DNC Night 2 theme - Adultery

gfejunkie's Avatar
Yeah....they are removing the first shift and replacing them with the second shift. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Gotta make up for all of those Bernie delegates that took a hike.
LexusLover's Avatar
Gotta make up for all of those Bernie delegates that walked out. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Will they be able to do that with the same ethnicity percentages?

Or are they going to "weight" the image in favor of the minorities?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Will they be able to do that with the same ethnicity percentages?

Or are they going to "weight" the image in favor of the minorities? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The latter. Not the former.
  • DSK
  • 07-27-2016, 08:43 PM
I have been consistent since the Lewinsky story broke into the public media of these two things:
#1, he lied about it and later lied about it under oath in a court proceeding , and
#2, it was classic "sexual harassment" by virtue of using is superior position of authority on the job to obtain sex from a subordinate.

The first is perjury, which impacts on his credibility by virtue of it being a felony involving moral turpitude.
The second is ground for termination of any superior and/or executive, whether in the private or public sector.

You saw just what happened "Aires" with Fox. It is my understanding he just "asked"!

The relevance today is: #1 and #2, he shouldn't be allowed back in public life in a position of trust; it impacts directly on his credibility when he was describing Hillarious and their "love affair"; and his repetitive predator behavior contradicts the "wonderful" relationship he described in their "love story"! As for the relevance to her ... she has expressed he will be a part of the administration on an "intimate" level (probably the most as far as presence is concerned) and his lack of credibility is consistent with hers ... He's as much a liar as she is one.

We just finished 8 years of lying, so we are to endure 4 more? The FBI director has confirmed HillariousNoMore lied about the emails, and the Judge confirmed that Bill lied about having sex in the White House ... WHILE HILLARIOUSNOMORE was in the other end of the HOUSE! Two serial liars wanting back into the White House and back on the Government payroll! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hillary probably considered him a type of super predator, also!!