How can we joke with out internet friends, if we can't joke with them on the internet?

xperiment's Avatar
I am a newbie to D&T forum, but I don't partake in HDH. Never read the previous boards HDH forum either. One day just glanced at a topic showing on home page and started reading.

What I liked about this area is exactly what I guess scares people off. I like the sarcasm, dry humor,wit and bad puns. Back in the Rennissance, those elements were proof of intelligence and quick wit. I also like the topics and the responses. Much more thoughtful then whos got the prettiest toes, favorite lady/man, and please shower threads. :P

IMO if people take things too personally, especially from people they don't know, then they have more problems then this board.

Body language is a majority of communicating(60%) and with tone of voivce following (30%). So now all is left is 10% of communicating using words. So understanding how you select words to set tone for the readers is important. The use of emoticons and emotes (lol, rofl, etc) makes your tone come out easier.

There are my 2 pesos, keep the change.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I just wanted to show off my new avatar...notice anything different? Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Well, at least now I do notice your eyes.
John Bull's Avatar
There are my 2 pesos, keep the change. Originally Posted by xperiment
Pesos? Pesos? My good man, in this forum we deal in Pounds Sterling or Government Debt Instruments. Harummphhh!!
Pesos? Pesos? My good man, in this forum we deal in Pounds Sterling or Government Debt Instruments. Harummphhh!! Originally Posted by John Bull
OR Chinese yuan (¥), eh?
Sisyphus's Avatar
Pesos? Pesos? My good man, in this forum we deal in Pounds Sterling or Government Debt Instruments. Harummphhh!! Originally Posted by John Bull
You mean my credit default swaps are no good here???

What I liked about this area is exactly what I guess scares people off. I like the sarcasm, dry humor,wit and bad puns. Back in the Rennissance, those elements were proof of intelligence and quick wit. I also like the topics and the responses. Much more thoughtful then whos got the prettiest toes, favorite lady/man, and please shower threads. :P
. Originally Posted by xperiment
Exactly,I love visiting this forum because most of the time the people on it crack me up, and I do always seem to learn a lot. I do realize that there are people here who have known each other for years, so of course they are going to have some inside jokes, but that does not seem to stop anyone from being open to new comers. I have always felt welcome to post here .Although they did try to loose me once when aspd closed down, and no one told me we were moving,but I figured it out
I am not that easy to get rid of

.Although they did try to loose me once Originally Posted by Becky
Quick everybody run!
Quick everybody run! Originally Posted by Ansley
It was so sad. I was over in aspd having conversations with myself for a couple of hours.Its a good thing Im a fast learner otherwise I would still be there talking to myself.

I think that the entire move was just an attempt to loose us outsiders, but we came anyway ha ha so there.
Rudyard K's Avatar
It was so sad. I was over in aspd having conversations with myself for a couple of hours.Its a good thing Im a fast learner otherwise I would still be there talking to myself. Originally Posted by Becky
I'm sure it is not nice of me, but the thought of you sitting there talking to yourself, made me laugh out loud.
xperiment's Avatar
It was so sad. I was over in aspd having conversations with myself for a couple of hours. Originally Posted by Becky
Did you start trolling your own posts for entertainment?
It was so sad. I was over in aspd having conversations with myself for a couple of hours. Originally Posted by Becky
Were you the one that started that last NPOA thread?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-25-2010, 07:44 AM
but that does not seem to stop anyone from being open to new comers.

Originally Posted by Becky
I welcome all females that are coming or that have the potential to come. I think I was born with that loving spirit built in me, probably just in my DNA!
I'm sure it is not nice of me, but the thought of you sitting there talking to yourself, made me laugh out loud. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Thats Ok,I still do it here.I just go into the SF forum when I want to have a conversation with myself.

Did you start trolling your own posts for entertainment? Originally Posted by xperiment
Well now I did learn at the age of two how to keep myself entertained.

Were you the one that started that last NPOA thread? Originally Posted by pjorourke
No I believe it was a Masturbation is cheaper than a HDH thread. otherwise known as a MICTHDH thread.

I welcome all females that are coming or that have the potential to come. I think I was born with that loving spirit built in me, probably just in my DNA! Originally Posted by WTF
That is very generous of youAnd I did not even have to spell it cumers for you to understand