Continued Bad Economic News...

blue3122's Avatar
You should know right now that running a business is nothing like running a government two entirely different venues- so if that was the case perhaps the GOP needs to get Donald Trump back running or perhaps give Bill Gates or the CEO of Wal-Mart a call.remember Steve forbes run for Presidency- how did that go? You can not tell me that because a person turned around a nationwide pizza chain of 620 stores that it will equate to turning around something as large as the the U.S economy.
Also, speaking of Romney- wasn't it stated that Romney's business career centered a lot around leverage buyouts? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
First, Trump has a history as a wealth destroyer, not a wealth creator. Investing with Trump is a loser. He makes money for himself but his corporations usually go bankrupt and the stockholders lose. Also, I have never been overly impressed with Romney's business experience. He was not a job creator. Bain and McKinsey people are, IMO, very very smart. and also very very useless. (Jeff Skilling anyone?) they have grand plans but are more finance people than execution people. It seems for 24 years we have tried Ivy Leaguers. Anyone ready for a change?

The economy is largely run by the fed (monetary policy). As for that, Bernanke is the worst Fed chair in 40 years.

Fiscal policy and leadership can be provided by the president but BO has provided neither except tax and spend. Same goes for any senator or congressman in office longer than 4 years. These people are part of the problem , not the solution.

Before being elected president BO had almost no managerial experience.

It seems we have tried enough politicians. We need to try something else.

Gates has too much money to run. Forbes was born on third and thought he hit a triple. He actually has some decent ideas but worse delivery than McCain. Not as bad as algore though. CEO of Wal-Mart (Mike Duke) probably doesn't want the pay cut.

Its obvious, to even the most casual observers, that we need leadership, not politics. Managers, not campaigners.

Five questions that I doubt the media will ask BO.
1. Why did you say "No lobbyists" then appoint more than 50 to high level and cabinet positions?
2. What about the website posting all bills for 72 hours before any vote?
3. Why has this white house not produced a budget?
4. Why did Eric Holder not appoint special prosecutors to investigate companies that he lobbied for but instead kept the investigations under his watch?
5. You promised to make efficiency improvements, which you could do without congress, yet your administration has not made any according to the GAO? why not? (I suspect this is due to no concept of managerial experience in this administration)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, and the TeaNut Birthers have now gone after Jindal and Rubio, even though they're Republicans, too.

So, I'll concede that you're correct that it's not fair to say the TeaNuts hate black people. They hate all minorities, apparently!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Say what you want, your "opinion" doesn't change the fact that the Republican Party in a southern state, Louisiana, re-elected Jindal - of Eastern Indian heritage - yesterday. Hence, Rubio and Jindal do put a below the waterline hole in your bogus "theory" that all Southern Republicans are racists. BTW, your article doesn't mention anything about the "Tea Party" in regards to Jindal's or Rubio's heritage.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, when it was a US protectorate. American soil, American citizen. Jindal was born in the US, as was Rubio, I believe. I even think Obama was born in the US, but he went to a lot of trouble to keep us from finding out.

I don't think Tea Party and Birthers are synonymous. I hear the Republicans and Tea Party called racist all the time, but have never seen any real evidence. God forgive me if I'm defending them. I just mean there are plenty of substantiated reasons to dislike Republicans, you don't need to invent racist claims.

Bill Maher? Are you fucking kidding me? He's a washed up comedian, who was never that funny, who thinks much too highly of himself, and impresses only the handful of people who watch his show except when CSI is on. He's an idiot.

There is no way President Obama can win this election. No way. However, there are hundreds of ways the Republicans can lose it. They will find at least one, probably dozens.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't think Tea Party and Birthers are synonymous. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Point of fact.

John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, when it was a US protectorate. American soil, American citizen. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Children born of two U.S. citizens in the Canal Zone had been subject to the naturalization Act of 1795, which granted statutory U.S. citizenship at birth. With the ruling of 1905 persons born in the Canal Zone only became U.S. nationals, not citizens. This no man's land with regard to U.S. citizenship was perpetuated until Congress passed legislation in 1937, which corrected this deficiency. The law is now codified under title 8 section 1403. It not only grants statutory and declaratory born citizenship to those born in the Canal Zone after February 26, 1904, with at least one U.S. citizen parent, but also did so retroactively for all children born of at least one U.S. citizen in the Canal Zone before the law's enactment. [wiki]
Jindal was born in the US Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

And so was Rubio.
You are arrogance and ineptitude in one package. Again, for you – the one who knows nothing: see at Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IB, in the future I will try to remember to make it easier for you by identifying sarcastic remarks with the following disclaimer:

("IB, I am being sarcastic again!")

Hopefully, that will keep sarcasm from sailing over your head!

The following is a Dana Milbank quote taken from the article referenced by TTH in post #45 of this thread:

QUOTE: "The higher prominence of loons of all stripes"

IB, why didn't you tell us that Dana Milbank interviewed you?

("IB, I am being sarcastic again!")

TexTushHog's Avatar
Say what you want, your "opinion" doesn't change the fact that the Republican Party in a southern state, Louisiana, re-elected Jindal - of Eastern Indian heritage - yesterday. Hence, Rubio and Jindal do put a below the waterline hole in your bogus "theory" that all Southern Republicans are racists. BTW, your article doesn't mention anything about the "Tea Party" in regards to Jindal's or Rubio's heritage. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I never said ALL southern Republicans are racist. I just think a substantial number of them are. It may even be a majority if you define racism broadly enough (for example opposition to affirmative action). But I never claimed ALL.

And TeaNut, birthers, John Birch Society, White Citizens Councils -- it's all the same groups of disaffected, xenophobic right wing extremist at different points in time. Just different marketing labels.
I never said ALL southern Republicans are racist. I just think a substantial number of them are. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I agree wholeheartedly with the above!

Clarifying note to IB---Please remember, if I do not include the disclaimer I am NOT being sarcastic!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2011, 05:48 AM
I will say the Tea Folks have good intentions, bless their hearts but the birthers are fuc'n racist. That or the most ignorant fuc's on the planet. Probably both but I will go with the latter for sake of argument with those Jim Crow loving dickheads!

Seriously if you are still a birther or were ever a birther you should not be able to ever vote in another election, in fact I would trade Mexico three of their hard workers for one of our fuc'd in the head birthers.

I'd trade the whole lot of birthers for a hundred head of mules. Nobody is more stubborn than a birther! We seriously need to ship them to Iran and North Korea and those two countries would surrender in less than two years and beg us to take those stupid SOB's back. They are worse than a nuclear bomb. They should be put in some kinda of containment facility. Along with the three headed turtles....

I could go on and on with this birther shit!
I will say the Tea Folks have good intentions, bless their hearts but the birthers are fuc'n racist. That or the most ignorant fuc's on the planet. Probably both but I will go with the latter for sake of argument with those Jim Crow loving dickheads! Originally Posted by WTF
Is IB a birther?

If so, it would certainly answer a number of questions that I have!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Is IB a birther?

If so, it would certainly answer a number of questions that I have! Originally Posted by bigtex
Does this answer any of your questions?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Don't let the PR fool you. Birthers, TeaNuts, White Citizens' Councils. State Rights -- all just marketing by the Republican machine to make racism, class warfare, and xenophobia more socially acceptable. Do what Deep Throat told Woodward and Bernstien -- follow the money. It all goes back to the same few right wing "think tank" and big rich donors.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
OK, TTH, put up or shut up. Prove your thesis. I think you are full of shit. Let's see it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Jesus, TTH, you are such a smug, self-important asshole. My parents were jazz musicians. Almost all of our friends were people of color. I never learned to differentiate between “us” and “them” like you have. You are the racist, since you seem to believe that people of color can only make it if the government helps them. Any group that recognizes or honors the individual must be racist, in your eyes, since they don't pander to a person's race. Didn't someone dream of a colorblind society? Oh yeah, that was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

So tell us, oh benevolent one, how are those groups racist? (Not talking about white citizen groups, but how are they different from black citizen groups?

You implied in another thread that anyone who opposes affirmative action is racist. Well, that is most of us. Affirmative Action has been a disaster. It places a stigma on every professional person of color. Now they have to prove that they got their position based on merit, not on their race. You are so fucking condescending. It's like saying, “Come here, little man, you are a different color than me, so you can't possibly compete against the white people, which I am one. So I will “help” you. Isn't that nice of me?” It is a more subtle and dangerous form of racism that the KKK preaches.

So, c'mon. Show us the racism. You oughta know.

TexTushHog's Avatar
No time to do it tonight, as I have some work to do to get ready for some big depositions on Friday and I intend to watch the World Series, but you really don't think that these right wing groups aren't really financed by all the same folks? If so, you're not paying attention. I'll dig around sometime this week when I have a few hours and show you some of the evidence.

And my definition of racism in this context is frequently and consciously supporting policies that have a disproportion adverse effect on minorities. I don't see how any fair observer can deny the racism of the policies of these groups, including opposition to affirmative action.

As for your straw man argument that I contend that minorities can only succeed if given preferences, it is just that, a straw man. Sure, if one doesn't remediate the effects of past discrimination, those held back will eventually catch up. However, the issue is over how long a period of time. With affirmative action and attempting to remediate the past effects of discrimination, those groups placed under historical disadvantage can catch up more quickly.

I am reasonably successful in part because of my own efforts. However, much of my sucess is because my parents both have an excellent education and both have graduate degrees. One of my four grandparents had a college education, something rather rare in Texas around the turn of the century. My family have also had large land holdings on both sides of the family for decades on one side, and over 100 years on the other. All of these things conferred advantages on me that still continue forward today, just as past discrimination confers disadvantages that have effects that last for generations and generations. It is the responsibility of our generation to unburden those adversely affected by past discrimination, as best we can, with the effects of the discrimination that were visited on their families and on them for the hundred plus years that they were enslaved and later treated as second class citizens. If you really thing that those effects do no linger today, I don't know what to tell you. They are just as real as the advantages that I enjoyed.
I laugh at you left-wing nuts "helping" the Republican party by trying to pick who Obama will be beaten by in 2012. Why don't you get Dennis Kucinich to run as a Republican Presidential Candidate?

The OccupyWallStreet movement has many more loons and much more political baggage than any TEA Party demonstration. And The President, Pelosi and other Democrats are embracing it. I guess you apologists have to keep harping on the TEA Party and make false allegations in order to distract.