Zoo Forcd To Kill Gorilla........opinions

LexusLover's Avatar
Agree. And then sue the parents for the cost to replace the gorilla.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Waste of money and time.

In fact the news coverage on this incident is a waste of time and money.

Unfortunately, but understandably based on general principles of common law as far as "notice" is concerned, generally speaking the "first incident" in a situation is "free" as far as liability is concerned, because the person "responsible" did not have notice of the condition that gave rise to the injury.

I listened to Hanna (who also operates an "animal park") regarding gorillas and other animals. His conclusion was this "protective perimeter" had been in place for 30-40 years without any incidents. It was an unfortunate result, but a necessary one, because of the unpredictable nature of animals generally, and any alternative resolution put the child in more danger.

IMO: Anyone who advocates allowing the child (or an adult) to remain in harms way to suffer an horrific death should have their head and thought processes examined by a professional....and they have never been attacked by an animal.

I listened to Hanna (who also operates an "animal park") regarding gorillas and other animals. His conclusion was this "protective perimeter" had been in place for 30-40 years without any incidents. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Perhaps in that 30-40 years, the Zoo never had anybody as irresponsible and stupid as this mother.

This is a lot like the label on a Electric Hair Dryer that says......".don't use in shower or bathtub".

Maybe a sign written in simple language......"don't let your kids climb over the fence".

I'm just thankful the little boy didn't didn't get hurt more severely, or worse.
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps in that 30-40 years, the Zoo never had anybody as irresponsible and stupid as this mother. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I seriously doubt that conclusion. As we repeatedly see in the news media, though usually buried "on the back pages" or in a 3 second burst, it is a lot easier to file a lawsuit than it is to prove it up!

Fortunately, being "stupid" is not a crime, particularly for Eccie!!!!

There are all kinds of "issues" that complicate a liability claim against the parents!

One major complication is ... WE don't know all the facts about exactly what happened!!
I seriously doubt that conclusion. As we repeatedly see in the news media, though usually buried "on the back pages" or in a 3 second burst, it is a lot easier to file a lawsuit than it is to prove it up!

Fortunately, being "stupid" is not a crime, particularly for Eccie!!!!

There are all kinds of "issues" that complicate a liability claim against the parents!

One major complication is ... WE don't know all the facts about exactly what happened!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The thing we do know for a fact is a child was allowed enough unattended time to climb that fence and fall over into the enclosure.
LexusLover's Avatar
The thing we do know for a fact is a child was allowed enough unattended time to climb that fence and fall over into the enclosure. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We do? And where did "we" learn that? Other than 24/7 news pundit speculation?

Like I posted before ..... there has got to be more important news to report!!!!

Like what was Obaminable's golf score last weekend?

Like ISIS is kicking the Iraqi's ass in Iraq.

Like the airliners black box has been "heard"!

Like CrookedHILLARIOUS is in a "tie" factoring in "errors" in California with Sanders!

Like CrookedHILLARIOUS'S aides are dropping her into the trash!

Good God! The kid is alive and will recover physically at least, and live to tell all his friends, if they don't move to Chicago and he gets executed there by another Black kid, about being tossed around by a 450 (soon to be 800) pound gorilla .... "Godzilla" ... and survived .... thanks to some good marksmen who did the kid right! Why beat up the parents?
  • DSK
  • 06-02-2016, 10:22 AM
We do? And where did "we" learn that? Other than 24/7 news pundit speculation?

Like I posted before ..... there has got to be more important news to report!!!!

Like what was Obaminable's golf score last weekend?

Like ISIS is kicking the Iraqi's ass in Iraq.

Like the airliners black box has been "heard"!

Like CrookedHILLARIOUS is in a "tie" factoring in "errors" in California with Sanders!

Like CrookedHILLARIOUS'S aides are dropping her into the trash!

Good God! The kid is alive and will recover physically at least, and live to tell all his friends, if they don't move to Chicago and he gets executed there by another Black kid, about being tossed around by a 450 (soon to be 800) pound gorilla .... "Godzilla" ... and survived .... thanks to some good marksmen who did the kid right! Why beat up the parents? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Amen and amen!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
The gorilla was taking better care of the kid than the mother was
The gorilla was taking better care of the kid than the mother was Originally Posted by BigLouie
everyone has been saying that. But because of the size of this Gorilla Zoo officials felt it necessary to kill it instead of tranquilizing it. I thought they had some time in their favor to implement a less lethal plan, being this Gorilla was born in captivity and Gorillas although big and strong are generally peaceful animals and they aren't predators. Now the following clip is a similar situation where an adult this time finds himself in a zoo enclosure with a Tiger he wasn't so lucky. Tigers are also big and strong but they are also carnivorous predators.


[QUOTE=Mr MojoRisin;1058223411]everyone has been saying that. But because of the size of this Gorilla Zoo officials felt it necessary to kill it instead of tranquilizing it. I thought they had some time in their favor to implement a less lethal plan, being this Gorilla was born in captivity and Gorillas although big and strong are generally peaceful animals and they aren't predators. Now the following clip is a similar situation where an adult this time finds himself in a zoo enclosure with a Tiger he wasn't so lucky. Tigers are also big and strong but they are also carnivorous predators.



I suppose about 1 second after he landed in that enclosure, he realized he was in deep shit.

Later, to become tiger shit.
LexusLover's Avatar
everyone has been saying that. But because of the size of this Gorilla Zoo officials felt it necessary to kill it instead of tranquilizing it. I thought they had some time in their favor to implement a less lethal plan, being this Gorilla was born in captivity and Gorillas although big and strong are generally peaceful animals and they aren't predators.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Hanna said after looking at the footage that the gorilla would have gotten agitated with a tranquilizer hit and even thought the feeling had come from the little boy, who was still in his grasp. The reaction to the nonlethal hit could have killed the boy or damaged him for life. Hanna concluded the zoo people had no choice.

On TV clips they show the bear falling out of the tree, but they don't run it from the time the shot is taken until the bear goes limp. It's not even seconds .... the heart has to pump it into the system ... and this was a 400-450 pound animal .... even if he didn't react and harm the kid ... it could have collapsed on top of him and kept him under the water until they could get him off the kid...... lots of things could go wrong.

I get tired of these armchair pundits criticizing the split second decisions made.
Hanna said after looking at the footage that the gorilla would have gotten agitated with a tranquilizer hit and even thought the feeling had come from the little boy, who was still in his grasp. The reaction to the nonlethal hit could have killed the boy or damaged him for life. Hanna concluded the zoo people had no choice.

On TV clips they show the bear falling out of the tree, but they don't run it from the time the shot is taken until the bear goes limp. It's not even seconds .... the heart has to pump it into the system ... and this was a 400-450 pound animal .... even if he didn't react and harm the kid ... it could have collapsed on top of him and kept him under the water until they could get him off the kid...... lots of things could go wrong.

I get tired of these armchair pundits criticizing the split second decisions made. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Those same armchair pundits are the ones that always question a shooting by the police !
LexusLover's Avatar
Those same armchair pundits are the ones that always question a shooting by the police ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Of course!

Do they want to prosecute the parents for allowing their children to run the streets of Chicago to be executed? Sounds like Chicago is more dangerous for kids than the Cincinnati Zoo!
Hanna said after looking at the footage that the gorilla would have gotten agitated with a tranquilizer hit and even thought the feeling had come from the little boy, who was still in his grasp. The reaction to the nonlethal hit could have killed the boy or damaged him for life. Hanna concluded the zoo people had no choice.

On TV clips they show the bear falling out of the tree, but they don't run it from the time the shot is taken until the bear goes limp. It's not even seconds .... the heart has to pump it into the system ... and this was a 400-450 pound animal .... even if he didn't react and harm the kid ... it could have collapsed on top of him and kept him under the water until they could get him off the kid...... lots of things could go wrong.

I get tired of these armchair pundits criticizing the split second decisions made. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hanna isn't going to go against the grain. What happened, happened and he is going to naturally support since he's in the business himself. My view is only based on what has been done in the past with spectators either falling or climbing into animal enclosures. Shooting these animals is rarely or if ever done. The following clip is of a man who climbs into a Lion exhibit. Surprisingly the Lions were not shot in this one.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hanna said after looking at the footage that the gorilla would have gotten agitated with a tranquilizer hit and even thought the feeling had come from the little boy, who was still in his grasp. The reaction to the nonlethal hit could have killed the boy or damaged him for life. Hanna concluded the zoo people had no choice.

On TV clips they show the bear falling out of the tree, but they don't run it from the time the shot is taken until the bear goes limp. It's not even seconds .... the heart has to pump it into the system ... and this was a 400-450 pound animal .... even if he didn't react and harm the kid ... it could have collapsed on top of him and kept him under the water until they could get him off the kid...... lots of things could go wrong.

I get tired of these armchair pundits criticizing the split second decisions made. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hanna is correct. a tranquilizer dart isn't instant, it can take several minutes to take effect. in the meantime as LL said, the Gorilla could have thought the child caused the sting of the dart. he easily could have gone on a rampage and torn that kid up.

was the Gorilla being playful and or protective? probably so. that's why they had to put him down. no choice at that point. why? because playful to a 450 pound Gorilla is way more than a human adult can handle, let along a small child. watch the video. the Gorilla, in dragging the kid around, without meaning to, could have caused major injuries. if the Gorilla decided he was going to protect the kid, does anyone really think that zoo rescuers could have taken that kid back? no way. the Gorilla would have defended the kid at any cost.

even if they tranquilized the Gorilla and he had not reacted violently, he could have accidentally killed the kid. how? by falling on him and pinning him underwater. that Gorilla weighted 450 pounds. how was that kid going to get out from underneath that kind of weight?

the interwebs are aflame with "social comment" on this and as usual they are 99% WRONG. they say things like .."the people videoing should have stopped this" .. WTF??? those people could have been dozens of yards from the family. how could they possibly have rushed over that fast and done anything? not possible.

they also blame the parents. like you can watch kids 24x7? right! you can't it's not possible. do these "social justice" warriors drag their kids into the shitter while they take a crap just so they are not alone? do they take showers with their kids so they are not alone? do they let their kids sleep in their beds so they are not alone?

please! what stupidity! you absolutely cannot watch a kid 24x7. even with two parents in shifts. it cannot be done. unless you are sick in the head and do things that would get you arrested. like take showers with your kid just so they are not alone? what crap. those same "social justice" warriors would call that sick, and in that context they'd be right. but you CANNOT EVER leave a child alone! not for 1 second!!! or so they say on the interwebs.

ahahahaha crap

you do that and you get a kid that can't do one gotdam thing by themselves. you get a liberal ahahahaha .. where's the GOV to tell me what to do?? ahahaha

the zoo is at fault more-so than the parents. a 3 ft wall? please. any 4 year old in 2 seconds could climb over that. they are lucky the family won't sue them. of course, had the kid been severely injured or killed, they would sue, and in that circumstance, they should. of course given the "record" of the father they'd waste the money in no time flat. but that's not the point.