What if you meet a provider in public...

john_galt's Avatar
The gas station post reminded me of the time I was leaving the Naval Base in Norfolk early one morning. I had just spent the night on duty and was burned out. A half a block from the gate was a woman sitting on the curb also looking trashed. I recognized her from Ocean View the SW zone. An attractive Amerasian women with long black hair. She had a white streak that started at her widows peak. I stopped and offered her a ride to her home. She accepted and got into my car. She wanted to stop at a convenience store for a coke. As I was waiting a patrol car pulled up with some of the cities finest at the wheel. They had seen her get out of my car and one officer sauntered over and asked my intentions. I told him point blank that I knew what she did but I was going home the same direction that she was and offered her a ride. No money had exchanged hands and I had no intention other than going home to bed. He looked at me for a minute trying to decide if I had incriminated myself or not. He finally shook his head and walked back to his car. She returned to the car and on the way home she asked if she could sleep at my place. I offered her breakfast which she turned down and she undressed for bed. I came into my bedroom and she was face down wearing only little black panties. I found it very difficult (you could say hard) to sleep next to this beautiful woman. We never did anything beyond sleep. Sometimes I can just kick myself for being a gentleman (or schmuck).
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
offer her a quick A for a quick BBjtc yeah I said it