I hate!


With your super skills as a sleuth ..... You do not detect anything else wrong with this thread, except the topic at hand?

If not you are the most awesomeness mod in history, with zero personal bias or anything.
I Ate lunch.. You missed the call.
dearhunter's Avatar
I hate it when Anna Starr channels like a broken record........can't she get new material?
Wow! To much information!

Good Night Eccie!
Wow! To much information!

Good Night Eccie! Originally Posted by Azebella_amor

Hope the answer to your pm made things a bit more clear
  • BDD
  • 09-07-2015, 06:39 AM
I hate waking up in the morning and reading all this drama, however I love that I got a good night's sleep and missed it in the moment.
pyramider's Avatar
Wonder when Anna's man handle gets banned ...
I love visiting family. I absolutely ABHOR long drives to get there!
I hate:
1) Self absorbed, narrow-minded, judgmental people.
2) Irresponsible people
3) Lazy, entitled people
3) Eastern Europe and most especially Russia
4) Long layovers in shitty airports(Looking at you Manila)
5) And on and on ad infinitum...

But Sweet Tebow I do love pussy...Looking at you SexyCass!
When they ask you how many, and it's only you at 6:30 am wanting breakfast
SexyCassandra's Avatar
I hate:
1) Self absorbed, narrow-minded, judgmental people.
2) Irresponsible people
3) Lazy, entitled people
3) Eastern Europe and most especially Russia
4) Long layovers in shitty airports(Looking at you Manila)
5) And on and on ad infinitum...

But Sweet Tebow I do love pussy...Looking at you SexyCass!
Originally Posted by Island_Gent

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Sounding like a whiney bitch. CPS doesn't get involved without a reason, they throw you a cup, you gotta piss clean. The don't get involved unless there is a need to take action. 20 people can call, cps doesn't take action unless there is a serious need. Perhaps when LE went to investigate the incident where Cassandra got a thug friend to beat up a provider, they reported her. Ever think of that? You want to drag the victims name in the mud, well let's tell it all. I met the victim on Ashley Madison. She was taking a eccie break, and we hooked up. I was with her several times when the investigators called for updates. I calmed her down and told her I would always be there for her. That Cassandra is a ghetto hood rat to the fullest. She may be able to run game on you, but I think your staying on her good side out of fear. Good for you,,,,,,

Sorry for the overload of info, I'm only commenting on BDD's constant cps Post. It's getting tiring. If a provided is on bancation let her be, why carry on like it's so personal to you? Unless there is a pussy behind that handle??? Originally Posted by count e 55
I only read one line of this bull! Now I definitely no this is not a hobbyist... Let me tell you something my photos from this site was showed in freaking court... In my case that's what they were involved in my life for!!!

Mods I also have question isn't cunt post a violation its insinuating that the provider she's posting about is doing things that is not aloud to be on board?
I only read one line of this bull! Now I definitely no this is not a hobbyist... Let me tell you something my photos from this site was showed in freaking court... In my case that's what they were involved in my life for!!!

Mods I also have question isn't cunt post a violation its insinuating that the provider she's posting about is doing things that is not aloud to be on board? Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

I hate when a provider cries her pictures were used against her then continues posting hooker ads with face pictures.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I hate when a provider cries her pictures were used against her then continues posting hooker ads with face pictures. Originally Posted by count e 55

Well if I knew I was going to be setup probably would of done differently... But guess what it's over and I can show my face!!!!

Run and tell that...
Well if I knew I was going to be setup probably would of done differently... But guess what it's over and I can show my face!!!!

Run and tell that... Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Say cheese