Film thread

notdeadyet's Avatar
The naming of Schindler's List raises a point that I find interesting. SL was a great movie in every respect -- a noteworthy story that is well-written, well-directed well-acted, etc. BUT, despite the uplifting ending, I left the theater feeling that the movie was so emotionally draining that I'd never want to watch it again.

So, any movies that you loved seeing, but wouldn't want to see again? And why not?

I guess that the above is on-topic. Not trying any hijacking here.
i loved Monte Walsh..with Lee Marvin and Jack Palance..and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.....

bring a hankie
Foreign films: Downfall and Il Postino Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
The last good foreign film I watched was "UV."
It didn't hurt that Nicholas Cazale wasn't shabby as eye candy either.

The naming of Schindler's List raises a point that I find interesting. SL was a great movie in every respect -- a noteworthy story that is well-written, well-directed well-acted, etc. BUT, despite the uplifting ending, I left the theater feeling that the movie was so emotionally draining that I'd never want to watch it again.

So, any movies that you loved seeing, but wouldn't want to see again? And why not?

I guess that the above is on-topic. Not trying any hijacking here. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
That's how I felt after watching Million Dollar Baby, I never sobbed so hard at the end of a film. Felt like I had been kicked in the gut.
"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" was like that, too.
Going Vagal's Avatar
I guess this dates me but on the top of the list is Doctor Zhivago.

Also Platoon, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The Shinning, Jerry Maguire

The naming of Schindler's List raises a point that I find interesting. SL was a great movie in every respect -- a noteworthy story that is well-written, well-directed well-acted, etc. BUT, despite the uplifting ending, I left the theater feeling that the movie was so emotionally draining that I'd never want to watch it again.

So, any movies that you loved seeing, but wouldn't want to see again? And why not?

I guess that the above is on-topic. Not trying any hijacking here. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
Centruroides's Avatar
Chris Nolan is a brilliant writer and director. He re-vived the Batman franchise which frankly was in the toilet prior to that. There is a lot of buzz about his latest movie "Inception" which is currently in post-production. I think it's due out in summer. He's keeping the synopsis of the film under tight wraps...all he's said is it's a thriller set within the architecture of the mind. He's a bit of a Ridley Scott when it comes to actors in that he tends to have favourites lol. He uses Christian Bale and Michael Caine frequently..both of whom are good actors IMO. Bale in American Psycho was just chilling. Originally Posted by Camille
I did read up on "Inception." Looks like it stars Leonardo DiCaprio. Wasn't a big fan of his, but the older he gets the better he gets. He was awesome in Body of Lies. Don't know if you caught the Pilot for Caprica, but that came to mind reading about Inception.

With regard to Batman, I've watched #2 at least 5 or 6 times and Heath Ledger gets creepier every time. There are so many subtleties to his performance that you need to see it over and over again to pick them up. What a shame.

Just curious if anyone has seen Hell Ride. I haven't met anyone else that enjoyed it. I had as much fun watching that as any movie I've seen in the last 10 years. It's not life changing, it is what it is.

[ame=""]YouTube- HELL RIDE - Trailer[/ame]
AllStarShortstop's Avatar
two foreign films that i enjoyed...

le pacte des loups aka the brotherhood of the wolf
indigenes aka days of glory

two films i haven't seen mentioned...

the three burials of melquiades estrada

and for some oldies...

to kill a mockingbird
the grapes of wrath
the longest day (with the foreign languages)


btw...i could watch snatch and no country for old men over and over again...
I never sobbed so hard at the end of a film. Felt like I had been kicked in the gut. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Another one that will make you feel like this is Sophie's Choice.

I watched it with a friend of mine who was the mother to two small kids. Her anguish was so great she fled the room crying, and I'm sure she had nightmares for a long time thereafter.