Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You right I've never experienced anyone in my family getting mowed down by a police officer, my dad was a sheriff then got promoted to deputy..

I have done all my research on Soros, at one point of time I was naive and was for BLM until I learned other wise.Everyone in all these groups are paid and bought... I'm not for the right or left, I'm for the let's get focused side and not distracted.

If you're supposedly conscious I've never seen anybody in the conscious Community for George Soros or Obama or black lives matter.. Real talk

I guess cause I'm not for any side, I'm ok with unjust police killings.. mm kay whatever you say..

Let me get my frequency back up.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
When unarmed and non threatening blacks are being killed even 12 yr olds (being mistaken for 26 yr old men) then it doens't matter how much research you've done or how you feel....MLK was also branded as a terrorist by the FBI so this is a tactic and strategy that's deeply rooted in American culture...To say you disagree with a group bringing consciousness to American society due to unarmed blacks being killed willy nilly is mind blowing to me. I don't care what race you are..even if this was happening to whites I'd stand with them. Again it would be nice if you gave me an explanation on your Soros hate in the backdrop of black murders at the hands of cops...we can drop the discussion but if we continue I'm gonna press you on this....and pretty hard too.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Are you conscious, really that's a question?

You going to really hate me for this, MLK?


Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Dick Gregory, and James Baldwin are 100!

How come they don't have a Malcolm X day or Marcus Garvey day or even a street named after them? Hmm

If you still sleep you're going to hate me, but you will truly be educated once I get done.

Who cut Martin Luther King's checks?

What was the real reason they killed him?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Are you conscious, really that's a question?

You going to really hate me for this, MLK?


Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Dick Gregory, and James Baldwin are 100!

How come they don't have a Malcolm X day or Marcus Garvey day or even a street named after them? Hmm

If you still sleep you're going to hate me, but you will truly be educated once I get done.

Who cut Martin Luther King's checks?

What was the real reason they killed him? Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
so you're going to conspiracy theory your way through this? Listen I'm not into pivoting discussions. I am a fan of Malcolm and Marcus as well so no issues there....let's not pivot the discussion..we can discuss that later...let's focus on the topic at hand which is your dislike for BLM in the context of their stated goal of bringing equality to black lives...You're saying a lot and putting different talking points out there but you're not giving me rationale or reason or the meat and potatos....I know how you feel but I do not know what you stand for and why..that's what I'm trying to understand.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
We not fighting, we just talking..

Unless you want popcawn, cause you want the history class on MLK..

I know I've learned so much since the Awakening, I didn't shoot no one down on knowledge that was being given out.

I did the research and my eyes are open.. knowledge isn't free you have to pay attention
Champagne Brown's Avatar
so you're going to conspiracy theory your way through this? Listen I'm not into pivoting discussions. I am a fan of Malcolm and Marcus as well so no issues there....let's not pivot the discussion..we can discuss that later...let's focus on the topic at hand which is your dislike for BLM in the context of their stated goal of bringing equality to black lives...You're saying a lot and putting different talking points out there but you're not giving me rationale or reason or the meat and potatos....I know how you feel but I do not know what you stand for and why..that's what I'm trying to understand. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I didn't read the whole thing but I did stop at conspiracy theory. And I was going to put in my last post it's not a conspiracy theory when facts are out!

You don't want to do the work and do your research.. If your not going to research then don't say nothing at all.. I'm not stuck in my ignorance, I once was though.

This is the start, who's mlk standing next to in this photo?

Another one.

This just the start

Bet you won't find one with Malcolm X standing next to them or getting a check cut by them!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
We not fighting, we just talking..

Unless you want popcawn, cause you want the history class on MLK..

I know I've learned so much since the Awakening, I didn't shoot no one down on knowledge that was being given out.

I did the research and my eyes are open.. knowledge isn't free you have to pay attention Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

LOL yes....just talking
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I didn't read the whole thing but I did stop at conspiracy theory. And I was going to put in my last post it's not a conspiracy theory when facts are out!

You don't want to do the work and do your research.. If your not going to research then don't say nothing at all.. I'm not stuck in my ignorance, I once was though.

This is the start, who's mlk standing next to in this photo?

Another one.

This just the start

Bet you won't find one with Malcolm X standing next to them or getting a check cut by them! Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

LOL...where do I start..I need to re-awaken you....not referring to you....but a lot of blacks like to create theories and conspiracies to seem enlightened and educated...let's take a look at those photos sourced from two different sources. MLK fought for Black lives in fact All lives of the oppressed minority....the Power Broker in the photo is the power broker in the photo from a long lineage of those who ruled the world...MLK's work was pure because 1.) he led the grass roots revolution and 2.) He was killed by a white man.

Conversely (and I love Malcolm X I'm more of a fan of brother X than MLK) but Malcolm was killed by his own folks....and we all know Farrakhan played a role in it...but nevertheless Malcolm had changed at the end (after his pilgrimage to Mecca) he saw what MLK saw (inclusiveness) and was starting to preach some of it and he was killed for it by his own people. So that pic your showing means little especially in that context. MLK gave his life for the cause and some still serving in Congress today witnessed the beatings and jailings as they went through it as well. Yes sometimes you meet power brokers and those of influence...The real question is what do you do with it...Showing me a pic and getting bent out of shape over it is not intellectual to me..not by a long's all about context...In fact it's a good thing he was able to meet with Power Brokers because if his Leadership abilities... He never changed, he never sold out, he fought for rights until he was murdered plain and doesn't who cut him a check or who he took a pic with so as long as fought for the rights that we enjoy today....

If Malcolm had not been cut down by his own (no less) he would have done even more wonderful things..But Malcolm didn't preach he doesn't get credit in the eyes of the majority...however what he preached was hard cold reality that any real man faced with lives by...even to this day...Most white people that hate Malcom X don't even realize they live to this day in their personal lives by what he preached...but when you're uneducated you don't know that.

So I appreciate you showing me pics but unless you're willing to take a deeper dive in to context surrounding those means nothing I don't reason like that....I am a self proclaimed Engineer....and like engineering and reverse engineering things. ;-)
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Well, where I'm going with the pictures.. Did you know the Rothschild funded the Civil Rights Movement?

The Rothschilds were pulling the strings(puppet) on Martin Luther King to push integration.. Why were they pushing integration, don't give me that crap from mlks speech either..?

Pretty much what I'm saying he was a fraud in the 1st place, for the establishment.

He had a Moment of clarity and that is what got him killed. This is why he said what he said

I've asked you in the past who controls our TV networks, who controls our music, who controls all of our news networks, and who won the war between the Nazis and the Jews...

Integration was about money Point Blank

Listen to Malcolm X say, who paid Martin Luther King, he didn't get specific though
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Learn who your enemies are, by their
programming, and the
propaganda they push..

When the Rothschild fund anything it's for pushing a agenda that benefits them.. Money

United we stand divided we fall, don't get sucked into the illusion of choice.
TryWeakly's Avatar
If I were keepin track, I might just say that SissyLips is gettin OWNED....UITB heeeere....ijs
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Well, where I'm going with the pictures.. Did you know the Rothschild funded the Civil Rights Movement? My studies of the Rothschilds date back probably before you knew they fact they funded all modern day governments and religions....including Islam...the problem for them now is they can't control Islam and so it is the only thing they fear and has them constantly worried. So your point about Civil rights being about Money is a moot point as there lineage goes back centuries and more. They've banked rolled quite a bit for themselves financially that's fine... but for everyone else seeking freedom the only thing that matters that they 1.) have freedom and 2.) can provide for their families. You and others that feed off the never ending conspiracy theories are doing yourselves no favors in the context of advancing opportunity..Again in the Context of actually Advancing civil rights...what does it matter how it was're free now aren't you? Even if they funded it benefited from was for the greater someone on earth had to fund My advice to you is Do not lose sight of the Forest for the Trees.

The Rothschilds were pulling the strings(puppet) on Martin Luther King to push integration.. Why were they pushing integration, don't give me that crap from mlks speech either..? I'm afraid if you don't understand the basic premise of why and the importance of integration then you can 't be helped...this is not about being "Woke" this is about plain jane common sense. Again you are missing the mark. If the government labeld MLK or even Malcolm X as a terrorist then where was the financial support going to come from....Do you not realize government represents the people? So again what options when you are oppressed do you know this is not Rocket science...some of yall get so caught up in all this Rothschild / Illuminati BS till yall forget the basic premise or the WHY? Slavery existed and we had to eventually come out of that era and all the negative it entailed....Question? If the Rothschild didn't fund it....then who funds it? ohh are we back to the government? are we now pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps when we don't have boots? Come now you're smarter than that...

Pretty much what I'm saying he was a fraud in the 1st place, for the establishment. It's highly Unfortunately and disrespectful of a man who gave his life for you..Yes you to call him a fraud...I don't care who you think funded his efforts. Why? Because the government represents the people and the people (the white Majority) was moved by his impassioned efforts to make a change but a PEACEFUL one. See whites were scared of the revenge factor within blacks and Martin made our existence respectable to the point enough of the white majority fought along side us and it forced a chance in the to say he was a fraud based on flimsy evidence of who he took a pic with and who wrote him a check is to me willful ignorance at best. Unbeknownst to are a victim of Racist propaganda...I've seen this play book before...divide and conquer...give them a good conspiracy and we got em...same thing the Russians are doing now to Trumps supporters. It's sad for me to sit back and watch especially when people are convinced they're enlightened...

He had a Moment of clarity and that is what got him killed. This is why he said what he said

Again Martin made the sacrifice that moved the heart strings of the Majority which affected real change. It's quite convenient for you to relegate his death to a moment of clarity? You're doing it because it fits the narrative you've been convinced to had to make some sense of his sacrificial death so you relegate it to a moment of clarity. That's pretty cold.

I've asked you in the past who controls our TV networks, who controls our music, who controls all of our news networks, and who won the war between the Nazis and the Jews...

Integration was about money Point Blank - About money for the investors but about so much more for the oppressed...what is it that does't allow you to process this fact? All you see is money...what about the oppressed people looking for opportunities. Your argument falls short of a reasonable conclusion. You say it's about money but then you have no supporting context to further your point of view...that's not going to sell me...please produce your source so that I can debate them in more detail. All the the stuff your reading is right wing propaganda repackaged into the black community...I see people falling for it all the time and it makes them feel enlightened.

Listen to Malcolm X say, who paid Martin Luther King, he didn't get specific though

I've studied these gentlemen ad nauseam in my youth...I ask you the question...since you're pretty hung up on MLK...What did Malcolm die for and who killed him? and lastly I still don't know what you stand for.
Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
See my comments above in red...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Learn who your enemies are, by their
programming, and the
propaganda they push..

When the Rothschild fund anything it's for pushing a agenda that benefits them.. Money

United we stand divided we fall, don't get sucked into the illusion of choice. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Everyone pushes agendas that benefits them in some way. I don't hate the Rothschilds per's their lineage on Earth...after all someone had to be that "FAMILY"..just because they've bank rolled all modern day governments and religion doesn't necessarily make them an enemy. What are the causes they're bankrolling....and as they do of course they should get a return on their investment. Integration benefited them..whoop-tee-do...guess what it also benefited you and me as well. Again don't miss the forest for the trees.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Champagne you're walking a fine line and I don't want you to end up like this be careful it can easily happen...:

Champagne Brown's Avatar
All I can do is smh, at you..

Really you want to group with that dude, I know all about him as well, keep trying... That's that pride that's coming out right now.. If you think the Rothschild's sit at their dinner table, saying Ol the poor blacks, let's start a group and help them you got another thang coming.. You're the 1st person I've ever heard speak so highly of them, and obviously you still did not watch that video.

I have things to do I'll be gone for 2days, when I get back I'll finish where I left off..