This Ones For The Guys!! Make-up Or Natural ?

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-03-2010, 08:38 PM
Hmmm....note to self: Buy some red lipstick Originally Posted by CinfullyUrs
Replicant's Avatar
I must say, I really love eye makeup. The eye makeup you (kaci) have on in your pictures is just right IMO, and drives me absolutely crazy!
johnnybax's Avatar
Bright red FTW
liesas's Avatar
Natural is always better. Less opportunity for it to rub off.
Gfe Referrals's Avatar
Natural! If you must wear make up try and keep it to a minimum.
textodd11's Avatar
A little is appreciated but too much is a definite turn-off. I like eye makeup but not much else and PLEASE stay away from anything with glitter. That shit is like radiation and once you're exposed it has a half-life of about 300 years.
RobRoy's Avatar
Wear nothing that might rub off on me or my clothes.

boardman's Avatar
I prefer a woman that can go without. Light makeup correctly applied certainly can enhance her features, though. It doesn't do anything for me when she tries to change her appearance completely.
The bottom line is, it is always better to be totally natural, that means no make-up and yes no cloths I always love it when a women answers the door with absolutely nothing on and completely natural !!
johnnybax's Avatar
It depends on the woman. I think most look better with some makeup.
Makeup can be fun. It's a different look, and it can be stunning.

However, if a man finds me attractive when I'm natural, that increases my comfort and confidence with him - which will translate to appreciation and lust in the bedroom. It's nice to feel beautiful when you're with a man.
growler's Avatar
Natural preferably,or a hint of makeup if you must. trimed or bare,and natural nails.
Nothing better than a pretty girl! Love the Natural look!
natural or at least mostly natural.
I'm not a make up type of person, i always go without. But I do have one of my favorite gentlemen who prefers me to wear it, so I take it with me and apply it at the beginning of the session. Red lipstick is a must!