Mayweather is a bitch, coward & pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • pyro
  • 09-30-2011, 11:07 AM
fine, lets meet
all you pac- man fans..........READ THIS THREAD AND EAT CROW.........PAC-MAN will never fight Mayweather. Ain't no money in it.......LOL

  • layz1
  • 12-09-2012, 11:41 AM
And mayweather is still the king
johnny_boiii's Avatar
Hahaha trust me that fight will happen now! Mayweather will want it now! And manny will murder may..manny just got caught but still got it in him.i dont understand how yall can hate on pac..dude is the most humble athlete.he never talks any shit.and all he does is just smile..yeah his first knockdown he came back up with a smile and when he got laid out and after 2-3min he came back up with a bigger smile or loose manny is a champ in my eyes and what he brought to the sport of boxing..manny made boxing alive once again! You cant throw him under the bus becoz of one ko
  • layz1
  • 12-09-2012, 12:08 PM
Yea manny is a great sport but I always knew he was way overrated he is a brawler and has no boxing skills like mayweather. People hate on may because of his arrogance but that aside he is definatly the best boxer there is, manny would not be able to land anything just like marquez couldn't against mayweather trust me, and I am willing to take any bets.
hornfreak's Avatar
So,the question is........,who will give moneymay the best fight, I know it's not Marquez, cause moneymay tore his ass up, so who will be moneymays nest VICTIM?
bistraight69's Avatar
Studio time, filming liquor commercials, Filipino politics, where is the gym time, PacMan? Didn't you see the one where Rocky does the exact same thing?
Mojojo's Avatar
Studio time, filming liquor commercials, Filipino politics, where is the gym time, PacMan? Didn't you see the one where Rocky does the exact same thing? Originally Posted by bistraight69

Not sure if anyone's noticed but Manny's been in an i don't give a shit mode since his last fight with Bradley which hasn't worked in his favor. Marquez was in beast mode though!

Maywhether just stalled it enough because he knew this would happen, Pac would eventually either get old or just cave in to the stress. He's a great fighter but scared to lose.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-09-2012, 01:50 PM
I think Floyd will lose the next fight.
Man, FLoyd ain't losing any fight. Pac man could have fought Money a few years ago. If he would have teken the drug test to prove he wasn't taking anything. But, of course he wouldn't do that because he was oin that shit.........

Mayweather is the best pound for pound fighter out there.

Hell if it werern't for the canvas......Pacman would still be falling...........LOL
hornfreak's Avatar
So who y'all think moneymay will fight next?
Mojojo's Avatar
I think Floyd will lose the next fight. Originally Posted by trey
Won't happen!
He won't ever pick someone he knows might potentially have a shot at beating him.

So who y'all think moneymay will fight next? Originally Posted by hornfreak
Someone he doesn't have to worry about stalling and he can rip off.
  • layz1
  • 12-09-2012, 02:18 PM
soulman your exaclty right, everyone thinks that mayweather didn't want the fight but in fact it was manny who wanted at least 14 days before the fight with no drug test. If your not hiding anything take the damn test like mosley, ortiz, and cotto did.
  • layz1
  • 12-09-2012, 02:19 PM
I think may should fight Austin Trout who recently defeated cotto.
hornfreak's Avatar
See there.... That's why I stopped watching boxing got a while. It's business as usual, too much fucken politics involved, some of these fighters are too pussies to fight each other. I'm glad I haven't payed any ppvs in many years. What about that guy, I can't remember his name, the one that his daddy combs his hair after his fights? Is he in moneymays weight?