
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That I condone the gangs and gang violence? Read the thread, ain't no proof of it.

did i say you did? the real question is .. is it happening? it is.

Sure shit, I can confirm that it's a crying fucking shame that they got in but am tickled pink they're on their way back out.

Asylum is law. We need to respect that law and part of that respect that law and staff up to be able to let it work properly.

As for the gang violence, those shithole complexes were already shitholes run by slumlords that already had a litany of violations, crimes, bad characters and utter bullshit going on in them that many folks turn a blind eye to daily because ignorance is bliss.

But pretending the issue is bigger than it is... nah.

it's bigger than you think and the media wants the public to know. it's happening everywhere these illegals are settling

And thanks for dodging tbe question again. The long and short is there's absolutrly nothing in that situstion that requires the national guard or army to save thr people of Aurora.

your question is not relevant to Trump. two words Posse Comitatus .. look it up

it's up to the Governor of Colorado to call up the Colorado National Guard. so far he hasn't determined it is needed. the only remaining questions is .. when it does become needed will he? we shall see. he's being a libtard Dem like Walz let Denver burn to the ground. i guess he also likes the smell of burning tires

Happy to have you back, though. I onvite you to stay as long as u want to liven up the place Originally Posted by HDGristle

asylum is law and it's being abused by the DemonRats to flood the nation with these "wonderful people" ..

another example of "understated violence"?

let me get to the real point .. are these the kind of "immigrants" we really want in America?
HDGristle's Avatar
Waco, if you cite Posse Commitatus then you should also be able to cite how it could be used.

Drop the partisan crap

Do you know where TdA's takeover really is and what duels the rest of the machine? It's not the apartment complexes.