Posted by acp5762
No - if she doesn't get off, I'm not on top of my game - her getting off is what gets me going. If I start DATY and she isn't responding I cannot perform - my performance is directly correlated with her response.
  • LynnT
  • 06-11-2011, 10:05 AM
Telling a provider you’re driving from Houston to San Antonio. Yet they continue to text! Won't pick up the phone, won't call! Texting and driving is dangerous!

Still Looking NEW RULE: You can't talk to me for two minutes, I don't see you! Oh your in the middle of a session and can't talk..but you can text? You’re in class and can't talk but you can text? Make contact at 10:00 am. for a 5 pm appointment and you can't find time for two minute call but you have time for 80-100 texts? HAVE A NICE DAY! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Yes! I hate this.. I get this for my day job too and is so annoying!