Telling an SO or another provider your info. for safety?

London Rayne's Avatar
I have done that as to really know someone from the boards and knew a few of his refs. The only time I ever require anything personal is if the guy is a straight up newbie, or only has refs that are not established. A reference is only as good as the girl's rep behind it.
I have a safety check in (and check out), and a standard operating procedure in place if I miss either. I'm not going to get into the details of any of it here, though.

It's definitely not a substitute for screening, though. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
+1 - I do the same thing. And to be CLEAR, there is NOTHING that is a substitute for screening.

I screen very carefully AND on a NEW friend, I do a safe call with a trusted friend who is also a provider. I do the same for her. Originally Posted by gigi_gypsy
Agreed. By letting another provider be your safe call, you keep your confidences with someone else who has just as much to lose. We don't have to disclose who we're seeing or personal info about the gentleman at all (at least I don't). I do let the safe call person know where I am, what room, and what time I should call back to confirm I'm ok. If I don't call within 20 mins of that time, she can call to check on me. Just gotta watch out for those times where you're having such a good time that you decide to keep going and forget that your safe call is waiting to hear from you! LOL.
I have set up info on P411 and several other boards and tried to keep my board name ( Handle) the same on all of them so providers know I am same person.
I have no problem handing the provider i am seeing any kind of info she wants to see from me including DL but I am reluctant to keep throwing around copies of personal information to more boards due to the high chance that this info can be hacked or used to get my indentity.
I understand the providers need for information for their safety and agree whole heartedly in giving them anything they need but in return some type of info about them would be nice in case the tables are turned.
This is why i prefer to see select providers over and over again after I establish a repor with them.
I guess you can call it a connection or click or whatever you want but the ones i see over and over again I feel very comfortable with and I believe the feeling is mutual and we discuss family and friends and personal information with each other.
If I see a new provider I do my homework on her and check all I can out from the websites and reviews and this includes her likes and dislikes.
I only ask the provider i have seen to post an okay one time for me and I also ask her if she would like me to post a review and if it is not necessary I do not post reviews.
I try to treat every lady I see with respect and I am very generous with their compensation and gifts and never haggle or try to get discounts.
We are all adults here and know what we do and understand the ramifications of every session you go to.
Try to enjoy each other and treat everyone the same reguardless if its the first time you have seen them or the 100th and always talk to your partner and let them know you are not some nut case and you understand your part of their life be it a one time deal or a long term friendship and that is youre and their decision.
Ladies you know a quality client after one visit usually and you also know the cheap clients and the ones that might cause problems down the road.
Be careful and enjoy what it is you do and that goes for both clients and providers and always treat everyone with respect.
remember if you cant love the one you want the one your with.!!
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  • coven
  • 02-07-2011, 09:09 AM
Ha!! Bye Notanewbie!

I am now on the Top 10 poster's list. I demand PR access now!!! Originally Posted by London Rayne

I have leased a secure space in Pensacola, FL to eccie for the Powder Room. If you'd like to come check it out, I have a key and will give you a personal tour.

Just sayin'