Why are Hobbyist so rude in Texas?

gimme_that's Avatar
Last I heard, it was a board-wide policy. And 82Vintage... deuces? "Toss up the deuces"? I don't get the reference. Originally Posted by Bobave
The dueces reference is in reference to when a person puts up their middle finger and pointer finger and showing the sign of peace.....which in this case means......dueces or more formally "see you later, I'm done with you, or this"Chris brown, an singer and dancer kinda coined this term in one of his new songs.

Another way of saying peace...in slang terminolgy is to say or throw up 'a playboy bunny' or the 'double nympho'.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Rude, angry and honest/truthful are different things. Just throwing that out there to whoever wants to take it.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Rude, angry and honest/truthful are different things. Just throwing that out there to whoever wants to take it. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA

Can be.... yes absolutely.... they can be the same thing too...... sometimes taking the "sugar coat" off of certain things can come off as rude and/or angry........ Just like "Being Nice" can also mean (but not always) lying.......

pyramider's Avatar
Can be.... yes absolutely.... they can be the same thing too...... sometimes taking the "sugar coat" off of certain things can come off as rude and/or angry........ Just like "Being Nice" can also mean (but not always) lying.......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

Which is worse . . . A harsh review? Or a white knighted review?

I prefer the honest review even if it might be harsh.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 04-02-2011, 12:16 AM
heh! you think that was a rude review? He actually made quite a few compliments and just laid it out the way he saw things with his particular experience.
Isabel's Avatar
Yeah... I hate that... they are so nice to your face and then.... One guy sent me a hateful e mail... should I let it get to me?????????? It is the first time I get one of these...
Yeah... I hate that... they are so nice to your face and then.... One guy sent me a hateful e mail... should I let it get to me?
I'm afraid that is human nature. From his perspective he might have felt that he was given really poor service but didn't want to tell you that to your face. I'm not saying that was the case, but just a possible explanation. I've been with providers who were just bloody awful, but I would not dream of being less than polite or friendly while in their company. I would not be sending them hate mail afterwards though, especially when I have a keyboard and ECCIE at my disposal!