Mass Shooting In Orlando Florida Night Club.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2016, 01:53 PM
And what he did was evil, whether religiously driven or not.

If it was religiously motivated, then it was terrorism, and bigotry.
RedLeg505's Avatar
And what he did was evil, whether religiously driven or not.

If it was religiously motivated, then it was terrorism, and bigotry.
Originally Posted by Old-T
But.. but..but.. According to President Obama "true" Muslims could NEVER be motivated by the Islamic Religion to kill and murder, especially GAYS.

*GASP*.. was he ... *wrong*?
LMAO you two assholes sling more gay crap than anyone else on the forum. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It's to be expected when someone is talking about YOU and assup piggy mamboolah !

What is known so far....Gay rey don't kiss woomby in public.

Good news for the right, he was a registered democrat. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What IS known so far..... That EKIM will gladly pick ANYONE'S dingleberries, receive bukakke and receive a fudge packing IN PUBLIC !!!

What is known so far....Gay rey don't kiss woomby in public.

Good news for the right, he was a registered democrat. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So he'll continue to vote for the lying liberals, LIKE YOU, in his death for years to come !
LexusLover's Avatar
It's to be expected when someone is talking about YOU and assup piggy mamboolah ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Didn't he (Iva-Little-One) just post another Gay Clown pic?

He uses the "Gay" label to insult people! Now he wants to point at someone else?

He OWNS Gay bashing!
And what he did was evil, whether religiously driven or not.

If it was religiously motivated, then it was terrorism, and bigotry.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're evading again Low-T. What would you have done? Be specific.

"If it was religiously motivated." Again, you are hysterical. Take off your rose colored glasses and remember to breathe.
..... If you had just shown me a picture of his face, I would have thought he was a white Italian...... Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
I never characterized him as a white Italian. I simply said he could pass off as one due to his light skin (he's paler in his other pics, the pics you didn't post). He is not a white Italian, he is a Afghani Middle Easterner. Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
Sure you did. There's your quote in all it's glory. I haven't seen a pic of him where he is paler. Please post it.

The rest of my post was not a rant, I was simply stating the truth that Muslims can look like anyone and there are Muslims in every race and ethnicity. I'm not arguing with you buddy, in fact I agree with the post you made in the other thread. Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
No, you blamed people for people thinking Muslims look a certain way instead of the majority Middle Easterners being Muslim. Yours was just a backhanded way of calling people racist.

Muslims are taught by their religion that non-believers (Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Atheists etc) are enemies and should be either converted or killed. That's why Islam is such a dangerous religion. Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
There's hope for you. Stay frosty.
It's to be expected when someone is talking about YOU and assup piggy mamboolah ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
What IS known so far..... That EKIM will gladly pick ANYONE'S dingleberries, receive bukakke and receive a fudge packing IN PUBLIC !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
So he'll continue to vote for the lying liberals, LIKE YOU, in his death for years to come ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Didn't he (Iva-Little-One) just post another Gay Clown pic?

He uses the "Gay" label to insult people! Now he wants to point at someone else?

He OWNS Gay bashing! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You two faggots take stupidity to a new level. Are you dating now? Have you replaced his woomby as the object of his desires?
That is a pic of gay rey when he goes parading .
I would call you a idiot, but idiots are smarter than you. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Go play with your Ken doll twink.

Look, just because he was Muslim, was chanting "Allahu Akbar", hates gays, (as dictated by Islam), and was working under the leadership of ISIS, DOES NOT MAKE THIS A ACT OF TERRORISM.

It could be job related. His girlfriend might have stood him up. He might have been shunned by the head cheerleader in high school.

Making rash assumptions about the obvious is non productive.

And bad for Democrats.........
Go play with your Ken doll twink.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You never gave it back, prob is soiled by now.
[I][COLOR="Blue"]Good to know you are another who does not believe in the constitution. Or at least you do not believe that it applies to all US citizens. Anyone who speaks out against your perceived right-thought goes to be tortured! Before they do anything illegal. Thought police; how very quaintly Papa Joe Stalin of you. Drag him to Gitmo after he has done things--I'm all with you. Do it before just because he is Muslim, then you are truly anti-American. What is that piece of paper you CLAIM you believe in, The Bill of Rights? I guess you don't really believe in it as much as you say. You have selective belief for certain articles and certain people only. Originally Posted by Old-T
I wholeheartedly believe in the Constitution. You foolishly believe that everybody in the world has a right to enjoy our Constitution. I do not, and I wholeheartedly disagree that the constitutions intent was for us to let them in, stand by, and watch a bunch of religious freaks slaughter innocent Americans at will before we "press charges". I think after a group of muslims in certain areas have declared war against us, and literally chopped the head off of every American they catch, it's a real liberal stretch to say we are infringing on their religious rights under our constitution if we don't let them come over and kill us.

What was your solution again for having Americans slaughtered in the name of Allah and ISIS?...Be nice to them, it was the guns fault, bury your head in the sand, he was just a victim of American exceptionalism?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Look, just because he was Muslim, was chanting "Allahu Akbar", hates gays, (as dictated by Islam), and was working under the leadership of ISIS, DOES NOT MAKE THIS A ACT OF TERRORISM.

It could be job related. His girlfriend might have stood him up. He might have been shunned by the head cheerleader in high school.

Making rash assumptions about the obvious is non productive.

And bad for Democrats......... Originally Posted by Jackie S
lol obviously you've watched Obama's press conference eh?
LexusLover's Avatar
The "noise" from the Liberal sector of our society is merely to divert attention away from their failed "policies" regarding controlling violence in this country and a lameass attempt to shore up the rapidly dissolving "legacy" of their "First Black President" .... and to have the "First Female President" follow in his foot steps.

For them it's always "some thing" ... e.g. a video or a gun! They can't take responsibility.

The next thing hitting the airways will be .... "It's Trump's fault"!!!!

They will claim that "Trump is causing all this violence" by upsetting Muslims!!

If the TRUTH were known they don't give a rat's ass about the people killed or hurt.