CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So this is now your central discussion in TWO threads, with more, I'm sure, to come.

Your accusations herein are without substance yet chock-full of generalization. You can't specify what you're whining about, nor can you address the questions I directed at Whir-LIE-turd. Talk about hypocrisy! I call 'em like I see them. If I call you out on an exaggeration or question the accuracy of your statements of fact, then it's simply that you've exaggerated, spun or, yes, LIED. your schtick is more boring than yours (FTFY!).

Unless you're going to try and LIE about that too!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bullshit SNICK!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You say that every time!

lustylad's Avatar
More evidence of your unworthiness, Junior.

You went full retard on that post. You never go full retard.

Apparently, you didn't go to the university (but hate the smart kids who did) or else your Daddy paid your way through school.

Either way, Junior, you're inert.

Pity you can't figure out the T-level it takes to compete at this level. Even if you did, you're still a prelim match heel. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Listen fucktard, the only reason I don't show you my academic creds is because I don't want to make you even more frightfully and pathologically insecure than you already are. Suffice it to say I worked through college and grad school, took out student loans and paid back every penny. Oh, and your messiah was a student at one of my alma maters, so I have first-hand knowledge of the libtard marinade he was basted in. I know the lounge lizard world of intellectual diarrhea, inflated egos and gruberized subterfuge he is comfortable in. Now what about you, dipshit? Why don't you dazzle us with your tales of being a BMOC at East Podunk Community College? Go ahead. Don't feel inadequate, cabana boy!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2014, 09:52 AM
I know the lounge lizard world of intellectual diarrhea, inflated egos and gruberized subterfuge he is comfortable in.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you also know the Hawaiian way of life that he is comfortable in?
lustylad's Avatar
Do you also know the Hawaiian way of life that he is comfortable in? Originally Posted by WTF
No WTFagboy, I wasn't a member of the Choom Gang like you... which one are you again? The one with his dick up Odumbo's butt?

boardman's Avatar
Originally Posted by boardman
That is classic.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2014, 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by boardman

I wish that you had to vote or pay a fine. You should have to prove you voted to not pay a fine or get any benefits from the government.
rioseco's Avatar
Absolute baloney. Only a Gruber would believe this lie. In fact, Obama's Executive Order, enables millions to now get substantial benefits from the government. Most notably in the form of Earned Income Tax Credits.

Very few of these millions will pay back taxes; instead, they will line up to receive checks from US Taxpayers.
Legalized undocumented immigrants could become eligible for significant transfer payments
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapoth...-income-taxes/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Silence ! Queen Obammy has mispoken.
southtown4488's Avatar
accusing someone of lying and providing evidence of such are two different things, Republicunts don't seem to understand this simple idea.
lustylad's Avatar
accusing someone of lying and providing evidence of such are two different things, Republicunts don't seem to understand this simple idea. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Go back to post #1 and read the OP's link to the Forbes article. You will find lots of evidence proving Odumbo is lying. Are you too much of a cunt to deal with it?
accusing someone of lying and providing evidence of such are two different things, Republicunts don't seem to understand this simple idea. Originally Posted by southtown4488
You Grubers should really take some time to re-evaluate your definition of words like 'lies' and 'stupid'.

Its pretty bad when one of your own tells you "Suprise! We lied to you and we counted on you being too stupid to realize it!"

In light of that, you should really reconsider telling anyone else that they don't know the definition of a lie
southtown4488's Avatar
No evidence of a lie, Republicunts think anyone who disagrees with them must be lying, must hate America, must be a communist or must have been born in Kenya. .. facts don't matter when blinded by hatred.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BJerk? Is that you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Makes sense....