Off the Clock

Naomi4u's Avatar
I am not mechanical at all. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
Never said you were sweetie.

I would never use such words to describe a provider. I haven't spent time with you .
Naomi4u's Avatar
Camille, I did some research and I have come to find that a lot of ladies get into the business for the attention. I don't. I'm very attractive and get a lot of attention in my personal life. However, a lot of unattractive ladies get into business because figured SOMEONE will pay to sleep with them. Why not? One man's beast is another man's beauty right? and why have sex for free when you can get people to pay you for it. Think about it . Not nice for me to say but it's the truth. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it lol. Alex, I like blunt too .

I think it's generally a combination of at least two things. If is weren't, women that are solely in it for the money wouldn't care less how polite a gent is in his email...and they do..we had a thread about this a day or so ago...just as women that were in it for the sex only wouldn't give a toss what their rates are. I do believe that whilst money is always one of the factors that draw women to this industry...I think it's the other factor that can fluctuate or differ for people. Originally Posted by Camille

Of course we do. Though there are loopholes, we both know that this industry isn't legal. We have to screen to keep ourselves out of jail and avoid violent (bad) clients right? Hobbyists KNOW that they have to be respectful via email to get an appointment. I don't want to spend time with an asshole that's why I require that gent is detailed and non-explicit and I'm sure that's the case for other ladies.
This thread most definitely took a turn.

... I didn't go because I wanted to tease him into booking time with me but because I enjoy being around him..... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
This is all I needed to know...oh and Naomi....sorry dear but Alex will not be joining us for lunch!!
Never said you were sweetie.

I would never use such words to describe a provider. I haven't spent time with you . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks and I'm sorry..Sometimes I get the author of the quotes mixed up...

This is all I needed to know...oh and Naomi....sorry dear but Alex will not be joining us for lunch!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight worries here....I assure you.
I would never use such words to describe a provider. I haven't spent time with you . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Okay you two, get a room!
Camille, I did some research and I have come to find that a lot of ladies get into the business for the attention. I don't. I'm very attractive and get a lot of attention in my personal life. However, a lot of unattractive ladies get into business because figured SOMEONE will pay to sleep with them. Why not? One man's beast is another man's beauty right? and why have sex for free when you can get people to pay you for it. Think about it . Not nice for me to say but it's the truth. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it lol. Alex, I like blunt too . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Great theory and very true. This biz has a lot to do with self esteem as well as ego. If you get a chance read this post.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If you spend time reading through her blog she admits that she does not like her job, that is very evident and clearly comes through in her writings. Thats all fine and good, her body, her business. I also love reading the comments at the end of each blog, her cheering section agreeing with and hanging on her every word. Again, all well and good.

Where I have a problem is the fact that "Alex" is an alter ego of a "real" provider. She works very hard to maintain Alex's anonymity from her professional life. So gentlemen that see her in her provider life have no idea that the lady they are seeing is in fact Alex, and how she truly feels about them as a group. I just feel it is a deceptive practice.

Like I said, very interesting perspective, but apparently it works for her. So blog on, whatever it takes to make that almighty buck. worries here....I assure you. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
I'll be okay.....I just need a moment.......
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh, and BTW, some places do offer BOGO. It's become an accepted acronym in, guess where, the business world.

But I'm glad CC quoted your blog. Shows us who you truly are: you're only there for the envelope and nothing else. You're probably a pretty mechanical f*&k also. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Oh cmon! Just because she was being honest from the frustration of deaiing with dipsh3ts, does not mean she is only here for the money. Ummm..but even if she was, it's a business to start wtih, not

I find it very amusing how it's ok for guys to USE us for sex in the civie world then still want to do the same thing in this BUSINESS!

What many don't realize is this is not the lifelong dream for every woman here. Many actually work a full work week in addition to this, so their time is quite valuable. I might give away a dinner or so, but NEVER sex! If I wanted to be used and get nothing in return I would not be here. I can get a nut on my own lol.

On a side note, you have to give it up to her for Marketing. Of course you have to maintain your's called ACTING!! You guys can't honestly think she is the ONLY person to have a blog that allows some frustration to come through. It's quite annoying to have a rapport with people you really enjoy being with just to find out they expect you to be with them for free...all the time. That's not fair in any business. I know plenty of people who can both tell it like it is and still get nothing but stellar reviews...I won't name names lol.

It is obvious that certain attitudes are never brought into a gents time, and that's all that matters. This is why I discourage blogs, because too many guys need to stay in fantasy land where all is perfect for this to work. That is the very reason I pulled mine.
Personally I have enjoyed reading Alex's blog. With all its warts and blemishes it is extremely entertaining. And probably cathartic for Alex/Kim, too. It is very real world in that it expresses what Alex and Kim go through in life. The loneliness, or the joys, or the great nights or the shitty ones. We are imperfect beings (I'm not a runway model nor do I play one on TV). I suspect some of the ladies while beautiful are not going to be on the cover of Vogue either. I get that money makes me more attractive. It is the fantasy and escape that I am paying for. Heck some ladies enjoy my company and what is in the enevelope I bring to a date.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Okay you two, get a room! Originally Posted by SR Only

Great theory and very true. This biz has a lot to do with self esteem as well as ego. If you get a chance read this post.
I'm glad you feel the same way. I'm going to read the post in a few.

If you spend time reading through her blog she admits that she does not like her job, that is very evident and clearly comes through in her writings. Thats all fine and good, her body, her business. I also love reading the comments at the end of each blog, her cheering section agreeing with and hanging on her every word. Again, all well and good. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Chica (I love that name btw), I have found that 40% (If not more) of the ladies that are providers don't want to be providers. They hate providing and they do it just for the money. Just the other day, a retired provider friend told me she was going to start providing again because she had to pay medical bills. I asked her "Is that what you really want to do?" and she said "No. but I have bills to pay". That is a common mentality in this industry. A lot of ladies don't become hookers because they WANT to but because they feel it's a means to an end. London has even said several times that this is not her dream job. I imagine that this job is a crutch for a lot of providers. Hell it's a crutch for me, I want to open my boutique by next year. See? They use it to get to where they want to be. Now there are those ladies that provide for 18 years because they didn't have an exit plan. That's another thread lol.

I'm just saying that there are a lot of us truly love this job and enjoy what we do. I've been providing for almost 2 years now and I still love men and treat my clients with respect. I ain't "jaded" yet and I'm not dying to know what that feels like.

Where I have a problem is the fact that "Alex" is an alter ego of a "real" provider. She works very hard to maintain Alex's anonymity from her professional life. So gentlemen that see her in her provider life have no idea that the lady they are seeing is in fact Alex, and how she truly feels about them as a group. I just feel it is a deceptive practice.
I bet you money that she'd still get lots of business as Alex. She's interesting and men love that. Sometimes I'm a little too honest and catch hell for it but it sure as heck doesn't affect my business. I get a lot of requests from the posts I make here on eccie alone. LOve it! .
Naomi4u's Avatar
Personally I have enjoyed reading Alex's blog. With all its warts and blemishes it is extremely entertaining. And probably cathartic for Alex/Kim, too. It is very real world in that it expresses what Alex and Kim go through in life. The loneliness, or the joys, or the great nights or the shitty ones. We are imperfect beings (I'm not a runway model nor do I play one on TV). I suspect some of the ladies while beautiful are not going to be on the cover of Vogue either. I get that money makes me more attractive. It is the fantasy and escape that I am paying for. Heck some ladies enjoy my company and what is in the enevelope I bring to a date. Originally Posted by SR Only
Ooh I so heart you SR.
Ooh I so heart you SR. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I bet you money that she'd still get lots of business as Alex. She's interesting and men love that. Sometimes I'm a little too honest and catch hell for it but it sure as heck doesn't affect my business. I get a lot of requests from the posts I make here on eccie alone. LOve it! . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
No doubt she would Naomi. She might even get some of mine. With all my years in ATL, perhaps she already has! I have no problem with the blog or her personally, it is a great read no question. My only issue the pseudo alter-ego. The other blogger you refer to I have the utmost respect for as she writes it as her own person/provider. At least she is totally honest with everyone about WHO she is and a gentleman knows all that upfront, then he can make a more informed decision to see her or not.