Michele Bachmann Says If You Are Unemployed, You Should Starve

Bachwoman will probably find a way to make it illegal to be gay or black. I'm sure she'll find a passage in the bible for that. Maybe even make it illegal to be non-republican.
That woman is the worst from the whole bunch of clowns.

D'Rufus, Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas are proof that the dumbocrat party will punish any black who doesn't pick the plantation cotton......don't get uppity or they will lynch you for not being genuinely black enough............
anaximander's Avatar
Seriously, anybody ignorant enough to make
an unsubstantiated claim of that sort against
Bachmann is just childish beyond measure.
They make such claims between their
sodomizing of young boys.
It's a cry for help.
They can't stop themselves.
So they try to drag us into it.
waverunner234's Avatar
childish beyond measure. Originally Posted by anaximander
Childish beyond measure is all the name calling in this and other threads

Childish beyond measure is all the name calling in this and other threads


D'Rufus is hyperventilating and throwing a hissy-fit.....LOL!
anaximander's Avatar
I am not incorrect. The same chapters relate
when people do wrong to you, do exceedingly
well to them- puts coals on their head so it
says. I would add only if they have a sense
of guilt or a consence.

The Lord in no way advocates loitering
and just sitting around expecting people
to give you whatever you desire.

Destitute means you have next to nothing.
No ipod, iphone, macbook, blackberry, pc,
no ip of any kind.
The commie protesters pushed out the
destitute in order to have some place
to hold their commie political rally.

Infirm- read crippled and physically handicapped.
alcoholism, drug addiction, abused, or fat
do not qualify. Real retards don't kill.
Morons can and do.

When your spiritual brother Judas was troubling
a woman for wasting money on costly ointment
when it could have been spent on the poor.
Check the red letters buddy it will read
..do not be overly concerned with the
the poor, for the poor will always be with you...
Now depending on translations the prep phrasing
may differ but the intent is solid.

We are not to be overly concerned because
if we have asked the Lord to help it shows
great lack of faith to continue stressing out
over something that is likely out of your
direct control anyway.

Think for yourself.
Work for yourself.
Give praise to the Lord for All
(i thanked him for my atf)

I'm off to the shooting range
After 2,000 rounds I'll feel much better.
Ya'll have fun
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Take a reality check. A significant number of liberal voters don't like to work, and expect government to take care of them. They will not like Michelle Bachmann.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Take a reality check. A significant number of liberal voters don't like to work, and expect government to take care of them. They will not like Michelle Bachmann. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think alot of them are on this board
waverunner234's Avatar
Take a reality check. A significant number of liberal voters don't like to work, and expect government to take care of them. They will not like Michelle Bachmann. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't know if I work or not, but I sure don't like her.
She's a mismake of a human being.
They will not like Michelle Bachmann. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And to think, I thought I disliked Michelle Bachmann because of her insane political views!

Take a reality check. A significant number of liberal voters don't like to work, and expect government to take care of them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am interested in this "Liberal" idea of not having to go to work. What a unique concept, I believe it might have some merit! When did this legislation pass, I must have missed it? In any event, I am ready to sign up for my "freebies".

I have been in the private sector workforce since 1973. I have never collected unemployment except for 6 weeks in '73, when I first got out of the Army. I have never been without a job and only worked for 4 different company's during that time. I have never been laid off, fired or even disciplined. I've not kept a running total but I suspect I have missed (much) less than 100 workdays due to sickness, accident and/or injury during that entire time. But who's counting, right?

I am ready to kick back and enjoy my retirement and live off of Uncle Sam for awhile. And more importantly, I am ready to do a lot more hunting for wild game and wild women (in no particular order). Look out SS office, I'm coming to join ya, Honey!

But first I have a few basic questions:

1) Will the nearest SS office have a separate "Liberal" appication for me to fill out?
2) Or will there be a "Liberal" box on the standard SS application, that I will need to put a check mark in?
3) How much extra will I get paid if I put a check mark in the "Liberal" box?
4) How much less will you get paid if you put a check mark in the "Far Right Wing-Nut" box?

Damn, I wish I would have discovered this "Liberal" idea years ago! I would have been able to spend a lot more time deer and elk hunting! Damn, another missed opportunity!!!!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-13-2011, 05:39 AM
Take a reality check. A significant number of liberal voters don't like to work, and expect government to take care of them. They will not like Michelle Bachmann. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, well, there are a lot of conservatives who, if they had to actually work for a living, would be living off the government themselves. Rush Limbaugh, anyone?
44formore's Avatar
A man approached me the other day stating he needed help because he was out of work and was hungry. I offered to buy him lunch and asked him if he'd like to come by my place as I have a few chores needing done (painting, cleaning, some lawn work). I told him I would double min wage for him if he could tend to some of the work. He said no but asked me for pocket change.
waverunner234's Avatar
A man approached me the other day stating he needed help because he was out of work and was hungry. I offered to buy him lunch and asked him if he'd like to come by my place as I have a few chores needing done (painting, cleaning, some lawn work). I told him I would double min wage for him if he could tend to some of the work. He said no but asked me for pocket change. Originally Posted by 44formore
Maybe he had other "pressing appointments".
Maybe you didn't ask it friendly enough,

Or maybe you're just making this up!!!

Sure if I have paintwork to do, I'm quite sure that I will ask the first hungry chap on the street to do that for me, after all, he's a complete stranger, he's hungry, so of course I can trust him in my house + I'm sure he would do quality work since he's hungry right?
Or would I check him out first on the BBB website? Angie's list?

A man approached me the other day stating he needed help because he was out of work and was hungry. I offered to buy him lunch and asked him if he'd like to come by my place as I have a few chores needing done (painting, cleaning, some lawn work). I told him I would double min wage for him if he could tend to some of the work. He said no but asked me for pocket change. Originally Posted by 44formore
Probably one of those infectious Tea Party Rats, just looking for a free handout
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, It's the OWS people demanding free food.
And Princess Michele Obama primps and preens while many Americans starve....

Makeup artist Derrick Rutledge makes over Michelle Obama, Oprah — and himself

By Keith L. Alexander, Published: November 10
NEW ORLEANS — Chaka Khan is more than angry.
Instead of getting to rest before her show at the Louisiana Superdome, the R&B star has been booked for two speaking engagements. She’s holed up in her hotel suite, fuming. Outside, her assistants are waiting for her to open the door.

Celebrity make-up artist Derrick Rutledge gives tips on how to put make-up for work and going out.

Her makeup artist, Derrick Rutledge, is waiting, too. He just flew in to do her after working on Michelle Obama in the East Wing. After New Orleans, he’s scheduled to fly out to do Oprah Winfrey before returning home to Washington.

But first Rutledge has to persuade Khan to open the door. Finally, after 15 minutes, she does, and Rutledge distracts her by talking about two of her favorite subjects: tennis and shopping.

Within 30 minutes, Khan emerges, reddish mane flowing, lips sensuous in burgundy, looking glorious in a lace dress and carrying a hand fan.
“It wasn’t a good day,” Khan later admits. “I was nervous about speaking, but he calms me. He knows what to say to me.”

Rutledge has worked for Khan for 15 years. He knows what his client and close friend needs: a hug and some orange juice. “I’m more than just makeup,” he says. “I’m there for support as well.”

Rutledge is the man behind the look of some of the world’s most famous names. A leading makeup artist, he gets as much as $15,000 for a day’s work and boasts a coveted client list, including two of the nation’s most photographed faces, Michelle Obama and Oprah, as well as singers such as Patti LaBelle, Shirley Caesar and CeCe Winans. Just last month, his work was on the covers of Essence and AARP, which featured Obama, and O, which featured, obviously, Oprah.

A makeup artist does intimate work. More intimate than a hairdresser or personal assistant. Like an artist caressing a canvas, Rutledge touches and transforms faces, erasing flaws and reshaping contours. He brings out beauty, confidence, the sheen of stardom.

At a little after 9 p.m., with the audience roaring, Chaka Khan takes the Superdome stage. She’s a vision of wild beauty. Her boundless alto soars across the adoring, raving fans.

From backstage, Rutledge watches her on a monitor. “Yessss. Work, Chaka,” he cheers.

Had life dealt him a different set of cards, he’d be up there maybe, or on some stage, delivering arias as an opera star. They said he had the voice, he just didn’t have the beauty. He has battled obesity all his life — at his heaviest, his 5-foot-7-inch frame carried 565 pounds, with a 72-inch waist. At 50, he sometimes walks with a cane, or two, the result of mangled bones and cartilage from a lifetime of excessive pounds. That weight has defined his destiny.

Rutledge escapes pain by creating beauty. Life in his makeup chair is flawless. There’s no ugly here. No teasing.

In a fashion studio tucked away in a meatpacking district of Chelsea in New York, Rutledge is working on Winfrey as the media mogul prepares to shoot covers for her O magazine. Winfrey has used Rutledge since she saw the first lady on the June 1, 2009, cover of Time. “I said to myself, ‘Who did that?’ ” Winfrey recalls.