Reality versus crazed, left wing rhetoric.

  • oeb11
  • 06-22-2019, 08:01 AM
Thank you - Tiny.
Israel is a very controlled economy, and i agree we give them far too much money. They could easily replace with donors from around the world.

What is Israel's goals - existence! I do not feel Israel is interested in conquering and subjugating it's neighbors. They have taken territory in Jerusalem and golan heights - 1 -for religious reasons 2 for security reasons.

I am fine with selling arms to the rich saudis - but no foreign aid.

If Iran does develop a nuclear tipped misssile- count on israel to attack first(pre-emptive) to defend it self and prevent an Iranian nuclear attack on israel.

I trust Iran not at all with the Ayatollahs in power - their religiosity Trumps commons sense.