new details on JFK assassination

Hotrod511's Avatar
I don’t know about ‘exploding round’, looks more like a typical hollow point. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The term ‘exploding bullet’ is commonly used to describe ammunition with an explosive or a high-explosive-incendiary filling, often fired from a rifle.

Howard Donahue a ballistic's expert did a study on the assassination of JFK talks about this type of round plus there was fragmentation found in the brain matter of JFK but like all conspiracies theories it could all be BS

There was a book publish called "Mortal Error" the shot that killed JFK it talk a lot about the trajectories of the bullet the one that went threw JFK's neck and hit Gov Connolly's arm its a interesting read
  • Tiny
  • 10-05-2019, 02:03 PM
I stayed in a hotel across the street from the book suppository where Oswald was on the 6th floor. Originally Posted by bambino
Haha! You meant depository.
matchingmole's Avatar
Notes: Fellowship of the Minds is an admitted conservative news and opinion website. In reality this is actually an extreme right conspiracy website that claims liberalism is a pathology. Regarding conspiracies, Fellowship of the Minds covers them all, from False Flags to the New World Order. This source also publishes stories about proof of the existence of the human soul and creationism. Overall, this is a Tin Foil Hat conspiracy website. (D. Van Zandt 11/24/2017)
Notes: Fellowship of the Minds is an admitted conservative news and opinion website. In reality this is actually an extreme right conspiracy website that claims liberalism is a pathology. Regarding conspiracies, Fellowship of the Minds covers them all, from False Flags to the New World Order. This source also publishes stories about proof of the existence of the human soul and creationism. Overall, this is a Tin Foil Hat conspiracy website. (D. Van Zandt 11/24/2017) Originally Posted by matchingmole
Well then why don't you post something from an extreme left conspiracy website that debunks the extreme right, lol
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Liberalism is certainly a pathology.
bambino's Avatar
Haha! You meant depository. Originally Posted by Tiny
I did. S is next to D on my IPhone. I have big hands.
I did. S is next to D on my IPhone. I have big hands. Originally Posted by bambino
In a way it is a suppository. Don't they have a little display on the sixth floor of Oswald's snipers nest. Someone is making money trying to continue shoving that bullshit up the public's ass, lol.
bambino's Avatar
In a way it is a suppository. Don't they have a little display on the sixth floor of Oswald's snipers nest. Someone is making money trying to continue shoving that bullshit up the public's ass, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I didn’t notice it. It probably is there. Not far from where Kennedy was shot. It’s certainly conceivable that one shot came from there.
matchingmole's Avatar
Well then why don't you post something from an extreme left conspiracy website that debunks the extreme right, lol Originally Posted by Levianon17
There aren't any
There aren't any Originally Posted by matchingmole
Did ya look?
matchingmole's Avatar
No.....the Right wing has all the conspiracy sites
I didn’t notice it. It probably is there. Not far from where Kennedy was shot. It’s certainly conceivable that one shot came from there. Originally Posted by bambino
One did, but it hit the pavement. Where do you think the last shot came from, the infamous kill shot?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i'm watching college ball so not going to get into a detailed post now but there are three possible ways this went down, one is of course the official view that Oswald acted alone. i don't think too many really believe that by now. i think Oswald was involved and did take a shot maybe two but the evidence shows someone else delivered the fatal head shot.

so who was that? well it could have been the secret service agent with the M-16, he could have accidentally discharged his rifle as the limo surged forward and it lines up as a shot from behind. if so then i do not think the secret service or that agent would ever admit that. they'd let Oswald be their patsy.

and then there is a second shooter. meaning Oswald was every bit the patsy he said he was, he very well could have known of the other shooter and knew he was there to take the blame. Ruby was there to silence him to complete the coverup. i've read that Ruby later said he wouldn't have done it knowing the results that Oswald went to his grave with what he really knew but you have to figure that as possible deliberate misinformation.

was the second shooter on the grassy knoll? i'd have to review a lot of the recreations, it is likely that area does line up with the fatal head shot. could there have even been a third shooter? sure, why not? if the powers that be wanted JKF dead you'd think they'd plan it out to make sure yeah? a patsy and one if not two back up shooters to make sure it gets done.

most medial experts agree the neck wound alone probably would not have been fatal to JFK. was it supposed to be a head shot that missed? maybe. it probably was Oswald and if he'd made the shot the second shooter wouldn't have needed to take a shot. maybe he would have anyway to make sure .. another thing not widely reported but known is that JFK due to his back issues from WWII was wearing a lower back brace that day to help him with his back and it would have made it impossible for JFK to bend forward and possibly avoid the head shot that killed him.

which brings us to why? what was JFK planning to do that pissed off people with the ability to engineer this? remember what Ike said about the Military Industrial Complex? it's said JFK wanted to pull the US out of Vietnam, well that certainly isn't what the Military Industrial Complex would want yeah?

there is another possibility and Ike figures in it again. i'm sure many here have heard of Majestic-12? yep .. the Alien thing! Truman started it in response to Roswell, assuming Roswell really did happen. something did happen at Roswell and it wasn't a fucking weather balloon! or a secret high altitude spy balloon, not that we didn't do that but that's not what happened. It's been said that Eisenhower as president threatened to send the Army into Area 51 if he wasn't given access to the info they had. Apparently, he was and later he used a "vacation" to Palm Springs to arrange an actual secret meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base.

So could it be that JFK also knew about Majestic-12, possibly Ike himself told him when he succeeded him as President. and he certainly knew about Area 51. so was JFK planning to disclose that extraterrestrials were real and had been to Earth? that certainly would piss off the powers that be in the Military Industrial Complex, even more than taking away their warmongering in Vietnam. i mean, that's just money .. this would blow open a shitload of things and also confirm to foreign governments we did have such technology. it's been suggested the Germans had alien tech before WWII also. if you accept that the ET issue is real, it makes sense and goes a long way to explain some of the advanced tech we know the Germans had or were developing.

almost right on cue, just a day or so before this thread was started, i watched a show "Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation" on history channel and it was about Majestic-12, Forrestal's "suicide" and posited the theory that JFK was assassinated because he was planning to release the info.
I would say anyone today who still believes the Warren Commission should be committed. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You mean like Vincent Bugliosi before he passed away this year?

Read his book - you will have a hard time refuting him.

I've stood on the Grassy Knoll and it is at a right angle to the final shot seen on the Zapruder film - no way someone shot from behind that picket fence for the final shot.

I've stood on the Sixth floor at the sniper's perch and the shot lines up for a very easy shot to make for a qualified marine like Oswald. Either that, or someone standing right in front of the Limo on the triple underpass - which everyone would have seen.

Face it - Oswald, acting alone, killed Kennedy.
No.....the Right wing has all the conspiracy sites Originally Posted by matchingmole
The Left doesn't need a conspiracy because they are the ones that peddle all the bullshit narratives, lol.