But hey, it's your health, and noone can judge what others care to do in the privacy of their bedroom.....
Those things are made out of a sheeps appendix.Do with the information what you will. Originally Posted by Lookin4Some sausages (which I love) are made of pig's intestines (the casing, at least; maybe even the filling). You can be surprised what you can learn to live with if you try (I have it on good authority that Scotsmen and Scotswomen love haggis, not that I've ever been tempted to try it, not even at a Robbie Burns Birthday Dinner And Booze-Up).
by the way..how did a bbbj/cim thread turn into condoms lol Originally Posted by DeAnna LuvI suspect for the same reason that I deleted my first post in this thread: someone misread the initial post as a BBBJ vs. CBJ inquiry, vice CIM vs. No CIM, which is how I interpreted the OP after re-reading the thread.
What "private" button? Or is that one o'the things you Premium Access folks get (still workin' on mine)?Shows up on quick reply or replying to a thread. Maybe it works like the bcd comment on aspd. Perhaps since we have a new supermoderater, we should ask. I'm sure we'll hear something since you and I have now officially hijacked the thread! LOL
bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
While you guys are correct that I am a new mod here, I still have some idea about a few of the rules and regs for posting.....One of the rules is that you're supposed to stay on topic here and not hijack the thread into a discussion of your own choosing.....So let's get back on topic so that the new mod doesn't have to spend his first weekend busting people's chops.....LOL Originally Posted by BIG CAh, that feels more like it!